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IS 250 WEEK ONE discussion: Introduction discussion board instructions

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Instructions of IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions

Thread: Week 1 – Introduction discussion board instructions

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Week 1 – Introduction discussion board instructions 


After reading the weekly material please respond to one of the topics below by clicking on Reply on this thread.  When responding please modify the subject line, to indicate which question you are responding to.  For example: “re:Week 1 – Topic 2  “Cybersecurity“.  

Discussion board rules

1) First posting is due by midnight Thursday

2) Response to a fellow student is due by midnight Sunday

3) Late submissions of discussion board postings will not be accepted.  Discussion board postings that come in after the above deadlines will be assigned a zero.

Discussion board grading rubric:


Discussion board scoring example:


Week 1 discussion board topics.  Please respond to (1) of these questions:

Topic 1 – Protecting yourself – I am sure that after reading the Verizon report and paying attention to the news you are well aware of how prevalent IT security breaches have become. These breaches can negatively impact organizations as well as individuals.  Having said this what do you believe are some ways you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of a computer/network security breach?

Topic 2 – “The impact of hacking on life” – For the last several years cyber-attacks/hacking are in the news on a seemingly continuous basis.  Some of the most recent/largest hacking events include the Solarwinds hack that was the conduit for the major breach of many US Federal agencies and the disturbing Equifax hack from 2017.   Have these events and the subsequent reporting caused you to change any habits/behaviors?  Please provide your thoughts on this along with why you have or have not made any changes as a result of these events.

Topic 3 – “Accountability” – As we’ve started discussing IT security breaches are continually in the news.  Several of these events have led to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) being leaked such as social security numbers, credit card information or simply embarrassing personal details.  In many of these cases company Executives have been fired or forced to resign.  Do you think that these dismissals have or have not been warranted?  Please explain your reasoning

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions

Introduction to IS 250 Week One Discussion

The Owlisdom, IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions

 requires a thorough discussion on IT security breaches, focusing on personal protection, the impact of hacking on daily life, and accountability in cybersecurity. By exploring these topics, students will gain a deeper understanding of the pervasive nature of cyber threats and the necessary measures to mitigate them. This How-To Guide will provide clear instructions on addressing each topic, ensuring a comprehensive and well-structured discussion.

Topic 1 – Protecting yourself – I am sure you know how prevalent IT security breaches have become after reading the Verizon report and paying attention to the news. These breaches can negatively impact organizations as well as individuals.  Having said this, what do you believe are some ways you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of a computer/network security breach?

Topic 1: Protecting Yourself

To start the IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions, we must select one topic from the three given. 

For the first topic, we will discuss how to protect ourselves from IT security breaches.

  • Reflect on common security breaches and their implications.
  • Identify practical steps to protect yourself from becoming a cyberattack victim.
  • Use strong, unique passwords and change them regularly.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication on all accounts.
  • Keep software and systems updated to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Be cautious of phishing emails and suspicious links.


Cybersecurity breaches are increasingly prevalent in today’s digital landscape, affecting organisations and individuals. Protecting oneself from such breaches requires a proactive approach and adherence to best practices.

Firstly, the foundation of good cybersecurity starts with using strong, unique passwords for all accounts. Passwords should be complex, combining letters, numbers, and special characters. Changing passwords regularly and avoiding using the same password across multiple sites is advisable. Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds a layer of security. MFA requires users to provide two or more verification factors to access their accounts, making it significantly harder for unauthorised individuals to gain entry. Regular software updates are critical. Keeping operating systems, applications, and antivirus programs up to date ensures that known vulnerabilities are patched, reducing the risk of exploitation. Automatic updates can help maintain the latest security measures without manual intervention.

Awareness of phishing tactics is equally important. Phishing attacks often come in the form of deceptive emails or messages designed to trick individuals into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links. Always verify the source of unexpected communications and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Finally, regularly backing up critical data is a crucial precaution. In a ransomware attack or data loss, backups ensure you can recover your information without succumbing to cybercriminals’ demands. You can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a computer or network security breach victim by implementing strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, regular updates, phishing awareness, and data backups. These proactive steps will protect your personal information and contribute to the digital ecosystem’s security.

Topic 2 – “The impact of hacking on life” – For the last several years, cyber-attacks/hacking have been in the news seemingly continuously.  Some of the most recent/ significant hacking events include the Solarwinds hack, the conduit for the major breach of many US Federal agencies, and the disturbing Equifax hack from 2017.   Have these events and the subsequent reporting caused you to change any habits/behaviours?  Please provide your thoughts on this and why you have or have not made any changes due to these events.

Topic 2: The Impact of Hacking on Life

The second topic revolves around the impact of hacking on life. It discusses the events of cyber-attacks and hacking.

  • Consider high-profile hacking incidents, such as the Solarwinds and Equifax breaches.
  • Reflect on whether these events have influenced your habits or behaviours.
  • Provide personal insights and reasoning for any changes (or lack thereof) in response to these events.

Topic 3 – “Accountability” – As we have started discussing IT security breaches, they are continually in the news.  Several of these events have led to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) being leaked, such as social security numbers, credit card information, or simply embarrassing personal details.  In many cases, company Executives have been fired or forced to resign.  Do you think that these dismissals have or have not been warranted?  Please explain your reasoning.

Topic 3: Accountability

Here, the topic IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions explores the idea of accountability for IT security breaches.

  • Discuss the consequences of IT security breaches, including leaks of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • Evaluate whether the dismissals of company executives in response to breaches are justified.
  • Provide a reasoned argument based on the severity of the breach and the executives’ responsibility.

After reading the weekly material, please respond to one of the topics below by clicking on Reply in this thread.  When responding, please modify the subject line to indicate which question you are responding to.

Peer Responses

According to IS 250 Week One Discussion instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week One Discussion without a hassle.

  • Engage with two peers by responding to their posts before the discussion closing date.
  • Ensure responses further the discussion by adding insights or expanding on points made.
  • Relate the lessons from peers’ posts to broader contexts, such as integrating cybersecurity awareness into healthcare education.

Response 01

Hey Sam, nice post! Your discussion on protecting oneself from cybersecurity breaches is thorough and well-articulated. You effectively highlighted the importance of strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, regular updates, phishing awareness, and data backups. These practical steps are essential in mitigating risks and maintaining personal security. You did a great job emphasising proactive measures and their impact on digital safety. Your advice is practical and easy to implement, making it very beneficial for anyone looking to enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the IS 250 Week One Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The IS-250 Week One Discussion: Introduction Discussion Board Instructions In this discussion, you explored the importance of personal protection against cyber threats, the impact of hacking on daily life, and accountability in cybersecurity. Understanding these aspects is crucial in the digital age, where cyber threats are ever-present. By implementing proactive security measures and advocating for accountability, we can better protect ourselves and our organisations from potential breaches. You can also read IS-250 complete modules to ace the course!

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