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BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions

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Instructions of BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions

Week 6 Assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

  • Analyze the components of employee engagement for contemporary workplaces.
  • Integrate human resource theories and models to create innovative, engaging, and productive work environments.
  • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

Assignment Instructions

Every organization, no matter how effective employee engagement, needs to continually review and update its human resources methods to ensure that what it is doing is sustainable and effective for the future. Using the resources you have reviewed in this course, and additional research you have conducted, address the following in this paper.

  1. In thinking about the organization you have been targeting, what three areas would be an ongoing concern, future consideration, or likely gap in employee engagement for the future?
  2. What solutions would you recommend for these three issues? Provide evidence from your research to support your selection of these solutions. Provide references to appropriate theories, incorporating both human resources and theories from other disciplines to support your selection of these solutions. (A few examples of other relevant disciplines include communication, leadership, sociology, or psychology.)
  3. The role that HR professionals would play in each of these solutions.
  4. Additional roles or groups in the organization that would be needed to effectively implement each solution you are proposing.

Assignment Requirements

  • References:
    • Use no fewer than three scholarly resources.
    • Use no fewer than three news or popular resources.
    • Include any relevant course readings.
  • Format: Use APA Style and FormatLinks to an external site. for this paper.
  • Length: 4–6 pages, not including title, abstract, and reference pages.

Refer to the Articulating the Gap and Evaluating the Solutions Rubric to learn how this assignment will be evaluated.

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Step-By-Step Guide BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions

Introduction to BMGT 8412 Week Six Assignment

The BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions, involves evaluating the organisation you are studying to identify three key areas of concern, future considerations, or gaps in employee engagement. You will recommend solutions for these issues supported by evidence and relevant theories. Additionally, you will outline the role of HR professionals and other organisational groups necessary to implement these solutions effectively.

In thinking about the organisation you have been targeting, what three areas would be an ongoing concern, future consideration, or likely gap in employee engagement for the future?

Identifying Three Key Areas of Concern

To start the BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions, we will identify three ongoing concerns, future considerations, or likely gaps in employee engagement for the organisation you are studying.

  • Reflect on the organisation’s current employee engagement practices and future challenges. 
  • Consider technological advancements, workforce diversity, and evolving employee expectations. 
  • Use specific examples and data from your research to pinpoint these areas.


This paper examines Apple Inc. and identifies three key areas of concern for future employee engagement. It provides actionable solutions for these issues, supported by evidence and relevant theories from human resources and other disciplines. Additionally, the role of HR professionals and other organisational groups in implementing these solutions is discussed to ensure a comprehensive approach to creating an adaptive and innovative workplace at Apple.

Identifying Three Key Areas of Concern

Apple Inc., a global leader in technology, faces several challenges in maintaining and enhancing employee engagement. The three primary areas of concern for future employee engagement at Apple are technological adaptation, diversity and inclusion, and work-life balance.

Technological Adaptation 

As a tech giant, Apple continuously evolves with new technological advancements. However, this rapid pace of innovation can be challenging for employees to keep up with, potentially leading to skill gaps and decreased engagement. Ensuring employees are continuously updated with the latest technological skills is crucial for maintaining engagement and productivity.

Diversity and Inclusion

While Apple has made significant strides in promoting diversity and inclusion, there is always room for improvement. Ensuring all employees feel valued and included fosters a positive work environment and enhances engagement. Addressing gaps in diversity and inclusion initiatives is critical for the company’s future.

Work-life Balance

The demanding nature of work at Apple can impact employees’ work-life balance. Long hours and high-pressure projects can lead to burnout, negatively affecting employee satisfaction and retention. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is increasingly important for employee well-being and engagement.

What solutions would you recommend for these three issues? Provide evidence from your research to support your selection of these solutions. Provide references to appropriate theories, incorporating human resources and theories from other disciplines to support your selection of these solutions. (Examples of other relevant disciplines include communication, leadership, sociology, or psychology.)

Recommending Solutions for Identified Issues

Next, in the BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions, we will recommend solutions for the three identified issues.

  • Propose actionable solutions for each concern, supported by evidence from your research. 
  • Incorporate relevant theories from human resources and other disciplines such as communication, leadership, sociology, or psychology. 
  • Include these theories and explain how they support your recommended solutions. 
  • Ensure your recommendations are practical and aligned with the organisation’s goals.


Recommending Solutions for Identified Issues

Technological Adaptation

I recommend implementing continuous learning programs to address the challenge of technological adaptation. These programs should provide ongoing education and training for employees, ensuring they stay current with the latest technologies and industry trends. Educational psychology theories, such as lifelong learning and cognitive flexibility, support the importance of continuous learning in adapting to technological changes. According to Smith (2021), continuous learning programs improve employee adaptability and engagement by fostering a culture of learning and development.

Diversity and Inclusion

Enhancing diversity and inclusion initiatives at Apple can be achieved by integrating social identity theory and inclusive leadership practices. Social identity theory emphasises the importance of individuals’ sense of belonging and identity within a group. Inclusive leadership practices involve leaders actively promoting and supporting diversity within the team. Research by Nishii and Leroy (2022) indicates that these approaches create an environment where all employees feel valued and included, which is crucial for engagement. Specific strategies could include diversity training programs, employee resource groups, and mentorship opportunities for underrepresented groups.

Work-life Balance

Apple should introduce flexible work arrangements and wellness programs to improve work-life balance. Organisational psychology theories on work-life balance suggest that flexible work schedules, remote work options, and comprehensive wellness initiatives can significantly reduce burnout and increase job satisfaction. Dunn & McMinn (2021) found that employees with access to flexible work arrangements and wellness programs are likelier to feel satisfied and engaged. Implementing these solutions would demonstrate Apple’s commitment to employee well-being and help maintain a productive and motivated workforce.

The role that HR professionals would play in each of these solutions.

Role of HR Professionals in Implementing Solutions

This section of the BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions, will describe HR professionals’ role in implementing each solution.

  • Outline specific actions HR professionals must take to implement the proposed solutions. 
  • Discuss their training, communication, policy development, and monitoring progress responsibilities. 
  • Emphasise the importance of HR’s involvement in ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of these solutions.


Role of HR Professionals in Implementing Solutions

HR professionals at Apple play a critical role in implementing these solutions effectively:

Technological Adaptation

HR professionals should develop and manage continuous learning programs, ensuring they are accessible to all employees. This includes organising training sessions, workshops, and online courses that cover the latest technological advancements. HR should also create a supportive learning environment by encouraging employees to pursue further education and certifications.

Diversity and Inclusion

HR professionals must design and implement comprehensive diversity training programs and policies to promote diversity and inclusion. They should also facilitate the creation of employee resource groups and mentorship programs, providing support and resources to underrepresented groups. HR’s role includes monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of these initiatives and making necessary adjustments to ensure they meet the company’s diversity goals.

Work-life Balance

HR should advocate for and implement flexible work arrangements and wellness programs. This involves developing policies that allow for remote work, flexible hours, and other accommodations that support work-life balance. HR professionals should also promote wellness initiatives such as fitness programs, mental health resources, and stress management workshops. Regularly assessing employee feedback and adjusting programs based on their needs is crucial for the success of these initiatives.

Additional roles or groups in the organisation would be needed to implement each solution you propose effectively.

Additional Roles or Groups Needed for Implementation

Here, identify additional roles or groups needed to implement each solution effectively.

  • Determine which other departments or individuals must be involved in the implementation process. This could include leadership teams, IT departments, communication teams, or employee representatives. 
  • Explain how their collaboration and support are crucial for successfully implementing the solutions. 
  • Provide examples of how these groups can contribute to achieving the desired outcomes.


Additional Roles or Groups Needed for Implementation

Effective implementation of these solutions requires collaboration with various roles and groups within Apple:

Leadership Teams

Leadership teams play a crucial role in championing and supporting these initiatives. Their commitment to continuous learning, diversity, and work-life balance sets the tone for the entire organisation. Leaders should actively participate in training programs and diversity initiatives and promote work-life balance practices within their teams.

IT Department

The IT department is essential for supporting technological adaptation by providing the necessary infrastructure and resources for continuous learning programs. This includes setting up online learning platforms, ensuring access to the latest software and tools, and offering technical support for training sessions.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

ERGs can provide valuable insights and support for diversity and inclusion initiatives. These groups can help identify different employee segments’ specific needs and challenges and work with HR to develop targeted programs and policies. ERGs also play a crucial role in fostering employees’ sense of community and belonging.

Wellness Committees

Wellness committees can help design and implement wellness programs that address employees’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These committees can organise activities, promote resources, and continuously gather feedback to improve wellness initiatives.


The BMGT 8412 WEEK six assignment: Articulating the Gap and Evaluating Solutions, aims to enhance your understanding of identifying and addressing gaps in employee engagement within an organisation. By recommending evidence-based solutions and outlining the roles of HR professionals and other organisational groups, you will develop a comprehensive approach to creating adaptive and innovative workplaces. Engaging with relevant theories and interdisciplinary perspectives will deepen your analysis and contribute to effective HR practices. In the Upcoming module of BMGT, we will explore Communication Tools That Work.


Dunn, D. S., & McMinn, J. G. (2021). The work-life balance of academic psychologists: Evidence and anecdote. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 62(4), 352–360. https://doi.org/10.1037/cap0000281

Nishii, L. H., & Leroy, H. (2022). A Multi-Level Framework of Inclusive Leadership in Organizations. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 683–722. https://doi.org/10.1177/10596011221111505

Smith, M. (2021). EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN  WORK ENGAGEMENT, COLLECTIVE TEACHER EFFICACY, AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN CHANGE TIMES. Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/1342  

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