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CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike

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Instructions of CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike

W5: Organizational Barriers & Strike

Please answer the following questions:

Also remember these comprise what is referred to as the “primary post”, i.e., these should be posted in a single post with one response on top of the other. Each should be numbered to clearly show where the response to #1 ends and the response to #2 starts.

  1. What are some of the common organizational barriers to the communications process? Who is responsible for removing these barriers? Why so?
  2. Defend whether or not citizen oversight committees have had a positive impact on law enforcement, to include police accountability. As part of your response briefly include common pitfalls related to citizen led oversight committees of law enforcement and your solutions for avoiding those pitfalls.

Step-By-Step Guide on CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike

Introduction To CMRJ512 2-1 Discussion

This Owlisdom assignment of CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike Assignment involves discussing common organizational barriers to communication and the role of citizen oversight committees in law enforcement. In this CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike, You will answer specific questions about these topics and engage with your classmates’ posts to provide a comprehensive understanding of these issues.

What are some of the common organizational barriers to the communications process? Who is responsible for removing these barriers? Why so?

Common Organizational Barriers To Communication

This section of CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike will discuss Common Organizational Barriers To Communication.

  • Discuss hierarchical structures, cultural differences, and physical separations as key barriers to communication.
  • Explain how these barriers impede effective communication and the overall functioning of the organization.
  • Identify who is responsible for removing these barriers and explain why this responsibility lies with them.


In any organization, effective communication is critical to success, but several barriers can impede this process. Common organizational barriers include hierarchical structures, cultural differences, and physical separations between departments. Hierarchical structures can lead to the filtering or dilution of messages as they pass through various levels of management, potentially altering the original intent of the communication (Garg, 2023). Cultural differences, both organizational and social, can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings, especially in diverse workplaces. Physical separation between teams, especially in large organizations, can limit direct interactions and rely heavily on electronic communications, which may not convey nuances effectively.

The responsibility for removing these barriers typically falls on both management and communication professionals within the organization. Leadership is crucial in setting the tone and establishing clear, open lines of communication. Leaders must prioritize transparency and encourage a culture where feedback is sought and valued across all levels (Jiang & Shen, 2023). It involves training managers and team leaders to become effective communicators who facilitate rather than control information flow. Additionally, organizational policies should promote regular interaction among employees across different functions and levels to break down silos and encourage a more integrated approach to communication.

Human resources and internal communications departments also play a vital role in identifying and addressing communication barriers. These units can implement strategies such as organizing cross-departmental meetings, using collaborative tools to improve engagement, and offering language and communication skills training to enhance understanding and reduce miscommunications.

Defend whether or not citizen oversight committees have had a positive impact on law enforcement, including police accountability. As part of your response, briefly include common pitfalls related to citizen-led oversight committees of law enforcement and your solutions for avoiding those pitfalls.

Impact And Challenges Of Citizen Oversight Committees In Law Enforcement

This section of CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike will discuss the Impact And Challenges Of Citizen Oversight Committees In Law Enforcement.

  • Discuss how citizen oversight committees can enhance police accountability and community trust.
  • Highlight potential challenges such as lack of expertise, bias, and adversarial relationships with law enforcement.
  • Offer strategies to overcome these pitfalls, such as training for committee members and promoting collaboration between the police and the committee.


Citizen oversight committees have been implemented in various jurisdictions as a means to increase police accountability and community trust. Generally, these committees can have a positive impact on law enforcement by fostering transparency, enhancing accountability, and building a bridge between the police and the communities they serve. They provide a platform for the public to voice concerns and participate actively in the governance of law enforcement, potentially leading to reforms that improve policing practices and policies.

However, there are common pitfalls associated with citizen-led oversight of law enforcement. One significant challenge is the potential lack of necessary expertise among committee members to understand complex law enforcement issues and procedures (Skidmore et al., 2021). It can result in recommendations that are not feasible, or that fail to address the root causes of problems effectively. Another issue is the possibility of bias, where committee members may have preconceived notions about law enforcement that could affect their judgment and impartiality. Additionally, if not properly integrated into the law enforcement governance structure, these committees can be viewed by police as adversarial, leading to resistance from within the department.

To avoid these pitfalls, it is crucial to ensure that oversight committees are composed of members who are not only representative of the community’s diversity but also have a balanced understanding of law enforcement operations. It might involve providing training to committee members on police procedures, legal constraints, and ethical considerations (Kleygrewe et al., 2022). Moreover, establishing clear guidelines and objectives for the committee can help maintain focus and enhance effectiveness. To mitigate potential biases, the selection process for committee members should be transparent and include criteria that ensure a broad range of perspectives is considered.


Garg, G. (2023). The Art of Connecting: Mastering Communication Skills for Work and Life. Gaurav Garg. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=84DPEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT7&dq=Hierarchical+structures+can+lead+to+the+filtering+or+dilution+of+messages+as+they+pass+through+various+levels+of+management,+potentially+altering+the+original+intent+of+the+communication&ots=enRei2RViR&sig=r2FXHN8S2o1_XLdRM1DjD_gyr5Y 

Jiang, H., & Shen, H. (2023). Toward a Relational Theory of Employee Engagement: Understanding Authenticity, Transparency, and Employee Behaviors. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(3), 948–975. https://doi.org/10.1177/2329488420954236 

Kleygrewe, L., Oudejans, R. R., Koedijk, M., & Hutter, R. I. (2022). Police training in practice: Organization and delivery according to European law enforcement agencies. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 798067.

Skidmore, M., Goldstraw-White, J., & Gill, M. (2021). Understanding the police response to fraud: The challenges in configuring a response to a low-priority crime on the rise. In Frauds and Financial Crimes (pp. 28–38). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003178989-4/understanding-police-response-fraud-challenges-configuring-response-low-priority-crime-rise-michael-skidmore-janice-goldstraw-white-martin-gill 

Reply to classmate


  • Carefully read the posts made by your classmates to understand their perspectives and arguments.
  • Offer constructive feedback, suggestions, or alternative viewpoints that add value to the discussion.
  • Expand on their points with examples or respectfully challenge their views with counterexamples.


Hello Wolly,

Thank you for sharing your perspectives on organizational communication barriers and the role of citizen oversight committees in law enforcement. Your discussion effectively outlines significant hurdles in organizational communications, such as hierarchical structures, cultural differences, and physical separations, providing a comprehensive overview of why these barriers can hinder effective communication within an organization.

Your point that leadership bears significant responsibility in dismantling these barriers is well-taken. Indeed, proactive measures from management to encourage a culture of open communication are essential. The emphasis on leaders facilitating rather than controlling information resonates strongly, particularly in today’s diverse and often geographically dispersed work environments. I also appreciate your suggestion that cross-departmental interactions can foster better communication, which is crucial in large organizations where departments can become siloed.

Regarding citizen oversight committees, your analysis strikes a balance between recognizing their potential benefits and acknowledging the challenges they face. The pitfalls you mentioned, such as the lack of expertise among committee members and potential biases, are critical points that can undermine the effectiveness of these committees. Your solutions, including training for committee members and promoting a collaborative atmosphere between the police and the committee, are practical and could indeed help in realizing the full potential of citizen oversight.

However, I would add that ensuring sustained community engagement and support is also vital for the success of oversight committees. It might involve regular public meetings, transparent reporting of activities, and active solicitation of community feedback to ensure that the oversight process remains relevant and grounded in community needs.

Your analysis provides a solid foundation for understanding how effective communication and well-structured oversight can enhance policing practices, fostering accountability and community trust. It would be interesting to explore further how these strategies are being implemented in different regions and their impacts on law enforcement practices.


By following these guidelines of CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike, you will be able to effectively articulate the challenges and solutions related to organizational communication barriers and the impact of citizen oversight committees in law enforcement. Engaging with your classmates’ responses will further enhance the discussion, providing diverse perspectives and a deeper understanding of the issues. This CMRJ-512 5-1 Discussion On Organizational Barriers & Strike structured approach ensures a comprehensive and insightful discussion, contributing meaningfully to the class dialogue. In the next module of CMRJ 512, we will explore the 6-1 Discussion.

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