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COUN-5238 Week 2 Discussion: Multiculturalism in Crisis Counseling

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Instructions of COUN-5238 Week 2 Discussion

6-1 Assignment: International Team Expectations


Managing an international team will present unexpected challenges.

 You are in different time zones; you have different schedules; you come from different cultures; and your own communication style may be different from that of members of your team.

 Success of a geographically distributed team can be fostered by setting expectations that are informed by best practices and the cultures of your team members.


Your company is expanding into a new market and has formed a new team that it would like you to manage. Your manager has sent you this note:

Thank you for taking on this challenge. You have a great team, but they come from very diverse backgrounds. It’ll be up to you to make sure it is a cohesive team that communicates well and collaborates effectively. As you know, at our firm, we feel the management of our teams and human resource management are a strategic advantage for us. I would like you to write an email explaining to me what managerial approaches you will use and how you think your team will function together. Please also include your conference call invitation for your team’s introduction. I would like to review what you are going to send to your team.


For this assignment, you will write an email and introductory conference call invitation as requested by your manager.

Team Member Locations

Your team consists of the following four members from various locations across the globe:

  1. Kaspar was born in and is based in the country you choose for your course project.

  2. Kelly was born in and is based in the United States.

  3. Syed was born in and is based in the United Arab Emirates.

  4. Nina was born in and is based in Chile.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Write an email to your manager explaining how you plan to manage your team. It should include the following information:

    • Cultural considerations for each team member (For the purposes of this assignment, you can assume that each team member represents the average cultural dimensions of an average citizen of the country, and you are encouraged to use the Hofstede Insights: Compare Countries website.)

    • Common issues among diverse or global teams and potential conflicts that could occur in your team

    • Multiple management approaches you plan to use and why

    • A policy for selecting which holidays team members can take off that takes into account cultural considerations

    • A determination of whether your team will collaboratively create a team expectations and communication plan or whether you as the manager will do it on your own, explaining your decision

  • Create a conference call invitation, including the time of the meeting and agenda, using this Conference Call Invitation Template.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your email as a 200- to 350-word Microsoft Word document. Submit your conference call invitation by completing the Conference Call Invitation Template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Step By Step Guide COUN-5238 Week 2 Discussion: Multiculturalism in Crisis Counseling


This COUN-5238 Week 2 Discussion: Multiculturalism in Crisis Counseling assignment focuses on exploring the social and cultural contexts of crisis and trauma, emphasizing the importance of multicultural competence in crisis counseling. You will engage with various aspects of these contexts, drawing on your personal experiences and the competencies developed for multicultural counseling. The goal is to deepen your understanding of how cultural factors influence crisis and trauma experiences and healing processes.

What is the power-distance continuum in the SAMHSA-adapted Social-ecological Model? How does the experience of uncertainty-avoidance affect individuals during a time of crisis? 

Understanding the Power-Distance Continuum and Uncertainty-Avoidance

  • Explanation of Power-Distance Continuum in SAMHSA-adapted Social-Ecological Model
  • Impact of Uncertainty-Avoidance during Crisis
    • Discuss how the tendency to avoid uncertainty affects individuals’ responses to crisis situations, providing examples for clarity.


Understanding the social and cultural contexts of crisis and trauma is vital for effective crisis counseling. This week’s content highlights the importance of cultural humility and culturally centered care in addressing the needs of diverse populations. This discussion explores these concepts and their practical application in counseling practice, emphasizing the need for continuous self-reflection and education.

The Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development and Counselors for Social Justice developed competencies to guide counselors who work with diverse peoples and marginalized groups. What are these competencies and how do they resonate with you? 

Competencies for Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice

  • Overview of Competencies Developed by Relevant Associations
    • Summarize the key competencies for working with diverse and marginalized groups as outlined by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development and Counselors for Social Justice.
  • Personal Resonance with These Competencies
    • Reflect on which competencies resonate most with you and explain why they are significant to your practice.

Choose one of the cultures presented in the chapter and explain how it conceptualizes crisis. What is your personal experience with this? If your culture is not presented in the chapter, please tell us how your culture conceptualizes crisis and healing from trauma.

Cultural Conceptualizations of Crisis

  1. Example of a Culture from the Chapter and its View on Crisis
    • Choose a culture discussed in the chapter and describe how it conceptualizes crisis and trauma.
  2. Personal Cultural Perspective on Crisis and Healing
    • If your culture is not represented in the chapter, explain how your culture views crisis and the healing process, drawing from personal experiences.

What is cultural humility and culturally centered care? How will you ensure that you demonstrate cultural humility as a practicing counselor? 

Cultural Humility and Culturally Centered Care

  • Definition of Cultural Humility and Culturally Centered Care
    • Define cultural humility and culturally centered care, emphasizing their importance in counseling.
  • Strategies for Demonstrating Cultural Humility as a Counselor
    • Outline practical steps you can take to ensure you demonstrate cultural humility in your practice, including ongoing education and self-reflection. 


Cultural humility involves an ongoing process of self-evaluation and self-critique regarding one’s cultural assumptions and biases. It requires counselors to acknowledge their limitations in understanding clients’ cultural experiences fully (Chavez, 2022). This approach contrasts with cultural competence, which implies a finite level of knowledge. Cultural humility fosters an openness to learning from clients and adapting one’s approach to meet their unique needs.

Think and reflect on your life. Have you ever experienced some sort of event, regardless of whether it was traumatic, that affected your entire community? What happened to the community during this time? How did the community grow closer or more distant after the event? 

Community Impact of Traumatic Events

  • Reflection on Personal Community Experience with Crisis
    • Reflect on an event that affected your community, describing the nature of the event and its impact.
  • Community Dynamics Post-Event
    • Discuss how the community responded, whether it grew closer or more distant, and what factors influenced this dynamic.

What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest? 


Culturally centered care builds on this foundation by actively incorporating clients’ cultural values and practices into the therapeutic process. It goes beyond mere awareness of cultural differences to actively engaging with and respecting clients’ cultural contexts (Phillips, 2021). The approach helps in creating a therapeutic environment where clients feel understood and respected, which is crucial for effective healing.

For example, in working with clients from collectivist cultures, such as many Asian or Hispanic communities, it is essential to recognize the significance of family and community in their lives. Incorporating family members into the counseling process and respecting community values can enhance the effectiveness of interventions. This approach aligns with the competencies developed by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, which emphasize the importance of understanding and integrating clients’ cultural backgrounds into practice.


In conclusion, cultural humility and culturally centered care are essential components of effective crisis counseling. By continuously reflecting on their cultural assumptions and integrating clients’ cultural contexts into therapy, counselors can provide more respectful and effective care. Emphasizing these practices helps in fostering an inclusive and supportive therapeutic environment, crucial for clients’ recovery.


Chávez, V. (2022). Cultural Humility and Social Inclusion. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of Social Inclusion (pp. 129–144). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89594-5_7 

Phillips, L. (2021). Culture-centered counseling. Counseling Today. https://www.counseling.org/publications/counseling-today-magazine/article-archive/article/legacy/culture-centered-counseling 


Personal Reflection on Weekly Content

  1. Most Interesting Aspects of the Week’s Content
    • Identify and explain the aspects of this week’s content that you found most engaging or thought-provoking.

Responding to Peers

  1. Guidelines for Courteous and Professional Responses
    • Ensure your replies are respectful, concise, and professionally written.
  2. Sharing Professional Experiences and Feedback
    • Relate your own professional experiences to your classmates’ posts to enrich the discussion.
  3. Building Connections with Classmates’ Ideas
    • Add to their ideas by building on connections to the material, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Response to a Classmate’s Post (150 words)


Thank you for your insightful post on the power-distance continuum and its relevance in crisis counseling. Your discussion on how high power-distance cultures handle crisis situations was particularly enlightening. I agree with your observation that individuals in high power-distance cultures may experience greater challenges in crisis situations due to hierarchical structures. In my experience working with clients from such backgrounds, I have seen how deference to authority can sometimes hinder open communication and the seeking of help. Your point about the need for counselors to be aware of these dynamics is crucial. By understanding these cultural nuances, counselors can tailor their approaches to ensure they are providing the most effective support. Your insights have deepened my understanding of the power-distance continuum and its impact on crisis counseling. Thank you for sharing your perspective; it has added valuable context to this important discussion.


This COUN-5238 Week 2 Discussion: Multiculturalism in Crisis Counseling assignment aims to enhance your understanding of the social and cultural contexts influencing crisis and trauma, emphasizing the importance of multicultural competence in counseling. By engaging thoughtfully with the prompts and your peers, you will develop a deeper appreciation for the diverse ways in which cultures conceptualize and heal from crisis and trauma. You can also read COUN-5238 complete modules to ace the course!

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