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COM 205 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION: Speech Planning

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 10 Discussion


Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Speech Planning

While you still have a week to go before you deliver your final speech, this week, describe the process you have followed so far in developing your speech. Why is it important to plan and prepare the delivery of a speech? Identify any obstacles you may have faced and how you overcame those obstacles. What can you do to set your speech apart from those of your peers?

Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your response to your peers, you might offer some additional insights about their examples.

Step-By-Step  Guide COM 205 Week 10 Discussion: Speech Planning


Previously, we discussed Communication in the Digital Age. We explored the significant differences between face-to-face and communication through digital technology. We also discussed how to be successful in today’s business environment, which model we believe requires the most significant degree of mastery. 

Introduction to COM 205 Week 10 Discussion

This How-To Guide is designed to assist you in crafting a reflective post about your speech preparation process for your COM 205 final assignment. You will explore the importance of meticulous planning, discuss challenges, and consider strategies to make your speech stand out. Additionally, guidelines for responding constructively to peers are included to enrich your learning experience.

Why is it essential to plan and prepare the delivery of a speech?

Importance of Planning and Preparation

To start the COM 205 Week 10 Discussion: Speech Planning, we will explain the importance of planning and preparation for speech communication.
  • Outline your initial steps in the speech preparation process, emphasizing the value of a structured approach.
  • Discuss how thorough planning contributes to a more confident and effective delivery.


The cornerstone of any successful speech is its planning and preparation phase. Starting with a structured approach, I outlined the main points I wanted to cover, ensuring a logical flow from the introduction to the conclusion. This initial mapping clarified my thoughts and helped me allocate appropriate time for each segment, preventing any last-minute rushes that could compromise the quality of my presentation. Thorough planning significantly boosts confidence. Knowing precisely what and how you will say it alleviates much of the anxiety associated with public speaking. For instance, I refined my delivery by rehearsing various parts of my speech multiple times, making it more confident and effective. This preparation also allowed room for flexibility, as I was well-acquainted with the material and could easily adjust to time constraints or audience reactions during the presentation.

Identify any obstacles you may have faced and how you overcame those obstacles.

Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles

Next, we will discuss identifying and overcoming obstacles during communication. 
  • Reflect on any challenges you faced during the speech preparation.
  • Describe specific strategies you used to address these challenges.


One major obstacle I faced throughout the preparation process was finding the right balance between providing information and engaging the audience. Initially, my speech was too dense with facts, which could potentially disengage listeners. To overcome this, I incorporated stories and relevant examples that made the content more relatable and memorable. Additionally, practicing in front of a small audience provided me with real-time feedback, helping me gauge and adjust the pacing and tone of my speech accordingly. Another challenge was dealing with technology. Reliance on multimedia elements like slides and videos introduced a risk of technical issues. I mitigated this by ensuring all equipment was tested beforehand and preparing a backup plan in case of technical failures. This proactive approach prevented potential disruptions during the speech.

What can you do to set your speech apart from your peers?

Differentiating Your Speech

Now, for this segment of the COM 205 Week 10 Discussion: Speech Planning, we will discuss how our speech differs from our peers.
  • Consider what unique angles or elements you can incorporate to make your speech stand out.
  • Suggest incorporating personal stories, advanced presentation aids, or interactive elements to engage your audience more effectively.
  • Example: Share how using a particular visual aid or a unique rhetorical question made your speech more memorable.


I focused on integrating unique elements that would resonate with the audience to set my speech apart. I chose to incorporate a compelling personal anecdote that aligned with the central theme of the speech, providing a human element that textbooks or quotations could not. Additionally, I used high-quality visual aids to illustrate key points and posed rhetorical questions to provoke thought and encourage audience interaction. An example of a memorable element was using a short, impactful video clip that emphasized the speech’s central message. This captured the audience’s attention and reinforced the content, making the speech more effective and engaging. In conclusion, effective speech preparation involves meticulous planning, overcoming potential obstacles with strategic solutions, and employing unique elements to distinguish your presentation. By addressing these areas diligently, one can enhance both the delivery and impact of their speech, ensuring it is influential and memorable.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. You might offer additional insights about their examples in your response to your peers.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the COM 205 Week 10 Discussion: Speech Planning. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.
  • Provide constructive feedback that builds on their ideas.
  • Offer additional insights or personal experiences related to the challenges or strategies they’ve discussed.
  • Keep your response supportive and focused, aiming to enhance the collaborative learning environment.

Response 01

Hey Jules, great post! Your focus on the balance between information and engagement is spot-on! I faced a similar challenge and found that integrating relevant questions throughout the speech helped maintain audience interest. Your strategy of using a backup plan for technical issues is invaluable, too—it saved my presentation once when a video failed to play. It is great to see such proactive measures in place. Your approach adds depth and reliability to any presentation.

Response 02

We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 10 Discussion without a hassle.


In preparing for your final speech, recognizing the significance of thorough planning, overcoming personal barriers, and finding ways to distinguish your presentation are crucial steps toward success. This reflective process enhances your current project and contributes to your communication growth. Engaging thoughtfully with peers further enriches your understanding and contributes to your learning community.


Next week, we will explore Politics and Persuasive Speech. We will discuss some of the past campaign speeches you may have heard.

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