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ENG 101 MODULE 3 DISCUSSION: Project 1 Genre

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Instructions of ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion

Overview and Purpose

Estimated Time: 3-4 hours

Process Step: Invention

Learning Outcomes: Practice choosing from and composing in different genres and media for diverse audiences and purposes; gain experience reading and composing in different genres to understand differences in genre conventionsLinks to an external site. and how they are shaped by readers’ and writers’ intentions and purposes; gain experience reading a diverse range of texts rhetorically to understand how various features of texts are organized to suit different audiences and purposes.

Instructional Materials: Before beginning, review the following:

In this invention assignment, you and your classmates will review sample rhetorical analyses, gain a clearer understanding of the rhetorical analysis genre, and begin to plan your own rhetorical analysis.  


Step 1: Read Critically

  • Read through the following sample rhetorical analyses linked below. As you read these rhetorical analyses, pay attention to the features—or conventions—these samples share in common.



Remember, *none* of these sample analyses were written specifically for our Project 1 assignment and are not exact models for you to follow. All authors had different purposes than you do for Project 1.

Step 2: Summarize and Apply Your Learning

Next, compose your discussion post. Your post will be two paragraphs in total. 

Paragraph 1: Summarize what you have learned about the rhetorical analysis genre. 

Using quotations from the learning materials and sample rhetorical analyses as support, please:

  • Explain the goal of a rhetorical analysis, as though you were teaching someone who had never heard of one before. 

  • Briefly describe the tone, style, and organization of these samples. What keywords or phrases do they share?

  • Describe 1-2 features you have noticed about how images are integrated into these sample rhetorical analyses (e.g., location, text wrapping, size, captioning). How do these images support the goal of each sample rhetorical analysis?

  • Explain what makes for a successful rhetorical analysis. 

Paragraph 2: Apply your learning and begin planning your own rhetorical analysis.

  • Identify 2-3 genre conventions (at least one of which has to do with the visual mode of communication) that you would like to try out in your rhetorical analysis. Explain how these choices will enhance your audience’s reading experience. 

    • Reminder: According to the Project 1 description: “You will present the results of your rhetorical analysis as an online text written to your own target audience: members of your community interested in the business/organization or who want to learn more about communication strategies.”

  • List any questions or concerns you have about composing in this genre.

  • Optional: Are there any genre conventions you would like to subvert, and how would that help you achieve the goal of your rhetorical analysis?

Step 3: Respond to Peers

  • After you complete your initial post for this assignment, read over your peers’ posts. Then, by the due date indicated in the course assignment tracker, respond to two of your peers following the 3CQ approach.

Submission Requirements

  • Two-paragraph initial post.

  • Two peer responses that follow the 3CQ models, each with a fully developed paragraph. 

  • Submit posts directly in the discussion forum below. Click “Reply” below, write your response in the box provided, and click “post reply” to submit your post.

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion

Introduction to ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion

The ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion: Project 1 Genre is designed to help you practice choosing and composing in different genres and media for diverse audiences and purposes. By reviewing sample rhetorical analyses and planning your own, you will better understand the rhetorical analysis genre. This guide provides clear and concise instructions on effectively completing each part of the assignment.

Read through the following sample rhetorical analyses linked below. As you read these rhetorical analyses, pay attention to the features or conventions these samples share.

Review Sample Rhetorical Analyses

We will review and analyze the given samples to start the ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion: Project 1 Genre.

  • Read and analyze the provided samples: Carefully read the four sample rhetorical analyses in your course materials.
  • Identify standard conventions: Pay attention to the features these samples share, such as tone, style, organization, and integration of images.


I better understood the rhetorical analysis genre when reviewing the sample rhetorical analyses. A rhetorical analysis examines how an author persuades their audience using various rhetorical strategies. This involves analyzing the author’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos, as well as the overall effectiveness of their communication. The tone of the sample analyses is generally formal and analytical, while the style is precise and focused. Organizationally, these analyses follow a clear structure, often starting with an introduction that outlines the main argument, then body paragraphs that delve into specific rhetorical strategies, and concluding with a summary of the findings.

A common feature among the samples is the strategic use of images. Images are typically integrated near the relevant text, using text wrapping or captions to enhance the reader’s understanding. For instance, in one sample, a photo of a campaign poster is placed next to the discussion of visual rhetoric, providing a concrete example that supports the analysis. This integration of visuals not only aids comprehension but also keeps the reader engaged.

Successful rhetorical analysis is characterized by a clear thesis, well-organized content, and detailed evidence supporting the analysis. It should comprehensively examine the text, addressing how and why specific rhetorical strategies are used.

Summarize what you have learned about the rhetorical analysis genre. Apply what you have learned and begin planning your rhetorical analysis.

Summarize and Apply Your Learning

Next, we will summarize our understanding and learning.

  • Explain the goal of a rhetorical analysis: Describe the purpose as if you were teaching someone new to the concept. Use quotations from the learning materials and samples to support your explanation.
  • Describe tone, style, and organization: Briefly outline the samples’ familiar tone, style, and organizational structure. Highlight keywords or phrases they share.
  • Discuss image integration: Note 1-2 features about how images are used in the samples (e.g., location, text wrapping, size, captioning) and explain how these images support the rhetorical goals of each sample.
  • Explain what makes a successful rhetorical analysis: Summarize the key elements that contribute to a successful rhetorical analysis based on the samples.
  • Identify genre conventions: Choose 2-3 conventions, including at least one visual mode of communication, that you plan to use in your rhetorical analysis. Explain how these choices will enhance your audience’s reading experience.
  • List questions or concerns: Mention any questions or concerns about composing in this genre.
  • Optional: Consider if there are any genre conventions you want to subvert and explain how this could help achieve the goal of your rhetorical analysis.


For my rhetorical analysis, I plan to incorporate genre conventions such as a formal tone, structured organization, and the strategic use of visuals. Specifically, I will use images to illustrate key points, ensuring they are relevant and adequately captioned. This will enhance the reading experience by providing visual evidence that supports my analysis.

I am confident in applying these conventions, but I have concerns about balancing the analysis with sufficient evidence without overwhelming the reader. Additionally, I am considering subverting the typical format by incorporating interactive elements, such as hyperlinks to related content, to create a more dynamic reading experience. This approach could make my analysis more engaging and accessible to a broader audience.

After you complete your initial post for this assignment, read over your peers’ posts. Then, by the due date indicated in the course assignment tracker, respond to two of your peers following the 3CQ approach.

Respond to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion: Project 1 Genre. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Read peers’ posts: Take time to read through the posts made by your classmates.
  • Respond using the 3CQ approach: Comment on at least two posts using the 3CQ method—Compliment, Comment, Connect, and Question. 
  • This method encourages thoughtful and constructive feedback.


Response 01

Hi Jane, nice post! I enjoyed your detailed summary of the rhetorical analysis genre. Your plan to use images effectively is commendable. I also appreciate your idea of incorporating interactive elements to enhance engagement. I share your concern about balancing analysis and evidence.

Response 02

We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 3 Discussion without a hassle.


By completing the ENG 101 Module 3 Discussion: Project 1 Genre, you will better understand how to analyze and compose in different genres for various audiences and purposes. This How-To ENG 101 Guide will enhance your ability to transfer writing skills to future academic, professional, and personal contexts. Engaging with your peers’ analyses will enrich your learning experience through collaborative feedback and discussion.

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