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SSGS 500 Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis

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Instructions of Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis

The goal of this assignment is to set you up for success in designing research inquiries moving forward. Part of a solid research idea and proposal is having a workable research question that is narrow enough that it can be addressed in the space provided (for example a 15-20 page research paper versus a 50-page thesis), and written in a way that is open-ended and free from bias.

  1. Start your assignment with an introductory paragraph about your research topic and why it is of interest and a research “puzzle.” You want to guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your general research question and specific research question.

While there are many ways to frame a research question, at the graduate level, your research questions should be 1) open-ended and start with “How,” “Why,” “What,” or “To what extent;” 2) should incorporate the variables you seek to assess and their relationship; and 3) should indicate how you intend to test the nature of that relationship. You want to make sure that your question has an appropriate amount of complexity so that it requires a significant amount of research and analysis. A simple Google search should not be able to answer your research question.

Too broad:  How can personal ambition in politics be harmful?


Too narrow: What is Vladimir Putin’s position on ballistic missile defense?


Too vague: What is Vladimir Putin’s “operational code?”


Appropriately Complex and Focused: To what extent has Vladimir Putin been motivated by a drive for power compared to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin?

A key question to help address the above central research question may be: How have Putin’s personal ambitions shaped Russia’s relations with the United States?


  1. Next, provide a purpose statement that conveys your intentions about what you hope to produce. See the references in your Lessons for additional insight. Often within the literature, this discussion is usually called out by a phrase like the following: “This paper examines . . .,” “The aim of this paper is to . . .,” or “The purpose of this essay is to . . .”. Remember that a purpose statement makes a promise to the reader about the development of the argument but does not preview the particular conclusions that the writer has drawn. Your purpose statement should demonstrate what you are hoping to find out, and also explain what you want your readers to understand (motivation or argument of the research). Later on, when you go to write a paper, a trick to help keep your paper focused on your purpose or argument is to paste it into the header or footer while you write.

This formula and example set from the Baruch College Writing Center may be helpful:

This student is studying…

(Narrowed Topic)

…because this author wants to find out…

(Research Question)

….so that readers understand…

(Motivation or Argument)

Differences in Boston-based and Philadelphia-based abolitionist rhetoric…

…why Boston-based abolitionists emphasized broad themes of social justice…

…how previous scholars may have overlooked the role of free black Bostonians in shaping anti-slavery ideals.

The Origins of the Glass-Steagall Act

…why lawmakers supported its passage…

…that their motives resulted not from careful economic analysis but rather from ideological preconceptions about the role of commercial banks in society.

(From Baruch College Writing Center “Focusing Research Topics Workshop” www.writingcenter.baruch.cuny.edu)

  1. Pull out the dependent (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) that you are interested in looking at. This needs to be specific and you need to discuss ideas for how you might go about measuring the impact that the IV has on the DV. You need to focus on one or two specific variables (and discuss how they are defined), otherwise, your research will quickly spin out of control as you will not have the capacity to effectively address the relationship between all the variables. The PRS Groupoffers a good list of variables they use in their research. This list is just an example of variables to show you what a variable might look like and how it might be defined.

Hypothesis: A statement for how a change or condition in one or more independent variables causes (s) a change or condition in a dependent variable.

Not all studies or research papers require the use of a hypothesis. In most cases, hypotheses are used when a study is conducting an experiment or when a study is quantitative in nature. However, this is an important skill to develop in case you do go on to complete quantitative research or conduct a formal experiment.

In this next step, you will develop a hypothesis that reflects your educated guess as to the relationship between your selected variables. You may use an “if” or “then” statement or you may formulate it as a narrative statement. Finally, explain why these are the important variables to look at within this research project. Why focus on these variables and not other variables?

By the time you are done, you should have at least 3-4 pages of content (double-spaced in Times-New Roman font 12), not including the title page, and a “references list or bibliography” page. Your writing should be consistent with the professional/academic writing style. For a refresher on the conventions of academic writing please refer to the latest Turabian writing guide or APA writing manual. Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

You can also consult: 

The College Student’s Guide to Writing A Great Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks to Make Your Work Stand Out


Use the filename (no spaces) yourlastnameWeek3.doc for uploading this file to the Assignment.

Note: This assignment will be something that you draw upon to help you complete your final assignment, which is a research proposal. For that assignment, you may use the same research question you developed here or create another one.

Step-By-Step Guide on Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis

Introduction to SSGS 500 Week Two Discussion

The Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis Exercise aims to equip you with the skills to design practical research inquiries. Developing a well-defined research question and purpose statement and identifying relevant variables, you will be better prepared to conduct thorough and focused research. This Owlisdom How-To Guide provides detailed instructions on each step to ensure clarity and coherence in your research proposals.

Start your assignment with an introductory paragraph about your research topic, why it is exciting, and research “puzzle.” You want to guide your reader from your research area to your research topic and your general and specific research questions.

Developing an Introductory Paragraph

We will develop an introductory paragraph to start Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis.

  • Begin by selecting a research topic that genuinely interests you and has significant academic or practical implications. 
  • Explain why this topic is important and relevant.
  • Identify a specific research puzzle or problem within your chosen topic. This should be a gap in the existing literature or an unresolved question your research aims to address.
  • Formulate a general research question that broadly addresses your topic. 
  • Then, narrow it down to a specific research question incorporating key variables and suggesting a relationship to be tested. 
  • Ensure the question is open-ended and appropriately complex.


In the digital age, social media has revolutionized how individuals engage with politics, making it a pertinent topic for research. The widespread use of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram has transformed political communication, participation, and activism. This topic is important because it delves into the intersection of technology and democracy, exploring how digital interactions influence civic behavior.

A specific research puzzle within this area is understanding how social media usage influences political engagement among different demographic groups. Despite the extensive literature on social media’s role in politics, a gap exists in understanding its specific impact on young adults’ political participation. This research aims to address this gap.

The general research question guiding this study is: “How does social media usage impact political engagement among young adults?” To narrow this down, a specific research question is: “To what extent does the frequency of social media use correlate with the level of political participation among college students?” This question is open-ended and appropriately complex, ensuring it requires thorough investigation and analysis.

Next, provide a purpose statement that conveys your intentions about what you hope to produce. See the references in your Lessons for additional insight. Often within the literature, this discussion is usually called out by a phrase like the following: “This paper examines . . .,” “This paper aims to . . .,” or “The purpose of this essay is to . . .”

Crafting a Purpose Statement

Next, in Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis. We will craft a purpose statement.

  • Write a clear purpose statement that outlines what your research aims to achieve. Use phrases like “This paper examines…” or “The purpose of this study is to…” to articulate your research intentions.
  • Your purpose statement should hint at the development of your argument without revealing specific conclusions. It should guide the reader on what to expect regarding the research focus and analytical approach.


This study examines the relationship between social media usage frequency and political participation levels among college students. It aims to uncover how different levels of engagement with social media platforms influence the political behaviors of young adults, providing insights into the broader implications of digital media on civic engagement.

This purpose statement guides the reader on the research focus and analytical approach. It indicates that the study will explore the dynamics of social media usage and political participation without prematurely stating any specific conclusions.

Pull out the dependent (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) that you are interested in examining. This needs to be specific, and you need to discuss ideas for measuring the impact that the IV has on the DV.
Hypothesis: A statement for how a change or condition in one or more independent variables causes (s) a change or condition in a dependent variable.

Identifying Variables

Here, in Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis. We will identify variables and craft our hypotheses.

  • Clearly define your dependent (DV) and independent variables (IV). The DV is the outcome you are interested in studying, while the IV(s) are the factors you believe will influence the DV.
  • Discuss how you will measure the impact of the IV(s) on the DV. Be specific about the methods and tools you will use for measurement, ensuring they are appropriate for the data you collect.
  • Develop a hypothesis that posits a relationship between your IV(s) and DV. This can be in the form of an “if-then” statement or a narrative hypothesis. 
  • Explain why these variables are critical to your research and how they address your research question.


In this study, the dependent variable (DV) is the level of political participation, which can be measured through activities such as voting, attending political events, and participating in online political discussions. The independent variable (IV) is the frequency of social media use, which can be quantified by tracking the amount of time spent on social media platforms and the frequency of interactions related to political content.

Surveys will be conducted to collect data on students’ social media usage patterns and political participation activities to measure the IV’s impact on the DV. Additionally, social media analytics tools can be used to track engagement metrics.

A hypothesis that reflects the relationship between IV and DV might be: “If the frequency of social media use increases, then the level of political participation among college students will also increase.” This hypothesis posits that higher engagement with social media platforms correlates with increased political activities.

These variables are critical because they address how digital media influences political behavior, a key concern in understanding modern democratic processes. By focusing on these variables, the research aims to provide a clearer picture of social media’s role in shaping civic engagement among young adults.


The Week 2 Assignment: Research Question and Hypothesis ensures that your research is manageable, impactful, and contributes to the broader academic discourse. Remember to adhere to academic writing conventions and ethical guidelines throughout your study. This How-To Guide has outlined the essential steps for designing research inquiries, from formulating a research question to identifying and measuring variables. Following this How-To Guide, you can develop focused, methodologically sound research proposals addressing significant academic questions. The key takeaway is the importance of clarity, specificity, and coherence in crafting research inquiries that contribute valuable insights to the field. In the next module of  SSGS 500, we will explore the Week 3 Discussion on Methodological Theory and Its Role Within Research.

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