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COM 205 WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT: Speech Project – Part I

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 6 Assignment


In this assignment, you will choose a topic for a persuasive speech that you will deliver in Week 12. You will research and write a summary of two sources of information on your chosen topic.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment

  • Complete the worksheet:

    • Consider something in which you feel strongly. This could be a political issue, a pet peeve, a social justice issue, or something you can persuade others to believe.

    • Compose your topic in five words or less (this becomes the title of your speech).

    • Research the topic and find two sources of information you can use in your persuasive speech.

    • Write a summary of these sources in less than 200 words and cite them appropriately.

    • Spell and grammar check your summary.

  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:

    • COM205_wk6_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy

  • Submit your assignment for peer review by Sunday.

  • Once a peer review has been assigned, you can view a notification in your Dashboard To Do sidebar.

  • Conduct peer review and provide constructive feedback. Your peer review is due on Wednesday (in Week 8).

Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 6 Assignment: Speech Project – Part I


The previous week, we discussed Intercultural Communication. We discussed how communication with an individual from another culture is more problematic when it occurs in a virtual environment rather than face-to-face.

Introduction to COM 205 Week 6 Assignment

The COM 205 Week 6 Assignment: Speech Project – Part I challenges you to craft a persuasive speech on a topic you feel passionately about. You will explore this topic deeply, select reliable sources to bolster your arguments, and summarize your findings effectively. By following this How-To COM 205 Guide, you will have developed a compelling, persuasive speech and honed your research and analytical skills.

Initial Preparations

To start the COM 205 Week 6 Assignment: Speech Project – Part I, we will complete the Required Reading, Attend the Interactive Lecture, and follow the instructions.
  • Ensure you fully understand the foundational concepts that will aid in topic selection and argument development.
  • Engage actively to clarify any doubts before proceeding with your speech preparation.

Choosing Your Topic

I chose Racial Inequality.
  • Reflect on issues or subjects that evoke strong emotions or opinions. 
  • Consider current events, longstanding issues, or personal experiences as potential topics.
  • Summarize your chosen topic into a concise title of no more than five words. This title should reflect the essence of your argument and catch the audience’s attention.

Research Process

Identify two credible sources that provide substantial information on your topic. These could be academic journals, reputable news outlets, or specialized publications.
  • Ensure these sources offer diverse perspectives and sufficient depth to support your arguments.
  • Verify the authenticity of your sources by checking their publication dates, the credentials of the authors, and the presence of citations or references.


For my speech on racial injustice, I will utilize two critical resources that shed light on racial disparities and their profound implications in the United States. The first resource is an article from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (2024), which explores the nation’s extensive landscape of racial inequality, highlighting systemic issues and their economic impacts. The second resource is a publication by the Economic Policy Institute (2022), focusing specifically on the labor market outcomes between Black and White Americans, detailing the enduring disparities in employment and wages.

Summarizing Research

  • Begin with an introduction that outlines the main points from your sources.
  • Discuss each source separately, highlighting key evidence that supports your persuasive speech.
  • Use direct quotes, statistics, or summarized ideas from sources to support your claims.
  • Ensure each piece of evidence is linked to your overall argument.


Both resources emphasize that racial injustice extends beyond individual discrimination to encompass structural barriers that affect minorities disproportionately. The Treasury article (2024) outlines how historical and ongoing policies have segregated communities and limited access to essential services, reinforcing cycles of poverty. On the other hand, the Economic Policy Institute’s analysis (2022) provides a granular look at how racial biases in hiring, pay, and promotion continue to undermine Black Americans’ economic opportunities. Together, these sources paint a comprehensive picture of how deeply embedded racial inequalities are in the fabric of American society, challenging us to confront these injustices through informed action and policy change. This understanding underscores the necessity for a concerted effort toward social justice, emphasizing rights, equality, and community solidarity, especially in times of crisis.


Completing the COM 205 Week 6 Assignment: Speech Project – Part I will advance your ability to persuade and inform an audience and enhance your critical thinking and research skills. These capabilities are essential for academic success and can significantly impact your effectiveness in future communication tasks.


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. (2024, May 3). Racial Inequality in the United States. U.S. Department of the Treasury. https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/racial-inequality-in-the-united-states  Wilson, V. (2022). Understanding black-white disparities in labor market outcomes requires models that account for persistent discrimination and unequal bargaining power. Economic Policy Institute. https://www.epi.org/unequalpower/publications/understanding-black-white-disparities-in-labor-market-outcomes/ 

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