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ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement

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Instructions of ENG 122 4-3 Assignment


For this assignment, you are going to work on a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that states the topic and purpose of a paper. A good thesis statement will direct the structure of your final essay and will allow your reader to understand the ideas you will discuss within your paper. Therefore, it should be one sentence, succinct, and well thought out, and it should summarize your reaction to the selected reading and your supporting points.


For this assignment, you will compose a thesis statement that summarizes your argument for the article you selected to work on throughout the course. Use the framework below to help you construct your thesis statement: 

Main Claim:

The article’s main claim of  [insert a summary of author’s main claim here]__________________ is _[insert your evaluation of the argument here]__________________ 

Supporting Key Points:  ( list your support for your evaluation of the author’s main claim) 

because ______________, ______________________, and ______________________.  

The main claim should summarize your reaction to your selected reading and your supporting points. Remember that a strong thesis statement should contain a main claim and three supporting points to back up the main claim.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify a main claim that relates to the selected work.

  • Identify three relevant key points in support of your claim.

Guidelines for Submission

Save your work in a Word document and include a page with references. It must be written in MLA or APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Step-By-Step Guide on ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement

Introduction to ENG 122 4-3 Assignment 

Creating a strong thesis statement is essential for guiding the direction and structure of your essay. These Owlisdom guide of ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement will help us craft a compelling thesis statement based on the article we have been working with throughout the course. We chose to work with the article Error Analysis of Written English Composition (Neupane, 2023).

Identify a main claim that relates to the selected work.

Understanding the Main Claim

To start the ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement, we will first understand the main claim of the article we chose.

  • Main Claim: Reflect on the author’s primary argument within the selected article. Summarize this main claim in your own words, ensuring it accurately represents the article’s argument.
  • Your Reaction: Determine your stance on the author’s claim. Is it strong, weak, convincing, or lacking evidence? This will form the basis of your thesis statement.


The main claim of Neupane’s article, “Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students,” posits that understanding and addressing the common errors in English composition at the basic level significantly enhances learning outcomes. Evaluating this claim, I find it robust and convincingly supported by systematic error analysis and empirical evidence. Neupane’s argument is compelling, highlighting the critical role of error analysis in improving English language teaching methodologies.

Identify three relevant key points in support of your claim.

Identifying Supporting Key Points

The next part is to identify the vital supporting key points of the article.

  • Selecting Key Points: Choose three arguments or evidence from the article that most strongly support your evaluation of the author’s claim. These should be specific points that you can cite to back up your stance.
  • Relevance: Ensure each key point directly supports your stance on the main claim. They should be compelling and directly related to your reaction to the article.


The article substantiates its claim with three key points: first, the categorization of errors into grammatical, syntactical, and semantic, pinpointing areas for focused instruction; second, the demonstration of how specific error types correlate with students’ learning challenges; third, evidence showing the effectiveness of targeted feedback in student error correction. These points underpin the argument that meticulous error analysis is vital for enhancing the efficacy of English language teaching at the basic level.

Main Claim: The article’s main claim of [insert a summary of the author’s main claim here] __________________ is _[insert your evaluation of the argument here]__________________ 

Supporting Key Points: (list your support for your evaluation of the author’s main claim) 

because ______________, ______________________, and ______________________.  

Composing the Thesis Statement

To compose our final thesis statement, we will fill out the given template with the data and information we assessed in the previous sections of ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement.

  • Combination: Integrate your reaction to the main claim and three supporting points into one coherent sentence. This sentence should clearly state your stance on the article’s argument and briefly mention the supporting points.
  • Conciseness: Keep your thesis statement to one sentence. It should be concise yet comprehensive enough to cover your main claim and the reasons behind your stance.


The article’s main claim that understanding and addressing common errors in English composition significantly enhances basic learners’ outcomes is compelling and robust because the systematic categorization of errors backs it, the correlation between specific errors and learning challenges, and the proven effectiveness of targeted feedback in improving student learning.


Remember, a well-crafted thesis statement sets the direction for your essay and engages your readers by clearly outlining what to expect in your discussion. Following these steps will ensure you develop a strong foundation for your argument. I hope you smash the ENG 122 4-3 Assignment: Identifying your Thesis Statement.

In the next module of ENG 122, we will explore the 4-6 Assignments on Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing.

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