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COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 9 Discussion


Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Communication in the Digital Age

Explain what are some of the significant differences between face-to-face communication and communication by way of digital technology (e.g. email, texting, the Internet, social media)? To be successful in today’s business environment, which model do you believe requires the greatest degree of mastery? Explain. Which model are you most comfortable and why?

Response Posts:  In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, you might elaborate upon some of the pros and cons of both types of communication. Consider sharing some difficult experiences you have had communicating both face-to-face and via some form of technology. How might your communication efforts have been improved? What would the interaction have looked like had you used the opposite model?

Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, select the three dots above [] to see the rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age


The previous week focused on the discussion of Professional Communication. We also solved the assignment for Week 8, in which we explored the second part of the speech project draft.

Introduction to COM 205 Week 9 Discussion

This How-To Owlisdom Guide provides instructions for approaching an assignment that compares face-to-face communication with digital communication methods such as email, texting, and social media. The COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age will explore which communication model is critical to master in today’s business environment and which model students are most comfortable with.

Explain some of the significant differences between face-to-face communication and communication via digital technology (e.g., email, texting, the Internet, and social media).

Differences Between Face-to-Face and Digital Communication

To start the COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age, we will explore the difference between face-to-face and digital modes of communication.

In the COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age, we dive into the intriguing contrasts between face-to-face and digital communication models, the importance of mastering these models in today’s fast-paced business environment, and our comfort with each model.

  • Start by defining both communication models.
  • List and explain the significant differences, such as the immediacy of feedback, emotional expression, and convenience.
  • Use examples to illustrate these differences. Keep descriptions concise and focused.


Face-to-face communication refers to interactions that occur in person, allowing for immediate feedback and rich non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions. In contrast, digital communication encompasses various forms of interaction through technology, including emails, texting, internet forums, and social media, which do not require physical presence and often lack the immediacy of feedback and richness of non-verbal cues.

One significant difference between these models is the immediacy of feedback. In face-to-face conversations, responses are instant, and misunderstandings can be clarified immediately. For instance, during a business meeting, if a point is not clear, it can immediately be addressed, facilitating more dynamic and engaging discussions. On the other hand, digital communication often involves a delay. An email might sit unread for hours or days, delaying responses and potentially leading to bottlenecks in decision-making processes.

Another difference lies in the expression of emotions. Face-to-face communication allows for a fuller emotional expression through gestures, tone of voice, and facial expressions, crucial for building trust and empathy. For example, a comforting smile or a reassuring pat on the back can be profoundly impactful during sensitive discussions. Digital communication, while versatile and convenient, often strips away these layers of emotional context, making it challenging to convey empathy and may lead to misunderstandings.

To be successful in today’s business environment, which model do you believe requires the most significant degree of mastery? Explain.

Importance of Mastery in Modern Business Environment

Next, we will discuss the importance of mastery of communication models in a business environment.

  • Explain why mastering these communication models is essential.
  • Argue which model is more crucial for success in modern businesses. Support your choice with reasons.
  • Provide clear criteria for evaluation, such as the speed of business operations and the global reach of digital platforms.


Mastering both communication models is essential for success in today’s business environment. However, the digital communication model demands a greater degree of mastery due to its complexity and the critical role it plays in modern businesses. Given the speed of business operations and the global reach of digital platforms, communicating effectively via digital means is crucial. For example, companies operate across different time zones and rely on digital tools to collaborate. A well-crafted email or a clear and concise project update shared on a digital platform can significantly impact the efficiency and clarity of business operations.

Which model are you most comfortable with and why?

Personal Comfort with Communication Models

For this segment of the COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age, we will explore our comfort with the model of communication selected.

  • Reflect on your personal experience with both models.
  • Discuss which model you find more comfortable and why.
  • Use personal anecdotes to support your preferences, ensuring they are relevant and brief.


Reflecting on my personal experiences, I am more comfortable with digital communication due to its convenience and flexibility. My role in a multinational company requires frequent interaction with colleagues across the globe, where arranging face-to-face meetings is often impractical. The ability to communicate effectively through digital means—detailed emails, structured instant messages, or comprehensive virtual presentations—has been instrumental in maintaining smooth operations and building strong professional relationships despite geographical distances.

While face-to-face communication has unique advantages in fostering personal connections and facilitating immediate feedback, mastering digital communication is indispensable in today’s digitally interconnected business landscape. My preference for digital communication stems from necessity, efficiency, and broad scope, aligning well with the demands of modern professional environments.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, you might elaborate upon some of the pros and cons of both types of communication. Consider sharing some difficult experiences you have had communicating face-to-face and via technology. How might your communication efforts have been improved? What would the interaction have looked like had you used the opposite model?

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the COM 205 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Engage with at least two peers’ posts.
  • Expand their views by discussing the pros and cons of each communication type.
  • Keep responses constructive and polite. 
  • Aim to add value to the discussion by introducing new perspectives or reinforcing good points.

Response 01

Hey Max, great post! Excellent points on the nuances between face-to-face and digital communication! I have noticed that while digital tools offer unmatched convenience, they sometimes lead to misunderstandings due to the absence of non-verbal cues. For instance, a crucial project update via email once got misinterpreted, causing unnecessary delays. Had it been conveyed in a face-to-face meeting, immediate clarification could have prevented the confusion, underscoring the importance of choosing the correct communication method for the context.

Response 02

According to the COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 9 Discussion without a hassle.


The COM 205 Week 9 Discussion: Communication in the Digital Age encourages a deep dive into the nuances of different communication models, highlighting their applications and challenges in both personal and professional contexts. Mastery of face-to-face and digital communication is crucial, but reflecting on personal comfort and experiences can provide valuable insights into individual communication strengths and areas for improvement.


Next week, we will discuss speech planning. We will explore the importance of planning and preparing the delivery of a speech. We will also discuss the obstacles we may have faced and how we overcame those obstacles. 

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