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COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR

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Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR

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Access the “Sexual Dysfunctions” section of the DSM-5-TR and the “Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunction and Therapy” video in the Week 7: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TRLinks to an external site. reading list. Review the diagnoses and criteria listed in the “Sexual Dysfunctions” section of DSM-5-TR. Then choose one and develop a hypothetical case based on that dysfunction. After watching the “Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunction and Therapy” video, complete the following:

  • Briefly describe a client, such as 25-year old Hispanic female, 56-year old African American male, or another, and apply DSM-5-TR criteria of the sexual dysfunction selected.
  • Discuss how you might address those challenges.

Response Guidelines

Respond to a peer who selected a diagnosis that differs from what you selected. How can you use the information contained in that post to inform your practice?

In your responses, be sure to be considerate of other learners’ perspectives, the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics [PDF]Links to an external site., and the potential for yourself to have a strong personal response to the materials presented. If you find you have a strong personal response to the materials, please discuss how you believe this will impact your work with clients and describe an action plan to address your strong response to the topic.


[u07a1] Week 7 Assignment: Biopsychosocial Assessment

Due: Sun May 26, 2024 11:59pm5/26/2024


For this assignment, you will select a client from the Client Assessment and Treatment Plan and complete all components of the Biopsychosocial Assessment form for your client. When details from the case are vague or missing, you are encouraged to elaborate and add to the case to create a richer client picture.

This assignment is intended to mimic the initial report that you would write for a new client. It culminates with a treatment plan for your selected client in Week 9. A biopsychosocial assessment is completed during and after the first session with a client. It is a report that offers a comprehensive overview of the client. If you have never written or seen a biopsychosocial report, please research examples online. The report used at a particular organization or by a particular counselor may be different, but all reports have domains (health history, education, legal history, and drug/alcohol history) in common. 

This assignment is not a traditional paper like you have written in other courses. A few things to note:

  • While you would not be citing professional literature throughout a typical biopsychosocial assessment, for this assignment (and all others in this course), you should support your statements with frequent references to peer-reviewed journal articles from the past 5 years.
  • Provide APA formatted in-text citations and list all references used in the Reference field of the form.
  • Remember that your work for this assignment should be written primarily in your own words. Avoid cutting and pasting information from the case into your report; it is better to find a way to summarize this information in your own words.


To complete the assignment, fill out all fields of the Biopsychosocial Assessment form in the Client Assessment and Treatment Plan. Incorporate a comprehensive discussion of the following areas: 

  • Describe the client’s demographic information and current symptoms listed as DSM-5-TR Sexual Dysfunctions symptoms. Refer to Week 7: Sexual DysfunctionsLinks to an external site..
    • Describe the client’s behavior, including any developmental crises, disability, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal sexual behavior.
    • Describe the client’s demographic information including age, gender, and race.
  • Describe the client’s cultural background, including ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation.
    • Detail the cultural norms specific to the client’s identified populations. 
    • Identify ethical and cultural considerations relevant to the client’s identified sexual issues.
    • Cite relevant ACA ethical codes specific to the client’s circumstances.
  • Describe the client’s family, social, and community backgrounds.
    • Describe the role of family systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders related to issues of human sexuality.
    • Describe the role of social networks and community systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders related to issues of human sexuality.
  • Describe the client’s personal background. This includes:
    • Developmental history.
    • Disability status.
    • Educational history.
    • Military service.
    • History of trauma.
    • Employment status.
    • Legal status.
    • Financial status.
    • Other circumstances such as transportation, housing, et cetera.
    • Medical background.
    • Substance use background.
    • Mental health background.
    • The possible impact of events in the client’s history on current symptoms.
  • Identify other professionals that you anticipate will be involved in the care for this client as the treatment continues.
    • Explain how you will arrange for communication with them and what you are likely to communicate to each of them.
  • Describe specific strategies for working with the client to address their identified issues.
    • Support your discussion and ideas with relevant human sexuality research findings the support the identified strategies.

Your resulting written report should be concise, balanced, and logically organized, and conform to APA format for references and in-text citations.

  • Incorporate references as appropriate into fields of the form via in-text citations.
  • List all references used in the References field.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Evaluate individual, couples, family, group, and community strategies for working with and advocating for diverse populations in order to address issues of human sexuality.
    • Describe the client’s demographic information and current symptoms listed as DSM-5-TR symptoms.
    • Describe the client’s family, social, and community backgrounds and the role of these systems as sources of support for the client.
    • Describe the client’s personal background, including the possible impact of events in the client’s history on current symptoms.
  • Competency 4: Apply ethical and legal considerations in issues of sexuality specifically related to the practice of counseling.
    • Describe the client’s cultural background, including ethical and cultural considerations relevant to the client’s identified sexual issues.
  • Competency 5: Apply treatment, referral, and prevention strategies to human sexuality disorders.
    • Identify other professionals that you anticipate will be involved in the care for this client as the treatment continues and your plan for communicating with them.
    • Describe specific strategies for working with the client to address their identified issues.
  • Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the counseling profession.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to citations and references.
    • Craft a written report that is concise, balanced, and logically organized, and that conforms to APA format and standards.

View Rubric

Step-By-Step Guide on Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR

Introduction to COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR

This COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR delves into the complexities of sexual dysfunctions as categorized by the DSM-5-TR. The assignment involves a detailed examination of the diagnostic criteria for sexual dysfunctions, supplemented by insights from the “Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunction and Therapy” video. This owlisdom exercise aims to deepen your understanding of the nuances involved in diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunctions, enhancing your ability to apply these concepts in clinical settings.

Access the “Sexual Dysfunctions” section of the DSM-5-TR.

Accessing and Reviewing DSM-5-TR

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR, we will assess and review DSM-5-TR.

  • Access the DSM-5-TR through your academic portal or library resources.
  • Carefully read the section pertaining to sexual dysfunctions, focusing on the criteria and classifications provided. 

Access the “Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunction and Therapy” video.

Watching the Educational Video

  • View the video from the Week 7 reading list to understand real-world applications of the DSM-5-TR criteria.
  • Note any therapeutic approaches or case studies presented that illustrate the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.

Review the diagnoses and criteria listed in the “Sexual Dysfunctions” section of DSM-5-TR. Then, choose one and develop a hypothetical case based on that dysfunction.

Developing a Hypothetical Case

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR, we will discuss Developing a Hypothetical Case.

  • Select a sexual dysfunction that interests you or is relevant to your future practice.
  • Create a detailed client profile (e.g., age, cultural background) and describe their symptoms aligning with the chosen dysfunction.

Briefly describe a client, such as a 25-year-old Hispanic female, 56-year-old African American male, or another, and apply DSM-5-TR criteria of the sexual dysfunction selected.

Describe a Client and Apply DSM-5-TR Criteria

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR, we will Describe a Client and Apply DSM-5-TR Criteria.

  • Choose a demographic profile for your client (e.g., 30-year-old Asian male).
  • Describe the client’s presenting symptoms that align with a specific sexual dysfunction according to the DSM-5-TR.
  • Ensure that the description covers all necessary DSM-5-TR criteria for a diagnosis, such as the duration of symptoms and their impact on the individual’s well-being.


The client is a 28-year-old Hispanic female who reports significant distress due to a persistent lack of sexual interest and difficulty in maintaining arousal, which has been ongoing for the past year. These symptoms meet the DSM-5-TR criteria, as they cause noticeable distress in her relationships and personal functioning and are not attributable to another medical condition or solely to the effects of a substance.

Discuss how you might address those challenges.

Address Challenges

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR, we will discuss Address Challenges.

  • Outline a treatment plan that includes therapeutic approaches relevant to the diagnosed dysfunction.
  • Consider both psychological interventions (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, sex therapy) and medical treatments (e.g., medication) if applicable.
  • Discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration with other health professionals when necessary.
  • Reflect on cultural, psychological, and social factors that could influence treatment effectiveness and client comfort.

Addressing the Challenges

From the “Portraits in Human Sexuality” video, it’s clear that a comprehensive approach is crucial in treating sexual dysfunctions. To address the client’s challenges

Psychoeducation: Educating the client about sexual arousal and response, debunking myths, and setting realistic expectations.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): To modify negative perceptions related to sexual activity and to enhance sexual communication skills.

Couple’s Therapy: If applicable, involve the partner in therapy sessions to improve communication and address relationship issues contributing to the dysfunction.

Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Encourage mindfulness practices that can enhance bodily awareness and reduce performance anxiety.

Integration of Cultural Sensitivity

Understanding the cultural background of the client is essential. For Hispanic individuals, cultural stigmas around discussing sexual issues might be prevalent, which requires a sensitive approach to encourage open communication and ensure confidentiality and non-judgment in therapy sessions.

Respond to a peer who selected a diagnosis that differs from what you selected. How can you use the information contained in that post to inform your practice?

Peer Interaction

  • Select a peer’s post that introduces different insights or cultural perspectives from the one you studied.
  • In your response, compare and contrast the cultural values discussed and reflect on how this expanded understanding will improve your professional interactions.

Peer Response

I appreciate your comprehensive approach in integrating psychoeducation and CBT into your treatment plan for Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder. Your inclusion of mindfulness-based interventions is particularly intriguing, as it suggests a holistic approach that considers both mental and physical awareness. Also, your sensitivity to the cultural aspects of discussing sexual health with a Hispanic client shows a deep understanding of the complexities involved in therapy. This discussion broadens my perspective on the necessity of cultural competence in our field.


Engaging with the DSM-5-TR’s classification of sexual dysfunctions and applying these concepts through hypothetical case development is crucial for grasping the complexity of sexual health issues in clinical practice. This COUN-5225 Week 7 Discussion: Sexual Dysfunctions and DSM-5-TR builds diagnostic acumen and enhances therapeutic planning skills, preparing you to effectively meet diverse client needs. Embrace this opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical application, reinforcing your competency in addressing sexual dysfunctions within a professional setting. In the next module of COUN-5225, we will explore the Week 7 Assignment on Biopsychosocial Assessment.

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