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NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy

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Instructions of NURS 201 Week 7

Reflection: Caring & Empathy

  • Due Feb 26, 2023 by 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Submitting a file upload

When do patients fill out their satisfaction surveys?

Traditionally patients are sent satisfaction surveys long after they have left the healthcare setting being reviewed. Think about when you have given feedback in the past – it’s probably been when you received either exceptionally great or really terrible service. By truly being caring and empathetic to your patients, you’re more likely to leave a positive and lasting impression on them, in addition to providing the high-quality and patient-centered care they deserve. 

After completing the reading and video content for this week, your assignment is to interview someone who has been a patient in the past. It can be anyone – all he or she needs is to have memories of being a patient in a healthcare setting, anywhere. You will then submit a written reflection based on this interview. The goal of this is to assess the impression their nurse left surrounding caring & empathy.

Use these questions as a guide. The assignment is to be completed in an informal/journal writing style, with a minimum of two paragraphs. No references or APA formatting is necessary.

  • Who did you interview? (Names are not necessary – simply grandmother, husband, classmate, friend, etc. will suffice)
  • Explain their encounter in the healthcare setting when cared for by a nurse.
  • How well did the nursing staff work together? Did that affect their impression(s)?
  • What were some actions of the nurse in which he or she demonstrated caring or empathy? (Try to identify 4-5 actions)
  • Did the nurse have any actions that were not caring? If so, explain.
  • How likely is this person to trust this nurse again?


Caring & Empathy Reflection

Caring & Empathy Reflection




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to Assignment Prompt Questions

6 pts

Full Marks

Thoroughly addressed most of the assignment prompt questions; demonstrated insightful reflection

3 pts

Partial Marks

Addressed some of the prompt questions; was brief and/or lacked insight or reflection

0 pts

No Marks

Did not address prompt questions; no insight or reflective thoughts.

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCaring Behaviors/Actions

4 pts

Full Marks

Described at least 4 caring actions/behaviors by the nurse

2 pts

Partial Marks

Described 2 or 3 caring actions/behaviors of the nurse

0 pts

No Marks

No caring actions/behaviors described

4 pts

Total Points: 10

Step-By-Step Guide on NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy

Introduction To NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy

This Owlisdom’s NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy assignment focuses on understanding the importance of caring and empathy in nursing by reflecting on a real patient’s experience. By following this NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy guide, You will conduct an interview with someone who has been a patient and write a reflection on their encounter, specifically evaluating the nurse’s demonstration of caring and empathy.

When do patients fill out their satisfaction surveys?
Traditionally patients are sent satisfaction surveys long after they have left the healthcare setting being reviewed. Think about when you have given feedback in the past – it’s probably been when you received either exceptionally great or really terrible service. By truly being caring and empathetic to your patients, you’re more likely to leave a positive and lasting impression on them, in addition to providing the high-quality and patient-centred care they deserve. 
After completing the reading and video content for this week, your assignment is to interview someone who has been a patient in the past. It can be anyone – all he or she needs is to have memories of being a patient in a healthcare setting, anywhere. You will then submit a written reflection based on this interview. The goal of this is to assess the impression their nurse left surrounding caring & empathy.
Use these questions as a guide. The assignment is to be completed in an informal/journal writing style, with a minimum of two paragraphs. No references or APA formatting is necessary.
Who did you interview? (Names are not necessary – simply grandmother, husband, classmate, friend, etc. will suffice) 

Interview Preparation

We will discuss interview preparation in this section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy.

Selecting the Interviewee: 


Understanding the importance of caring and empathy in nursing is crucial for providing high-quality, patient-centered care. This essay involves conducting an interview with a former patient to reflect on their healthcare encounter, focusing on the nurse’s demonstration of caring and empathy. The aim of this reflection is to assess the impression left by the nurse regarding caring and empathy and its impact on the patient’s experience.

  • Choose someone who has been a patient in a healthcare setting. It could be a family member, friend, or classmate.
  • Ensure they are comfortable sharing their experiences.

Formulating Questions:

  • Use the provided questions as a guide:
    • Who did you interview?
    • Explain their encounter in the healthcare setting.
    • How well did the nursing staff work together?
    • Identify 4-5 actions of the nurse that demonstrated caring or empathy.
    • Were there any actions that did not care?
    • How likely is this person to trust this nurse again?

Conducting the Interview

In this section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy, we will discuss Conducting the Interview.

Setting the Scene:

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable location for the interview to ensure the interviewee feels at ease.

Engaging with the Interviewee:

  • Begin with a brief explanation of the purpose of the interview.
  • Ask the questions in a conversational manner, allowing the interviewee to elaborate on their experiences.
  • Listen actively and take notes.

Interview with a Former Patient

For this reflection, I interviewed my grandmother, who was hospitalised last year for a minor surgery. Her insights into her interactions with the nursing staff provided a profound understanding of how nurses’ actions can significantly impact a patient’s experience.

Explain their encounter in the healthcare setting when cared for by a nurse.

Introduction of the Interviewee:

  • Briefly introduce the interviewee (e.g., grandmother, friend) without using real names.

DescriptioSummarisethcare Encounter:

  • Summarize the interviewee’s experience in the healthcare setting, focusing on the interactions with the nursing staff.


My grandmother’s healthcare encounter occurred in a mid-sized hospital where she stayed for three days post-surgery. From the onset, she felt apprehensive due to her age and the nature of her surgery. However, she recounted that the nursing staff played a crucial role in alleviating her fears and ensuring her comfort throughout her stay.

How well did the nursing staff work together? Did that affect their impression(s)?

Analysis of Nursing Staff Collaboration:

This section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy will discuss the Analysis of Nursing Staff Collaboration.

  • Discuss how well the nursing staff worked together and the impact on the interviewee’s impressions.


According to my grandmother, the nursing staff worked seamlessly together. They were well-coordinated, with clear communication and efficient task delegation. This effective teamwork was evident in the way they managed her post-operative care, ensuring that she received timely medication and assistance. The collaborative effort among the nurses created a supportive environment, which positively affected her impression of the healthcare setting. She felt confident that she was in capable hands, which significantly contributed to her overall sense of well-being.

What were some actions of the nurse in which he or she demonstrated caring or empathy? (Try to identify 4-5 actions)

Identification of Caring and Empathy Actions:

  • Highlight leabehavioursecific actions or behaviors that demonstrated the nurse’s caring and empathy.


My grandmother identified several actions by the nurses that demonsPersonalisedg and empathy:

  1. Personalized Care: One of the nurses took the time to learn about my grandmother’s preferences and fears,personalisedd in providing personalized care. This nurse always addressed her by name, which made her feel valued and respected.
  2. Emotional Support: The nurses frequently checked on her emotional state, offering words of encouragement and comfort. They were always ready to listen to her concerns, which helped in reducing her anxiety and stress.
  3. Physical Comfort: The nursing staff was attentive to her physical comfort, ensuring that she had enough pillows and adjusting her bed as needed. They also helped her with mobility exercises to prevent stiffness and promote recovery.
  4. Patient Education: The nurses took the time to educate her about her condition, the surgical procedure, and the recovery process. This empowered her with knowledge and reduced her fear of the unknown.
  5. Family Inclusion: The nurses included her family in her care, providing them with updates and involving them in decision-making processes. This not only reassured my grandmother but also strengthened the trust between the healthcare team and her family.

Did the nurse have any actions that were not caring? If so, explain.

Evaluation of Non-Caring Actions:

This section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy will discuss the Evaluation of Non-Caring Actions.

  • If applicable, describe any actions that were not caring and their effects on the interviewee.


While most of her experiences were positive, my grandmother did recall a few instances that lacked empathy. For example, one nurse seemed rushed and inattentive, which made her feel like a burden. This nurse’s hurried demeanour and lack of eye contact during interactions made my grandmother feel less important. Although these instances were rare, they did affect her overall perception of the care she received.

How likely is this person to trust this nurse again?

Trust Evaluation:

In this section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy, we will discuss Trust Evaluation.

  • Reflect on how likely the interviewee is to trust the nurse again based on their experience.


Despite the few negative interactions, my grandmother expressed a high level of trust in the nursing staff overall. The positive experiences far outweighed the negatives, and the genuine care and empathy shown by most nurses left a lasting impression. She mentioned that if she ever needed medical care again, she would feel confident returning to the same hospital, primarily because of the compassionate and dedicated nursing staff.

Review and Submission

In this section of NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy, we will discuss Review and Submission.

Proofreading and Editing:

  • Review your reflection for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy.
  • Ensure it is written in an informal/journal style.

Formatting and File Upload:

  • Check that the reflection meets the length requirement (minimum of two paragraphs).
  • No need for references or APA formatting.
  • Upload the file before the due date.


By completing this NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy assignment, you will gain insights into the impact of caring and empathy in nursing from a patient’s perspective. This NURS 201 Week 7 – Caring and Empathy guide will help you understand the importance of these qualities in providing high-quality, patient-centered care, ultimately enhancing your own practice as a nurse. You can also read NURS 201 complete modules to ace the course!

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