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CMRJ 524 WEEK ONE DISCUSSION: Attributes of Organized Crime & Terrorism

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Instructions of CMRJ 524 Week One Discussion

Intro and Confirmation

Within 250 words, please post a short biography (within the first 3 days of class). Feel free to include information such as your (a) background, (b) academic major, (c) hobbies, (d) family, (e) number of classes remaining to complete your degree, etc.
Lastly, please let me know that you have both read and understand the syllabus. If you have questions, please let me know.
Note: This assignment is worth 1% of the final grade and is designed to get to know one another. Each student must make three (3) postings to fully complete this assignment.

Per the student handbook registration section:

All students are required to log in to each of their courses during Week One and to submit a class discussion board post of at least 250 words. Students who do not submit this assignment during the first week of class will be automatically dropped from any courses in which this assignment has not been completed. The first week of classes runs from the day the course opens until 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the first Sunday of that week. At the beginning of Week Two, students who did not submit this assignment during Week One and did not submit an official online form to voluntarily withdraw from the course will be dropped. Students who are dropped for lack of academic activity will receive a tuition credit for the course on their student account. Those who wish to continue taking classes with us may register for courses in a future session. Detailed information on course drops is located in the Drop/Withdrawal Policy section of the Student Handbook.

W1: Attributes of Organized Crime & Terrorism

Please answer both of the following discussion questions:

(Normally Due Thursday of Week 1; Note for Week 1 only the initial discussion responses may be posted as late as Sunday and still be considered on time):

1: List and briefly discuss the eight attributes of Organized Crime (OC). Then justify which of the two attributes that you feel are the “most important” as it regards OC being successful. Be sure to fully support your view/opinion.

2: Investigate and then report on how terrorism differs from organized crime. As part of your response, include the ways they overlap? Pls make sure to provide real-life referenced examples that illustrate and help support your view here.

Lastly, please realize this discussion is directly connected to the following Course Learning Objectives:

CO1: Examine individual attributes of organized crimeCO4: Deconstruct how terrorism differs from organized crime

Module Objectives:

MO1: Appraise the nexus between organized crime and terrorism

MO2: Compare important attributes of organized crime

MO3: Analyze how organized crime and terrorism differ

Discussion Guidelines


Step-By-Step Guide CMRJ 524 Week One Discussion: Attributes of Organized Crime & Terrorism

Introduction to CMRJ 524 Week One Discussion

The CMRJ 524 Week One Discussion: Attributes of Organized Crime & Terrorism requires you to analyze the characteristics that define organized crime and differentiate it from terrorism. The tasks include discussing the attributes of organized crime, justifying the most critical factors for its success, and exploring the differences and overlaps between organized crime and terrorism, supported by real-life examples. This How-To CMRJ 524 Guide provides structured steps to help you effectively approach and complete each part of the assignment.

1: List and briefly discuss the eight attributes of Organized Crime (OC). Then, justify which of the two attributes you feel are the “most important” regarding OC success. Be sure to support your view/opinion fully.

 Eight Attributes of Organized Crime (OC)

First, we will list and discuss eight attributes of organized crime; then, we will discuss which two attributes are essential.
  • Research and Identity Attributes: Identify the eight key attributes commonly associated with organized crime. These may include continuity, structure, criminal activities, use of violence, corruption, organizational discipline, penetration of legitimate businesses, and an overarching code of secrecy.
  • Provide Brief Explanations: For each attribute, write a concise explanation. Focus on its significance and how it manifests within organized crime operations.
  • Continuity: Describe how organized crime groups maintain long-term operations, often passing down structures and activities through generations.
  • Structure: Explain the hierarchical organization of these groups, with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Select Two Most Important Attributes: Choose the two attributes you believe are most critical for the success of organized crime.
  • Justification: Provide a detailed justification for your choice. Explain why these attributes are fundamental to the sustainability and effectiveness of organized crime.
  • Support with Evidence: Use evidence from scholarly sources, case studies, or real-world examples to support your viewpoint.
  • Argue how “structure” ensures efficient operation and “corruption” facilitates uninterrupted illegal activities.


Organized crime (OC) is defined by critical attributes: continuity, structure, criminal activities, violence, corruption, organizational discipline, penetration of legitimate businesses, and an overarching code of secrecy. Continuity refers to the long-term sustainability of OC groups, maintained through generational succession and stable leadership. Structure denotes a hierarchical organization, ensuring clear roles and efficient operations. Criminal activities include illegal endeavors like drug trafficking and money laundering. The use of violence enforces control and intimidates rivals. Corruption involves bribing officials to evade law enforcement. Organizational discipline ensures members adhere to rules, preserving order and loyalty. Penetration of legitimate businesses allows money laundering and legal influence expansion. An overarching code of secrecy protects against external threats and internal betrayal. The two most critical attributes are structure and corruption. The structure ensures efficient operation with a transparent chain of command, enabling effective coordination of activities. Corruption facilitates uninterrupted illegal activities by neutralizing law enforcement efforts through bribery and manipulation, protecting the group from legal consequences. These attributes are fundamental for OC’s sustainability and effectiveness, enabling operational efficiency and strategic protection. Evidence from scholarly sources and case studies, such as the Mafia and drug cartels, illustrates how these attributes contribute to their enduring success.

2: Investigate and then report on how terrorism differs from organized crime. As part of your response, include the ways they overlap. Please make sure to provide real-life referenced examples that illustrate and help support your view here.

Terrorism vs. Organized Crime

Next, we will compare and contrast terrorism and organized crime. 
  • Definitions and Distinctions: Define both terrorism and organized crime. Highlight their primary objectives, methods, and ideologies.
  • Discuss Differences: Explain how these two forms of crime differ regarding their goals, tactics, and organizational structures.
  • Example: Terrorism often aims to achieve political or ideological goals, while organized crime typically seeks financial gain.
  • Identify Areas of Overlap: Discuss the similarities and intersections between terrorism and organized crime. Mention aspects like funding mechanisms, organizational structure, or use of violence.
  • Provide Real-Life Examples: Illustrate your points with specific examples. Compare the financial operations of a terrorist group like ISIS with those of an organized crime syndicate like the Mafia.
  • Use Credible References: Support your analysis with references from credible sources to strengthen your discussion and provide real-world relevance.


Terrorism and organized crime, while sharing some similarities, have distinct differences. Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political or ideological goals. On the other hand, organized crime refers to criminal organizations that engage in illegal activities primarily for financial gain. The primary distinction lies in their objectives: terrorism aims to achieve political or ideological outcomes, such as creating fear to influence government policies, as seen with groups like ISIS. Organized crime, exemplified by syndicates like the Mafia, focuses on economic profit through activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, and money laundering. Despite these differences, there are notable overlaps. Both terrorism and organized crime may use similar methods, such as violence and intimidation, to achieve their ends. They also share similarities in their organizational structures, often operating in hierarchical setups with transparent chains of command. Funding mechanisms can also overlap; for example, terrorist organizations sometimes engage in organized crime to finance their operations. A real-life example is the financial operations of ISIS, which has been known to engage in smuggling and extortion similar to organized crime syndicates. Conversely, the Mafia has used violence and corruption to maintain control and influence, much like terrorist groups.


By completing the CMRJ 524 Week One Discussion: Attributes of Organized Crime & Terrorism, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental characteristics of organized crime and its distinction from terrorism. This knowledge is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat these complex and evolving threats. The analysis will enhance your critical thinking and research skills and provide deeper insights into the dynamics of crime and its impact on global security.

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