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SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment

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Instructions of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment

Do: Implicit Bias Assignment

  • Due Feb 16 by 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Submitting a file upload

Please be sure to read through all the directions prior to starting this assignment.

Cautionary Note: This assignment can be difficult due to the fact that it will likely reveal your implicit biases. Please know it is VERY easy to become defensive during this process. Keep in mind we are all humans, we all have strengths and weaknesses. Even though we would like to think that none of us hold biases, this is simply not the case. Any quality healthcare provider is willing to consider their weaknesses and work towards improvement.

Keep in mind that even though this assessment might reveal elements about yourself that you are not proud of, it is the first step in improving those elements. Also, keep in mind that only I will see these assignments- there is a reason that this is not a discussion assignment as this will hopefully promote you to be more open, knowing that you are submitting the assignment to the instructor and the only the instructor.

Also, know that these assessments are based on scholarly research- it is not like taking a survey in a magazine. The research uses automatic preferences to measure a user’s likelihood of identifying one group more positivity than another group. Know that in order for this to be a meaningful exercise you must be open to the process and you must accept that as humans we have biases.

Step 1:
Go to the following website: Implicit BiasesLinks to an external site.
(take a screenshot of your results to upload them later with your assignment)

  • Take the Skin Tone IAT
  • And take one of the following IATs:
    Native American
    Asian American

Step 2:
Discuss your results by addressing the following points. Keep in mind the points above and that it is normal to have biases, strive to be open to the process.

  • What have you learned about yourself through this process?
  • How do you think that your biases can impact your behaviors?
  • How can implicit bias affect interpersonal interactions? Keep in mind that it is well established that implicit biases can predict behaviors. Think through all of the examples you were provided in the readings.
  • Identify one specific and purposeful way that you can work towards addressing your implicit biases.
  • Upload your results with your written assignment.

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment

Introduction To on SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment

This Owlisdom How-To guide of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment focuses on understanding implicit biases through personal reflection and analysis of the results from taking Implicit Association Tests (IAT). The goal is to identify subconscious attitudes that affect behaviour and interactions and to develop strategies to address and mitigate these biases. This SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment guide will help you navigate each section of the assignment, ensuring a thorough and reflective approach.

Write a report involving the following steps.
Step 1:
Go to the following website: Implicit Biases Links to an external site.
(take a screenshot of your results to upload them later with your assignment)
1. Take the Skin Tone IAT
And take one of the following IATs:
2. Native American
Asian American

Write A Report

Step 2:
Discuss your results by addressing the following points. Keep in mind the points above and that it is normal to have biases; strive to be open to the process.
What have you learned about yourself through this process?
How do you think that your biases can impact your behaviours?
How can implicit bias affect interpersonal interactions? Keep in mind that implicit biases can predict behaviours. Think through all of the examples you were provided in the readings.
Identify one specific and purposeful way that you can work towards addressing your implicit biases.

Understanding Implicit Bias

We will understand the implicit bias in this section of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment.

  1. Implicit biases are subconscious attitudes or stereotypes that influence our understanding, actions, and decisions. These biases are ingrained through societal influences and personal experiences, often without our conscious awareness. Start by defining implicit bias and discussing its origins and significance.

Taking the Implicit Association Tests (IAT)

This section of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment will discuss taking the Implicit Association Tests (IAT).

  1. The IAT measures automatic associations between different concepts. For this assignment, you will take two specific IATs: the Skin Tone IAT and the Arab-Muslim IAT. Summarise what the IAT entails and why it is used to measure implicit biases.

Personal Reflections on IAT Results

In this section of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment, we will discuss personal reflections on the results.

  1. Reflect on your experience taking the IATs and the results you received. Discuss the specific outcomes of the Skin Tone IAT and the Arab-Muslim IAT and what these results reveal about your implicit biases. Be honest and introspective in your reflection.

Impact of Biases on Behavior

In this section of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment, we will discuss the impact of biases on behaviour.

  1. Analyse how implicit biases can influence behaviour in subtle ways. Discuss how your biases, as revealed by the IATs, might affect your interactions with individuals from different racial and cultural backgrounds. Provide examples of potential impacts on body language, tone of voice, and decision-making.

Biases in Interpersonal Interactions

  1. Examine how implicit biases affect interpersonal interactions, including nonverbal communication, decision-making, and stereotypes. Discuss how these biases can lead to microaggressions and affect the inclusivity of social and professional environments.

Strategies to Address Implicit Biases

This section of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment will discuss strategies to address implicit biases.

  1. Identify and discuss specific strategies to address and reduce implicit biases. These can include participating in diversity and inclusion programs, expanding social and professional networks, practising active listening and open-mindedness, and engaging in regular self-reflection and education. Provide detailed examples and explain how these strategies can be implemented effectively.


Implicit biases are subconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions. These biases are ingrained through societal influences and personal experiences, often without our conscious awareness. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a tool used to measure these biases by assessing automatic associations between different concepts. This report discusses my personal experience taking the Skin Tone IAT and the Arab-Muslim IAT, analysing my results and their implications on my behaviour and interactions, and proposing strategies to address my implicit biases.

Things I Learned About Myself Through This Process

Taking the Skin Tone IAT and the Arab-Muslim IAT was an eye-opening experience. The Skin Tone IAT results revealed a slight automatic preference for lighter skin tones over darker skin tones. The Arab-Muslim IAT results indicated a moderate automatic preference for non-Arab Muslims over Arab Muslims. These results were surprising, as I consider myself open-minded and accepting of all individuals, regardless of their skin tone or cultural background. However, these tests highlighted the presence of subconscious biases that I was unaware of.

This experience has taught me that implicit biases can exist even in individuals who consciously reject discriminatory beliefs and behaviours. It has underscored the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning in reducing and managing these biases. Understanding that implicit biases are common and can be unintentional is the first step toward addressing them. Recognising their existence within myself has motivated me to be more vigilant in identifying and mitigating their influence on my thoughts and actions.

How Biases Can Impact One’s Behaviors

Implicit biases can significantly impact behaviours, often in ways we may not immediately recognise. In my case, my slight preference for lighter skin tones and moderate preference for non-Arab Muslims could influence my interactions with individuals from different racial and cultural backgrounds. These biases manifest subtly, such as in my body language, tone of voice, or warmth and openness toward others.

For instance, I may unconsciously exhibit more positive and encouraging behaviours towards individuals with lighter skin tones or non-Arab Muslims while being less approachable or supportive towards those with darker skin tones or Arab Muslims. Ruba and his colleagues (2022) in their study showed that “one study found 3- to 7-year-old White American children were more “accurate” at inferring emotions on White faces compared to Black faces.” It can create a less inclusive and welcoming environment for the latter groups, potentially affecting their sense of belonging and overall social or professional experience.

Additionally, these biases could impact decision-making processes, such as hiring or collaboration choices, where I might subconsciously favour candidates or colleagues who align more closely with my implicit preferences. Such behaviours can contribute to systemic inequalities and hinder organisational diversity and inclusion efforts.

Implicit Bias and Interpersonal Interactions

Implicit biases can profoundly affect interpersonal interactions by influencing perceptions, judgments, and behaviours. Research has shown that implicit biases can predict behaviours and lead to discriminatory practices, even without explicit prejudice. These biases can shape our interactions in various ways, including:

Nonverbal Communication

 Implicit biases can affect our body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues, potentially leading to less friendly or supportive interactions with individuals from certain groups. For example, a person with an implicit bias against a particular race may avoid eye contact or maintain physical distance, signalling discomfort or disapproval.

Decision-Making Biases

Decision-making biases can influence hiring, promotion, and other professional contexts. For instance, an implicit preference for certain groups may lead to preferential treatment in job interviews or performance evaluations, disadvantaging equally qualified candidates from other groups.


Implicit biases can reinforce stereotypes, leading to assumptions about individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. O’Shea and his colleagues (2020) state that “Black individuals in U.S. states who have more contact with White people are less prejudiced toward Whites.” It can result in unfair expectations and treatment, such as assuming a person from a particular group is less competent or trustworthy.


These are subtle, often unintentional, discriminatory comments or behaviours. For example, repeatedly mispronouncing a person’s name or making assumptions about their background can create a hostile or alienating environment. Ruba and her colleagues (2022), in their study, mention that “black American children, especially Black boys, are misperceived as angry more often than White American children.” Implicit biases can create barriers to effective communication and collaboration, perpetuating social and professional inequalities. We can work towards more equitable and inclusive interactions by recognising and addressing these biases.

Identify One Specific and Purposeful Way That You Can Work Towards Addressing the Implicit Biases

Participation in Diversity and Inclusion Programs

Participating in workshops, seminars, and training sessions focused on diversity and inclusion is crucial. These programs are designed to equip participants with the necessary tools to recognise and address implicit biases. They often involve activities that challenge participants to think critically about their preconceptions and the societal structures that support these biases. Facilitators may use role-playing exercises to simulate situations where biases may emerge, helping participants to see the impact of their subconscious thoughts and actions. Furthermore, these sessions provide a safe space for participants to explore uncomfortable truths about biases and discrimination, fostering a deeper understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion in building a cohesive society.

Expanding Social and Professional Networks

Actively seeking to broaden one’s social and professional circles to include diverse individuals is another vital step. This can be achieved by joining multicultural organisations, attending cultural events, and participating in diverse team projects at work. Engaging with people from different backgrounds can expose one to various perspectives, which is instrumental in breaking down stereotypes and misconceptions. For instance, collaborating on projects with colleagues from different cultures can enhance creativity, lead to better problem-solving, and promote a more inclusive workplace culture. Additionally, attending cultural events allows for immersive experiences that deepen one’s appreciation and understanding of different traditions and lifestyles.

Practising Active Listening and Open-Mindedness

Open-mindedness and active listening are essential in interactions with others. Approaching conversations intending to understand rather than respond allows for more meaningful exchanges. By actively listening, one can learn about the experiences and challenges others face, which may differ significantly due to cultural or racial backgrounds. This practice enriches one’s perspective and helps identify and correct any misconceptions one might hold. It is about valuing others’ viewpoints and acknowledging that everyone’s experiences are valid and essential. 

Reflecting and Self-Educating

Regular reflection on one’s behaviours and interactions is essential to identify moments where implicit biases might have influenced decisions or actions. Keeping a journal can be a practical approach to this reflection, providing a private space to assess one’s thoughts and behaviours. Moreover, educating oneself about various groups’ historical, cultural, and social contexts can enhance understanding and appreciation of diversity. This could involve reading books, watching documentaries, and engaging with content created by and about underrepresented groups. Education is a powerful tool that equips one with the knowledge to challenge existing biases and advocate for change.


The process of taking the Skin Tone IAT and the Arab-Muslim IAT has revealed implicit biases within me that I was previously unaware of. This realisation underscores the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning in addressing and mitigating these biases. Implicit biases can significantly impact behaviours and interpersonal interactions, often manifesting in subtle yet meaningful ways that reinforce stereotypes and contribute to systemic inequalities. Recognising these biases is the first step toward creating a more inclusive and equitable environment. One effective strategy to address implicit biases is through regular and meaningful interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Engaging in diversity and inclusion programs, seeking diverse social and professional networks, practising active listening, and continuously educating myself about different cultures and experiences are essential steps.

By fostering positive intergroup contact, I can work towards reducing my implicit biases, enhancing personal growth, and contributing to social justice. This proactive approach benefits my personal development and helps create a more welcoming and supportive environment for everyone. Acknowledging and addressing implicit biases is crucial in a more inclusive and equitable society.


By following these guidelines of SOCI 234 6,7-2 Implicit Bias Assignment, you will be able to write a comprehensive and well-structured report on Implicit bias, clearly addressing each aspect of the assignment.  In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 6,7-3 Reflection 2.


Project Implicit, (2011), https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html 

Ruba A. L., McMurty R., Gaither S.E., Wilbourn M.P., (2022), How White American Children Develop Racial Biases in Emotion Reasoning, DOI: 10.1007/s42761-022-00111-y 

O’Shea B.A., Watson D.G., Brown G.D.A, Fincher C.L., (2020), Infectious Disease Prevalence, Not Race Exposure, Predicts Both Implicit and Explicit Racial Prejudice Across the United States, DOI: 10.1177/1948550619862

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