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COM 205 Week 10 Assignment: Speech Project Final – Part III

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 10 Assignment


In this assignment, you will revise your speech using feedback from your peer and the instructor. You will analyze the cultural impact of your speech on the audience and make any adjustments necessary for intercultural communication.

Assignment Details

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete Speech Project Draft Part II peer review by Wednesday (you can view a peer review notification in your Dashboard To Do sidebar).
  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment
  • To complete the assignment:
    • Use the feedback from the peer review and instructor, make any necessary changes, and finalize your 450-to-500-word persuasive speech.
    • Read your speech aloud noting anything that doesn’t flow. Make changes for fluency.
    • Consider your topic and if there are any cultural issues that need to be addressed.
      • For example, if you use a slang term that the audience may not understand, find a way to word the information so you can be inter-culturally appropriate.
    • Time your speech. It should be about 3 to 5 minutes in length.
    • Use the plagiarism tool to check your written draft against unintended plagiarism.
    • Spell check your summary.
  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:
    • COM205_wk10_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy
  • Submit your assignment.

Download the Assignment Worksheet Download Assignment Worksheetfor complete instructions. Be sure to start working on this now so that you can work through any questions with your instructor well ahead of the due date.

Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 10 Assignment: Speech Project Final – Part III


Previously, we explored Communication in the Digital Age. We discussed significant differences between face-to-face communication and communication by way of digital technology. 

Introduction to COM 205 Week 10 Assignment 

In the COM 205 Week 10 Assignment: Speech Project Final – Part III, you are tasked with refining your persuasive speech by incorporating feedback from both peers and your instructor. The goal is to enhance the effectiveness of your communication, particularly considering the cultural diversity of your audience. This How-To Owlisdom Guide will help you develop a keen eye for both content and audience engagement in intercultural settings.

Completing Peer and Instructor Feedback

For the COM 205 Week 10 Assignment: Speech Project Final – Part III, we need to incorporate the corrections and feedback our instructor or peers marked on the Persuasive passage draft two. I will provide detailed guidelines on how to incorporate the feedback while giving examples from my Draft II. At the end of this How-To Guide, you will be provided with a revised version of the COM 205 Speech Project Passage.
  • Check your dashboard regularly to access and complete the peer review by the specified Wednesday deadline.
  • Carefully consider the feedback provided by your peers and instructor. Note areas for improvement and strengths as highlighted.

Revising the Speech

  • Utilising Feedback: Incorporate the feedback from your peers and instructor into your speech. Focus on areas that were specifically pointed out for improvement, such as argument clarity, persuasive elements, and language use.
  • Enhancing Fluency: Read your speech aloud to identify parts that may not flow well. Listening to the rhythm and pace can help you spot inconsistencies and awkward phrasing.
  • Addressing Cultural Sensitivity: Analyze your speech for any cultural references or slang that a diverse audience might not understand. Replace or explain such terms to maintain clarity and respect for all cultural backgrounds.


Old Solution: It does not give an explanation of our stance, and there is no source to what we stated. Argument 1: Systemic Racial Inequalities First, consider the vast economic disparities the U.S. Department of the Treasury highlighted. It reveals how policies continue to segregate communities and perpetuate poverty among minorities. This is not just history; it is our present, a glaring testament to racial injustice that demands urgent reform. Updated Solution: Provide an explained justification along with the source to prove our stance. Argument 01: Systemic Racial Inequalities First, let us consider the vast economic disparities highlighted by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2022). Their reports reveal that discriminatory policies continue to segregate communities and perpetuate poverty among minorities. These are not remnants of a distant past but are stark realities of our present. For instance, housing policies that enforce segregation indirectly by economic means, such as redlining or unequal housing loans, have long-lasting impacts on minority communities. This systemic injustice extends beyond mere economic metrics; it is a glaring testament to the deeply entrenched racial barriers that demand urgent, comprehensive reform.

Final Review and Submission

  • After revisions, review your speech one last time to ensure it adheres to the word limit and effectively incorporates all necessary adjustments.
  • Ensure that your final draft is clear, culturally sensitive, and maintains a persuasive tone throughout.

Final Updated Solution

Introduction Have you ever been ridiculed or singled out because of your race? Imagine living every day where such experiences are not just isolated incidents but systematic expectations. Today, I will delve into the issue of racial discrimination—a persistent poison that seeps into the fabric of our society. This pervasive issue not only divides us but also significantly hinders our collective progress toward a more equitable world. Argument 01: Systemic Racial Inequalities First, let us consider the vast economic disparities highlighted by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2022). Their reports reveal that discriminatory policies continue to segregate communities and perpetuate poverty among minorities. These are not remnants of a distant past but are stark realities of our present. For instance, housing policies that enforce segregation indirectly by economic means, such as redlining or unequal housing loans, have long-lasting impacts on minority communities. This systemic injustice extends beyond mere economic metrics; it is a glaring testament to the deeply entrenched racial barriers that demand urgent, comprehensive reform. Argument 02: Labor Market Disparities Moving on, the Economic Policy Institute provides crucial insights into the labour market outcomes between Black and White Americans (Wilson, 2022). Despite possessing equal capabilities and qualifications, Black Americans consistently face significant obstacles in hiring, pay scales, and promotional opportunities. This disparity is not merely unfair—it is economically and socially debilitating, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and exclusion. These labour market biases reflect broader societal attitudes and necessitate a shift towards more inclusive employment practices that value skills and talents over racial background. Argument 03: The Need for Informed Action and Policy Change Understanding the depth and breadth of these issues compels us to take informed action. It is essential to implement policies that directly confront these disparities, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their racial background, have equal opportunities to succeed (Delgado & Stefancic, 2020). This includes revising employment laws to enforce and enhance equal opportunity measures, investing in educational reforms that equip all children with the skills needed to thrive, and transforming the housing policies that have historically disadvantaged minority populations. Conclusion In conclusion, racial discrimination remains a stark and pervasive reality in our society, affecting everything from economic opportunities to personal relationships. Our exploration today underscores that rectifying these injustices is far from simple; it requires a committed, multifaceted approach. We must implement proactive reforms in employment, education, and housing policies to ensure equitable opportunities for all, regardless of racial background. Each of us bears the responsibility to engage in this fight against discrimination—passivity only reinforces the status quo. As we move forward, let us pledge to actively participate in shaping a more just and inclusive society. The challenge is great, but our collective action can drive the significant changes necessary to dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate racial inequalities.


The COM 205 Week 10 Assignment: Speech Project Final – Part III not only sharpens your persuasive speaking skills but also deepens your understanding of intercultural communication. By carefully revising your speech to reflect diverse cultural perspectives, you enhance your ability to engage and influence a broader audience effectively. This How-To Owlisdom Guide is the key to a successful speech, not just in the strength of your arguments but also in how inclusively and respectfully those arguments are presented.


Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J. (2020). Against Equality: A Critical Essay for the NAACP and Others. Hastings Const. LQ, 48, 235. U.S. Department of the Treasury. (2022). Racial Inequality in the United States. U.S. Department of the Treasury. https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/racial-inequality-in-the-united-states  Wilson, V. (2022). Understanding black-white disparities in labour market outcomes requires models that account for persistent discrimination and unequal bargaining power. Economic Policy Institute. https://www.epi.org/unequalpower/publications/understanding-black-white-disparities-in-labor-market-outcomes/ 

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