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Explore our Ultimate FREE Detailed Guide on the HIST-2050 2-1 Discussion On Owlisdom.

Instructions of HIST-2050 2-1 Discussion


Imagine you are a historian exploring one of the three waves of feminism discussed in this week’s resources.

Select one wave of feminism and identify an artifact associated with the goals of the movement.

Note: Please pick an artifact other than a ‘pussy hat’ as that has been provided as an example.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Post at least two paragraphs in which you respond to the following:

  • Describe the aims of your chosen wave and the time period during which it occurred.
  • Explain whether you believe your chosen wave made progress toward its goals.
  • Select an artifact connected to your chosen wave. You might choose an image, a letter, a photograph, a political cartoon, a poster, a song lyric, or a speech.
  • Explain how the artifact represents an idea associated with the wave you selected.
  • Post the artifact or a link to it on the discussion board.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings. 


Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings.

  • Response 1: Comment on how and why your classmate’s chosen wave was successful.
  • Response 2: Describe additional meaning or importance of your classmate’s chosen artifact. Feel free to suggest an alternative interpretation of the artifact.
  • Due Oct 22, 2023 by 11:59pm
  • Points 95
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Attempts 1

Allowed Attempts 2

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 2-1 Discussion


This HIST-2050 2-1 Discussion assignment involves selecting one of the three waves of feminism, describing its aims and period, evaluating its progress, choosing an artifact connected to it, and explaining how the artifact represents an idea associated with the wave. Additionally, you will respond to your classmates’ postings by commenting on the success of their chosen wave and offering an alternative interpretation of their chosen artifact.

Describe the aims of your chosen wave and the time period during which it occurred.

Aims And Period Of The Wave

  • Describe the main objectives of the wave and the historical period during which it occurred.


I have chosen the second wave of feminism, which primarily spanned from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. The wave aimed to expand the limited rights achieved by first-wave feminists by focusing on a wider range of issues including sexuality, workplace rights, reproductive rights, and legal inequalities. The core objective was to challenge the traditional patriarchal social structures and advocate for full legal and social equality. The period was marked by increased activism, with feminists working to shift public perceptions and change policies across various sectors of society.

Explain whether you believe your chosen wave made progress toward its goals.

Progress Of the Wave

  • Evaluate the success of the wave in achieving its goals, citing specific achievements and changes.


I believe that the second wave of feminism made significant progress towards its goals. It successfully brought issues like gender discrimination and domestic violence into the public discourse, led to legislative changes such as the Equal Pay Act and the legalization of contraception, which were monumental in advancing women’s rights in the workplace and in private life (Kwiatkowski, 2021). Moreover, this wave inspired the establishment of women’s studies programs at universities and spawned various advocacy groups that have continued to influence policy and culture.

Select an artifact connected to your chosen wave. You might choose an image, a letter, a photograph, a political cartoon, a poster, a song lyric, or a speech. Explain how the artifact represents an idea associated with the wave you selected.

Selecting And Explaining An Artifact

  • Select an artifact connected to the wave and explain how it represents the wave’s ideas and goals.


One powerful artifact from this period is the slogan “The Personal is Political.” The phrase was popularized in an essay of the same name by Carol Hanisch in 1970 and became a unifying message of the second wave (Zilkey, 2022). The slogan encapsulated the idea that personal experiences (like domestic life and sexual relationships) are deeply influenced by larger social and political structures. It emphasized that women’s personal experiences with oppression were legitimate political issues, deserving public and political attention.

The slogan, often seen on protest signs and in feminist writings, distilled a complex idea into a concise statement that directly connected individual experiences with broader political and social structures. It helped to politicize personal grievances, linking them to the feminist agenda and fostering a sense of solidarity among women (Nazneen & Okech, 2021). The artifact not only represented but actively propelled the feminist message, encouraging women to re-evaluate and challenge the status quo in their personal lives and in greater society.

Post the artifact or a link to it on the discussion board.

Posting The Artifact

  • Post the artifact or a link to it on the discussion board.




Kwiatkowski, A. (2021). The Politics of Women’s History. https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstreams/6da42006-cc39-4074-aa66-9e6c21655ffe/download 

Nazneen, S., & Okech, A. (2021). Introduction: Feminist protests and politics in a world in crisis. Gender & Development, 29(2–3), 231–252. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2021.2005358 

Zilkey, M. M. (2022). The Personal is Still Political: An Analysis of Jessica Valenti’s Contemporary Feminine Style [Master’s Thesis, Utah State University]. https://search.proquest.com/openview/18ca5afaff7f69435dc9b28a96fccbd8/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y 

Shannon, J. H., & Hunter Jr, R. J. (2020). The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Beyond Race to Employment Discrimination Based on Sex: The’Three Letter Word’That Has Continued to Vex Society and The United States Supreme Court. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 3(3). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3649409 

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings. Response 1: Comment on how and why your classmate’s chosen wave was successful. Response 2: Describe additional meaning or importance of your classmate’s chosen artifact. Feel free to suggest an alternative interpretation of the artifact.


  • Respond to at least two classmates’ postings by applying their definitions to recent social movements and evaluating their chosen artifacts.

Response 1

Your analysis of the second wave of feminism highlights its considerable impact on society and legislation, and I agree with your assessment of its success. What stands out about this wave is not only its expansion of feminist goals beyond suffrage and property rights but also its engagement with complex societal structures that affected women’s private and public lives. The second wave’s success can also be attributed to its intersection with other significant movements of the time, such as the civil rights and anti-war movements, which helped broaden its appeal and strengthen its calls for gender equality. By forging alliances with other social justice movements, feminism during this era gained a multidimensional perspective that addressed issues of race, class, and gender simultaneously, thereby enhancing its effectiveness and impact.

Response 2

The slogan “The Personal is Political” truly encapsulated the essence of the second wave of feminism, emphasizing how private struggles were a part of broader political and social injustices. An alternative interpretation of this artifact could consider how it also implicitly called for an introspective reflection on personal attitudes and behaviors. This slogan encouraged individuals, not just women, to examine their own lives as sites of potential change and resistance. It wasn’t just a call to recognize the political nature of personal experiences but also a push towards personal responsibility in the pursuit of societal change. This broader interpretation underscores the slogan’s enduring relevance, suggesting that personal change is inseparable from political activism, a message that resonates in many current social movements.


By following these Owlisdom guidelines for HIST-2050 2-1 Discussion, you will effectively analyze and present your chosen wave of feminism, illustrate it with relevant artifacts, compare definitions, and engage with your classmates’ interpretations. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding of the three waves of feminism and enhances your analytical skills in assessing their impact. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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