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Instructions of BIOS 150 1-1 Reading Responses

Week #1: Reading Responses

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The purpose of this assignment is to give you a chance to meet your fellow students in the class, as well as to identify the key features and limitations of scientific inquiry. 


  • Submit a discussion forum post that addresses all prompt questions by the first due date (Wednesday of Week #1 at 12:00pm – noon)
  • Submit a follow-up discussion post by the second due date (Monday of Week #2 at 12:00pm – noon)


  • Your discussion post should be written in complete sentences and should be free of grammar and spelling errors.  
  • Identify a scientific breakthrough that interests you or that you are aware of.  This can be something historical or it can be something more recent.  If you are stuck on finding something, browse the website ScienceDailyLinks to an external site. which highlights the latest in published scientific research.  
  • You should have taken some notes as you read the assigned reading for this week.  Use your notes (or go back and revisit the reading once moreLinks to an external site.) if needed
  • Use both the items above to generate a discussion post that addresses all of the following prompt items:
    • Introduce yourself (name, hometown, major at Bryan, career goals, etc)
    • Identify the scientific breakthrough you chose and why you see this as a breakthrough and link to an article or website that explains that breakthrough in more detail.  
    • Identify at least three keywords (or key phrases) that you would use to describe science from the assigned reading.  For each keyword explain how that keyword relates to the breakthrough you identified.
    • Identify at least one limitation of science and explain why this is a limitation.
    • Submit your first post by 12:00pm on Wednesday of Week #1
  • For your follow-up post:
    • Read through the discussion posts and select one to respond to (try to respond to a post that does not yet have a response)
    • The author of the post will have identified three keywords (or key phrases) that they use to describe science and how those words apply to the scientific breakthrough they identified.  Identify one additional keyword that can be used to describe science, that they did not already address in their post.  Identify this keyword (or key phrase) and explain how that relates to the breakthrough they had identified.

Grading Criteria:

Your discussion post will be graded as follows using the rubric below:

  • Initial Discussion Post containing required elements (1pt)
  • Initial Discussion Post containing three distinct keywords to describe science (2pts)
  • Initial Discussion Post accurately relating all keywords to the identified scientific breakthrough (3pts)
  • Initial Discussion Post:At least one accurate scientific limitation is addressed (1pt)
  • Follow up Post:  Addresses a new keyword and relates that to the breakthrough identified by your peer (2pts)
  • Writing and Mechanics (1pt)

A sample discussion post is available below to assist you in what a complete and full-credit first-post would look like

Step-By-Step Guide BIOS 150 1-1 Reading Responses

Introduction To BIOS 150 1-1 Reading Responses

BIOS 150 1-1 Reading Responses aims to help you introduce yourself to your classmates while identifying key features and limitations of scientific inquiry. You will submit an initial discussion post addressing specific prompts and follow up with a response to a classmate’s post. This Owlisdom guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete each part of the assignment effectively.

Introduce yourself (name, hometown, major at Bryan, career goals, etc)

Introduce Yourself

  • Provide a brief introduction with your name, where you’re from, your major, and your career aspirations.


Hello, fellow students! I am Niruba, originally from Coventry, UK, and I am pursuing a psychology degree at Bryan. My career goals involve integrating psychological insights into public policy to enhance community well-being.

Identify the scientific breakthrough you chose and why you see this as a breakthrough and link to an article or website that explains that breakthrough in more detail.  

Identify A Scientific Breakthrough

  • Select a significant scientific breakthrough, explain its importance, and provide a link to a detailed article.


One scientific breakthrough that fascinates me is the development of CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing technology that has revolutionized the field of genetics (Bhattacharjee et al., 2022). The tool allows for precise and relatively easy editing of DNA, and it holds immense potential for treating genetic disorders, improving crops, and much more.

Identify at least three keywords (or key phrases) that you would use to describe science from the assigned reading.  For each keyword explain how that keyword relates to the breakthrough you identified.


  • Choose three key phrases from the reading and relate them to your chosen breakthrough.


Three key phrases from our reading that resonate with CRISPR-Cas9 are:

  1. Scientific World View: Science believes that the universe’s phenomena follow consistent patterns, which can be understood through systematic study (The Nature of Science, n.d.). CRISPR-Cas9 exemplifies this as it was developed based on the predictable nature of DNA, allowing scientists to alter genetic sequences systematically.
  2. Scientific Knowledge Is Durable: The concept emphasizes that while scientific knowledge is subject to change, it generally builds upon itself (The Nature of Science, n.d.). CRISPR-Cas9 did not discard previous genetic knowledge; instead, it extended existing frameworks of molecular biology, showcasing the durability and evolutionary nature of scientific understanding.
  3. Science Demands Evidence: The development and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 heavily rely on empirical evidence (The Nature of Science, n.d.). Its effectiveness and safety continue to be tested through rigorous scientific methods, ensuring that the outcomes are well-supported by data.

Identify at least one limitation of science and explain why this is a limitation.


  • Highlight a limitation and provide an explanation.


A significant limitation of science, highlighted by CRISPR-Cas9, is ethical ambiguity. While science can guide us on what can be done, it often does not address whether it should be done. The capability to alter DNA raises ethical questions regarding consent, potential long-term impacts on genetic lines, and the boundaries of such technology. The limitation underscores the necessity for ethical frameworks to accompany scientific advances, ensuring that moral considerations match technological capabilities.

Engaging with CRISPR-Cas9 through these scientific lenses emphasizes the breakthrough’s impact and illustrates the intrinsic complexities and responsibilities inherent in scientific pursuits.


Bhattacharjee, G., Gohil, N., Khambhati, K., Mani, I., Maurya, R., Karapurkar, J. K., Gohil, J., Chu, D.-T., Vu-Thi, H., & Alzahrani, K. J. (2022). Current approaches in CRISPR-Cas9 mediated gene editing for biomedical and therapeutic applications. Journal of Controlled Release, 343, 703–723. 

Chapter 1: The Nature of Science. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2024, from http://www.project2061.org/publications/sfaa/online/chap1.htm#enterp 

Read through the discussion posts and select one to respond to (try to respond to a post that does not yet have a response) The author of the post will have identified three keywords (or key phrases) that they use to describe science and how those words apply to the scientific breakthrough they identified.  Identify one additional keyword that can be used to describe science, that they did not already address in their post.  Identify this keyword (or key phrase) and explain how that relates to the breakthrough they had identified.

Follow-Up Post

  • Respond to at least one classmate’s post thoughtfully, adding to the discussion or providing constructive feedback.


Hello Ria,

Thank you for your insightful post on CRISPR-Cas9! The keywords you have chosen emphasize scientific inquiry’s structured yet dynamic nature. An additional keyword that complements your discussion is “Interdisciplinary Collaboration.” CRISPR-Cas9’s development and application are prime examples of how modern science transcends traditional boundaries. This technology integrates biology, chemistry, and computational sciences, showcasing how collaborative efforts across various scientific disciplines are crucial for groundbreaking advancements. The interdisciplinary nature accelerates innovation and broadens the potential applications of such technologies, from medicine to agriculture. The keyword highlights the collaborative framework essential for the kind of significant breakthroughs that CRISPR represents, emphasizing the collective endeavor inherent in scientific progress.


By following these guidelines, you will be able to craft a comprehensive and engaging discussion BIOS 150 1-1 Reading Responses that meets all the requirements and fosters meaningful interactions with your peers.In the next module of BIOS-150, we will explore the 2-1 Peer Review Reflection.

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