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Instructions of PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion


Whether your teenage years occurred a few years ago or even decades ago, there is a strong chance you remember the excitement and challenges of being a teenager. During adolescence, your parents may have begun treating you differently and offering you greater independence. You may remember feeling unsure as to whether you were a child or an adult. The changes to your body were likely both exciting and scary. During this same time, there were also many changes occurring that you could not see. Your brain was continuing to develop in important ways. If as a teenager you ever felt your emotions were overwhelming, or you felt compelled to take risks, this may have been why.

Now consider the teenagers of today. Do the teenagers you know spend endless hours on their cell phones texting, tweeting, and posting to social media accounts? Do they get anxious if they cannot respond quickly enough to friends when their parents request that they put their cell phone away during mealtimes? Were there similar technology related challenges when you were a teenager? Rapidly changing technology impacts the experiences and development of teenagers in important ways and presents unique challenges to parents and caregivers.

For this Discussion, you will analyze the effect of ongoing physical maturation on adolescent behavior. You will also examine the impact of social media on adolescent development.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Discussion.

Required Readings

Required Media

Optional Resources

To prepare:

  • Review Chapters 14, 15, and 16 in your course text and the additional required readings. Especially note the articles “The Psychology of Begging to be Followed on X (formerly Twitter)” and “The Furor Over Facebook.”

  • Consider the impact of changes during puberty and the ongoing maturation of the brain during adolescence.

  • Consider how physical changes impact adolescent behavior. Focus on some of the stereotypes regarding adolescence (e.g., moodiness and the possibility of risk-taking behavior).

  • Consider the impact of social media on the developing brain and the overall development of the adolescent.


With these thoughts in mind, post an analysis of the impact of ongoing physical maturation (i.e., pubertal change, brain maturation) on adolescent behavior. Also, post an analysis of the impact of social media on adolescent behavior. Pay particular attention to the danger for risk-taking behavior and how social media may shape the nature of development for teens today. Discuss your ideas for how parents and the larger community can successfully guide adolescents through this time.

Note: Support your initial post with evidence from at least one Learning Resource. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style.


Respond by Day 5 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings. Offer additional ideas regarding the factors that impact adolescents’ risk-taking behaviors and share ideas as to how parents could guide adolescents through this impactful time.

Note: Your responses to colleagues should be substantial (200–300 words), supported with scholarly evidence from your research and/or the Learning Resources, and properly cited in APA style. Personal anecdotes are acceptable within meaningful responses but cannot stand alone as a response. Responses should enrich the initial post by supporting and/or adding a fresh viewpoint and be constructive, enhancing the learning for all students.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the Reply button to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Post Reply, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!  

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion

Introduction to PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion

This PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion requires an analysis of how ongoing physical maturation and social media influence adolescent behaviour. In PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion, you will explore the relationship between brain development, puberty, and behaviours such as risk-taking. Additionally, you will examine the impact of social media on these behaviours and suggest strategies for parents and the community to guide adolescents through these challenges.


  • Introduce the assignment’s purpose and outline the key areas of focus. Explain briefly the significance of understanding the impact of physical maturation and social media on adolescent behavior.


The adolescent years are a critical period marked by significant physical and psychological changes that directly impact behaviours and emotional responses. These changes are compounded by modern phenomena like social media, which has become a ubiquitous presence influencing adolescent development in complex ways.

Post an analysis of the impact of ongoing physical maturation (i.e., pubertal change, brain maturation) on adolescent behaviour.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion, we will discuss the impact of ongoing physical maturation on adolescent behaviour.

  • Discuss how puberty and brain maturation influence adolescent behaviour. 
  • Focus on the development of the prefrontal cortex and limbic system and how hormonal changes affect behaviour.


During adolescence, the brain undergoes substantial development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and reasoning. The development continues into young adulthood, which explains some of the hallmark behaviours associated with adolescence, such as emotional intensity and risk-taking. The limbic system, which processes emotions, develops ahead of the prefrontal cortex, leading to heightened emotional responses and a propensity for riskier behaviours due to an underdeveloped capacity for regulating these responses. Moreover, puberty brings about hormonal changes that further complicate these neural developments. These hormonal influences can exacerbate moodiness and emotional unpredictability, traits commonly stereotyped in adolescents. The ongoing maturation of the brain, coupled with these hormonal shifts, lays a biological foundation for the erratic and exploratory behaviours often observed during this developmental stage.

Post an analysis of the impact of social media on adolescent behaviour. Pay particular attention to the danger of risk-taking behaviour and how social media may shape the nature of development for teens today.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion, we will discuss the impact of social media on adolescent behaviour.

  • Analyse how social media influences adolescent behaviour, focusing on risk-taking behaviours and the psychological impact of digital interactions. 
  • Discuss the feedback loop created by social media and its effects on self-perception and peer approval.


Social media introduces an additional layer of complexity to adolescent development. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook significantly affect how adolescents perceive themselves and interact with the world. The constant feedback loop provided by social media—through likes, comments, and shares—can become a source of validation and reinforcement that is intensely compelling at a stage where peer approval is highly valued (Roberts, 2014). Digital engagement also comes with risks. The pursuit of peer approval can lead to risk-taking behaviours, such as oversharing personal information, engaging in online challenges, or mimicking unhealthy behaviours popularised by influencers or celebrities. The addictive nature of social media interactions can exacerbate these behaviours, as teens may prioritise online engagement over real-world consequences. Furthermore, the accessibility of social media means that teens are not only consumers but also broadcasters of content, often without the maturity to foresee the long-term impacts of their digital footprints. The dynamic can profoundly influence their social and emotional development, sometimes leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues when online interactions become negative or overwhelming.

Discuss your ideas for how parents and the larger community can successfully guide adolescents through this time.


This section of  PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion will discuss the guidance for parents and the community.

  • Provide strategies for parents and the community to support adolescents through this developmental stage. 
  • Emphasise open communication, setting boundaries, and promoting digital literacy.


Navigating adolescence in the age of social media requires active involvement and guidance from both parents and the larger community. Parents can play a pivotal role by fostering open communications about online behaviour and its implications. Setting boundaries on the use of digital devices while also respecting adolescents’ growing need for autonomy can help manage their exposure to potential online risks. Educators and community leaders can also contribute by providing programs that educate teens about the responsible use of technology and the importance of maintaining a healthy digital identity. Schools could integrate digital literacy into their curricula to teach students about the benefits and dangers of social media from an informed perspective. Additionally, mental health resources should be readily available to address any negative impacts of social media usage. These resources can offer strategies to cope with cyberbullying, social anxiety, and other related issues, ensuring that adolescents have the support they need to navigate these challenges effectively. 


Roberts, K. (2014, February 26). The psychology of begging to be followed on X (formerly Twitter).The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/02/the-psychology-of-begging-to-be-followed-on-twitter/283947/ 

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings. Offer additional ideas regarding the factors that impact adolescents’ risk-taking behaviours and share ideas as to how parents could guide adolescents through this impactful time.


  • Respond to a peer’s post by expanding on their analysis. 
  • Highlight additional factors that influence adolescent behaviour and suggest further strategies for parental guidance.


Hi Erica,

You have made excellent points about the complexities influencing adolescent behaviour, especially highlighting the role of social media. I would like to expand on the factors impacting adolescents’ risk-taking behaviours and suggest additional strategies for parental guidance during this critical period.

Adolescents’ risk-taking behaviours are not solely influenced by their biological development and social media interactions. Peer influence plays a substantial role during this developmental stage. Research indicates that adolescents are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviours when they are in the presence of peers than when alone (Defoe et al., 2020). The susceptibility is partly due to the heightened sensitivity to social acceptance during adolescence, which is exacerbated by the social dynamics facilitated by digital platforms.

Environmental factors also contribute significantly. Adolescents raised in environments with high levels of parental monitoring, clear rules, and warm, supportive relationships are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviours. In contrast, those who experience neglectful parenting or inconsistent discipline may seek acceptance and guidance through external, sometimes unreliable, sources, including social media platforms.

To guide adolescents effectively, parents can adopt an approach that balances supervision with respect for the adolescent’s growing need for autonomy. Open communication is critical; parents should discuss the reasons behind rules and the potential consequences of risky behaviours, making these discussions an ongoing conversation rather than a one-time lecture. Additionally, encouraging adolescents to engage in extracurricular activities can provide them with a sense of community and accomplishment, reducing the time spent online and the influence of potentially harmful peer interactions.

Parents can also foster resilience by helping adolescents develop problem-solving skills and emotional regulation strategies. It can be facilitated through modelling behaviour, discussing hypothetical scenarios, and encouraging reflection on the consequences of different choices.


Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., Dalmaijer, E. S., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). Is the Peer Presence Effect on Heightened Adolescents Risky Decision-Making Only Present in Males? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(3), 693–705. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-019-01179-9 


This Owlisdom How-To Guide of PSYC 2002 5-1 Discussion hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavours. In the next module of PSYC 2002, we will explore the 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality.

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