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PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development

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Instructions of PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development


Children begin to think in new ways as they develop. Consider what conditions and competencies need to be in place for cognitive development to occur, especially in the preschool years.

Piaget and Vygotsky are two of the most prominent theorists that have informed a deeper understanding of cognitive development.

In this Assignment, you will explore Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories and analyze the similarities and differences in their views.

In this Assignment, you will explore Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories and analyze the similarities and differences in their views.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Assignment.

Required Readings

Required Media

To prepare:

  • Read the following scenario:

    • As a 3-year-old, Mateo was afraid of Santa Claus, believed his shadow was following him, and expected that all adults knew his name. He could sing the ABC song and count by rote to 10. By the time he was 8 years old, Mateo loved sitting on Santa’s lap, used his hands to make shadow characters, and was able to disagree with a friend without getting upset. He could read simple text and add, subtract, and multiply.

  • Now, think about the scenario from Piaget’s point of view and then from Vygotsky’s. What do you think each would say about how Mateo’s developmental changes came about? From Piaget’s point of view, specifically consider development in the preoperational and concrete operational stages and the concept of egocentrism. From Vygotsky’s point of view, consider the Zone of Proximal Development and the adult’s role in providing cultural knowledge.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

Contrast Piaget’s theory with Vygotsky’s theory. Describe how Piaget and Vygotsky differ in their views about how cognitive development progresses. In your Assignment, be sure to use the example from the lead-in and this week’s Learning Resources, especially Chapter 9, “Cognitive Development in the Preschool Years,” as well as this week’s media resources. Your paper should include the following:

  • Provide a brief overview of the main concepts of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s respective theories of cognitive development. Within the overview, provide a clear explanation of the differences between the two theorists’ approaches.

  • Describe the adult’s role in the cognitive development process from the point of view of each theorist.

  • Explain Mateo’s developmental progress from the point of view of each theorist. Be sure to include the relevant stages of development from Piaget’s theory, and Vygotsky’s foundational concepts, as you discuss Mateo’s behavior.

  • Summarize your point of view on this topic, informed by this week’s Learning Resources.

Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the course Learning Resources. Provide a Reference List for resources you used for this Assignment. Title page and Reference List do not count toward the 2- to 3-page paper length. Use APA style for in-text citations and references.


Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK3Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.








This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverview of the main concepts and clear explanation of the differences between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of the adult’s role in the cognitive development process from the point of view of each theorist.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of Mateo’s developmental progress from the point of view of each theorist, including the relevant stages of development from Piaget’s theory, and Vygotsky’s foundational concepts, as you discuss Mateo’s behavior.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of your point of view on this topic, informed by this week’s Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

10 pts


Writing is clear and organized with few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling (MUGS). There is a preponderance of original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is fully provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

8.5 pts


Writing is mostly clear and organized with few MUGS errors. Writing is original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is mostly provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

7.5 pts


Writing is somewhat clear and organized with some MUGS errors. Most writing is mostly original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) but may rely on the use of some direct quotations. Information from the Learning Resources is partially provided and/or incorrectly documented with citation(s) and/or reference(s), and/or citations(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

6.5 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an overuse of direct quotations and/or ineffective paraphrasing. Information from the Learning Resources is significantly lacking and/or is incorrectly documented and/or citation(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

0 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and/or mostly disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content. Information from the Learning Resources is absent and/or is not cited or referenced in any way.

10 pts

Total Points: 60

Step-By-Step Guide on PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development

Introduction to PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development

This PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development assignment involves contrasting Jean Piaget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development by analyzing the developmental changes in a child named Mateo. You will provide an overview of both theorists’ main concepts, describe the role of adults in cognitive development according to each theory, and explain Mateo’s developmental progress from both perspectives. The goal of PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development is to understand how these theories differ and apply them to real-world scenarios.


  • Provide a brief overview of the assignment’s purpose and the importance of understanding different theories of cognitive development. Introduce the key theorists and the child, Mateo, whose development will be analyzed.


Children’s cognitive development is a complex process, influenced by various factors and theorized differently by scholars. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, two of the most influential cognitive development theorists, provide distinct perspectives on how cognitive development unfolds in children. Analyzing their theories through the developmental changes in Mateo, a child whose cognitive abilities progress noticeably from age three to eight, offers valuable insights into these contrasting views.

Provide a brief overview of the main concepts of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s respective theories of cognitive development.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development, we will overview of Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories.

  • Summarize the primary concepts of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories. 
  • Highlight the key stages and principles of cognitive development according to each theorist.


Jean Piaget’s Theory: Piaget’s theory of cognitive development posits that children move through four stages of cognitive growth: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operational. Each stage represents a new way of thinking and understanding the world. During the Preoperational stage (ages 2 to 7), children engage in symbolic play and struggle with egocentrism, where they cannot perceive the world from others’ viewpoints. By the Concrete Operational stage (ages 7 to 11), children begin to think logically about concrete events, understand the concept of conservation, and develop the ability to perform operations mentally (Feldman, 2022, Chapter 9).

Lev Vygotsky’s Theory: Contrastingly, Vygotsky emphasized the social context of learning, arguing that cognitive development is strongly linked to interaction with more knowledgeable others. His concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) describes tasks that a child can perform with the guidance and encouragement of an adult or more capable peers but cannot yet perform independently. Vygotsky held that learning preceded developmental growth and highlighted the importance of language as a tool for intellectual adaptation (Feldman, 2022, Chapter 9).

Provide a clear explanation of the differences between the two theorists’ approaches.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development, we will discuss differences in theories.

  • Contrast the theories by explaining how each theorist views the progression of cognitive development. 
  • Focus on the sequence and driving forces behind cognitive growth in Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories.


Piaget and Vygotsky differ primarily in their views on the driving forces behind cognitive development. Piaget believed that development preceded learning and emphasized stages marked by the emergence of abilities children develop independently. He viewed the child as a lone scientist who constructs an understanding of the world through active interaction and exploration.

In contrast, Vygotsky argued that social interaction is crucial for cognitive development, and learning from others helps children acquire the ways of thinking and behaving that make up a community’s culture. According to Vygotsky, cognitive development is largely a result of internalizing language and other cultural tools through social interaction.

Describe the adult’s role in the cognitive development process from the point of view of each theorist.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development, we will discuss the role of adults in cognitive development.

  • Describe how each theorist perceives the role of adults in facilitating cognitive development. 
  • Explain the specific actions and interactions adults should engage in to support children’s cognitive growth according to Piaget and Vygotsky.


From Piaget’s perspective, the adult’s role is to provide an environment that allows children to explore and build their understanding of the world. Adults should facilitate but not interfere with this natural process. Vygotsky, however, saw adults as integral to cognitive development, providing the necessary scaffolding within the child’s ZPD to help them achieve tasks they cannot complete alone, thereby guiding their learning process and cognitive growth.

Explain Mateo’s developmental progress from the point of view of each theorist. Be sure to include the relevant stages of development from Piaget’s theory and Vygotsky’s foundational concepts as you discuss Mateo’s behavior.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development, we will discuss Mateo’s developmental progress.

  • Analyze Mateo’s cognitive development through the lenses of both Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories. 
  • Detail the relevant stages and concepts each theorist would use to explain Mateo’s progress.

Piaget’s View

Piaget would attribute Mateo’s fear of Santa and belief that his shadow was following him to egocentrism typical of the preoperational stage. Mateo’s inability to see the world from any perspective other than his own would explain these fears and misconceptions. By age 8, Mateo’s enjoyment of Santa, use of shadows for play, and ability to handle disagreements suggest he has moved into the concrete operational stage, where he can think more logically and understand other viewpoints.

Vygotsky’s View

Vygotsky would focus on the social interactions that supported Mateo’s learning. His initial fears could be seen as a failure to internalize cultural understandings, which he later acquired through social interaction, particularly with his parents and peers. His ability to read and perform arithmetic by age eight would be seen as achievements made possible through learning within his ZPD, likely supported by adult instruction and peer collaboration.

Summarize your point of view on this topic, informed by this week’s Learning Resources.


In this section of  PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development, we will discuss the conclusion.

  • Summarize your findings and reflect on the implications of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories for understanding cognitive development. 
  • Offer your perspective on the relative strengths and applications of each theory.


In analyzing Mateo’s cognitive development, both Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories offer valuable perspectives. Piaget’s stage theory explains the progression of logical thinking capabilities. At the same time, Vygotsky’s emphasis on social interaction provides a framework for understanding the impact of cultural and instructional contexts on cognitive development. I find Vygotsky’s theory particularly compelling as it highlights the critical role of social interaction and cultural tools in cognitive development, which seems increasingly relevant in today’s interconnected world. 


Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.


This Owlisdom How-To Guide of PSYC 2002 3-2 Cognitive Development hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavors. In the next module of PSYC 2002, we will explore the 4-1 Discussion.

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