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PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models

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Instructions of PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models

Week 5


This week you will learn about the addiction recovery process and the contingency management approach for addiction recovery. You will also review one measurement used for assessing motivation and readiness for change in substance users (i.e., SOCRATES). You will end out the week by applying the information from the week (i.e., and the course) in analyzing a presented case scenario.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  • Critically evaluate current and evolving trends in the addictions field

  • Explain the physical, social and psychological effects of illegal and legal substance use issues

  • Explain the impact of treatment and prevention methods on the incidence, course, and duration of addictive behaviors

  • Describe the nature of scientific studies in the field

  • Critically evaluate research studies in the addictions field


Week 5 Discussion

Discussion Topic

 Due May 23 at 11:59 PM

Case Scenario

Peter is a twenty-year-old Caucasian college student referred for counseling by the dean of academic affairs. Peter has been suspended from school for drinking and fighting on two occasions over the past six weeks. He has a history of recurrent detentions and classroom dismissals for similar, though less severe, behavior since high school. Peter was suspended for having a pint of vodka and a small quantity of marijuana in his locker. 

Peter has recently started experiencing mood swings and is feeling depressed and agitated. Earlier, having felt that the stress of home life was the root cause of his depression, Peter thought that leaving home and living on-campus would resolve his mood swings. He has been practicing self-medication with marijuana and alcohol. He disclosed that he had been prescribed medication for depression when he was in high school but has since then stopped all medication and follow-up on mental health counseling. Presently, he has no desire to enter or seek treatment voluntarily. He has come in for therapy only to avoid being expelled from the college. He denies having any problem with either alcohol or drugs and feels marijuana should be legalized. In addition, he compares his alcohol and drug use to others’ and does not think his intake of substances is a problem. He feels that everyone is just picking on him; he works hard and should be allowed to do. He takes alcohol or marijuana because he just wants to relax after a tough day’s work.

Based on your understanding of the above scenario and drawing upon all relevant course material, address the following questions:

  • Does Peter have a co-occurring mental disorder? Describe what that disorder may be based on the symptoms mentioned in the case scenario.Analyze and justify the co-occurring disorders in the case.

  • At what stage of change does Peter appear to be in? Why? Explain.

  • What model of treatment could possibly work with Peter? Would he do well with a psycho-educational model, CBT, behavioral approach? Why? Share your clinical recommendations based on research.

  • What are the relapse concerns? Are there any noted defense mechanisms intact?

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models

Introduction to PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion

This week, we will analyze a case scenario involving a college student struggling with substance use and mental health issues. You will evaluate the presence of co-occurring disorders, determine the stage of change, and recommend appropriate treatment models. Understanding these elements is crucial for effective addiction treatment and recovery.

Does Peter have a co-occurring mental disorder? Describe what that disorder may be based on the symptoms mentioned in the case scenario. Analyze and justify the co-occurring disorders in the case.

Co-Occurring Mental Disorder

As mentioned in the PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models instructions, I must start this task by understanding the course material and research in order to analyze his symptoms to check if he has a co-occurring mental disorder. 
  • Begin by summarizing Peter’s situation based on the case scenario.
  • Identify and describe any co-occurring mental disorder(s) he may have.
  • Justify your analysis with symptoms and evidence from the case.


Peter is a 20-year-old college student who has been suspended for drinking and fighting. He experiences mood swings, depression, and agitation. He self-medicates with alcohol and marijuana and has a history of prescribed medication for depression. Based on these symptoms, Peter likely has a co-occurring mood disorder, such as depression, alongside his substance use disorder. His mood swings, feelings of depression, and self-medication behaviors support this diagnosis.

At what stage of change does Peter appear to be in? Why? Explain.

Stage of Change

Next, in the PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models instructions, I must evaluate and discuss the stage of change he is showing. 
  • Determine Peter’s current stage of change using the Transtheoretical Model of Change.
  • Explain your reasoning with specific references to his behaviour and mindset from the scenario.


Peter appears to be in the precontemplation stage of change. He denies having any problem with alcohol or drugs and only seeks therapy to avoid expulsion. His lack of acknowledgment of the problem and resistance to treatment indicate he is not yet ready to consider change.

What model of treatment could possibly work with Peter? Would he do well with a psycho-educational model, CBT, behavioral approach? Why? Share your clinical recommendations based on research.

Recommended Treatment Model

In the next section of the PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Models instructions, I must discuss the model of treatment that would be perfect for Peter. After that, I will evaluate, justify, and explain whether he is responding well to the psycho-educational model, CBT.
  • Discuss which treatment model(s) could be effective for Peter (psycho-educational, CBT, behavioural approach).
  • Justify your recommendation with research and evidence from the case.


A cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approach could be effective for Peter. CBT would help him identify and challenge his irrational beliefs about substance use and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Additionally, a psycho-educational component could help him understand the impact of his behaviors on his mental health and academic performance. Research shows that CBT is effective in treating both substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders.

What are the relapse concerns? Are there any noted defence mechanisms intact?

Relapse Concerns and Defense Mechanisms

Finally, in the PSY4001 Week 5 Discussion: Case Scenario Analysis and Treatment Modelsn instructions, I will analyze if peter is displaying any relapses and will discuss what are the relapse concerns. After that, I will evaluate if there is still any defence mechanism intact. 
  • Identify potential relapse concerns for Peter.
  • Discuss any defence mechanisms he may be used to cope with his situation.


Peter’s denial of his substance uses problem and his rationalization that “everyone is picking on him” are significant relapse concerns. These defense mechanisms, including denial and rationalization, may prevent him from fully engaging in treatment and acknowledging the severity of his issues.

Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of PSY4001. We need to provide responses for at least two other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.
  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.

Response 1

Hi John, your explanation of Peter’s stage of change was very clear. I agree that he is in the precontemplation stage. Do you think involving his family in the treatment process could help him progress to the next stage? Family support can sometimes be a catalyst for change.

Response 2

Hi Ann, I appreciate your thorough analysis of Peter’s co-occurring disorders. Your identification of his mood disorder is spot on. Have you considered how motivational interviewing could complement CBT in helping Peter move from precontemplation to contemplation? This approach might help him start recognizing the need for change.


This How-To Owlisdom guide aims to assist you in navigating the Week 5 Discussion for PSY4001 effectively. By analyzing Peter’s case scenario and applying appropriate treatment models, you will gain valuable insights into managing co-occurring disorders and promoting recovery. Engaging in thoughtful dialogue with your peers will further enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!

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