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Instructions of HIST-2050 4-1 Discussion and its Solution


Some historians define what we have come to think of as “the sixties” as beginning in 1957 with the launch of the Soviet Union satellite Sputnik and ending in 1974 with the resignation of President Nixon.

Many remember ’the sixties’ as an era of free artistic, political, and individual expression, but it was also disruptive and violent. The subsequent rise of conservatism can be seen as a natural reaction to a society that appeared out of control. 


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Post at least two paragraphs in which you respond to the following:

  • Select one leader of the conservative or antiwar movement discussed in the resources for this week. Why do you consider this individual a leader of this movement?
  • Describe the leader’s goals. Be specific.
  • Describe which area of civil disruption the leader wanted to change. Be specific.
  • Explain whether or not you think this leader was successful and why.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings. 


Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings as follows:

  • Create an opposing argument to a classmate’s post. If your classmate has argued that their chosen leader was successful at achieving their goals, create an argument taking the opposite position. Focus on the issues.

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 4-1 Discussion


This HIST-2050 4-1 Discussion requires you to analyze a leader from the conservative or antiwar movement, describe their goals and areas of civil disruption they sought to change, and evaluate their success. Additionally, you will engage with your classmates’ posts by creating opposing arguments. This Owlisdom HIST-2050 4-1 Discussion guide will help you systematically address each component of the assignment.

Select one leader of the conservative or antiwar movement discussed in the resources for this week. Why do you consider this individual a leader of this movement?

Selecting A Leader And Defining Leadership

  • Select a leader and provide a brief background on their involvement in the movement.
  • Explain the qualities or actions that define them as a leader.


One notable leader of the antiwar movement discussed in the resources this week is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While primarily known for his leadership in the civil rights movement, Dr. King also emerged as a prominent figure in the antiwar movement during the Vietnam War. His entry into this movement was marked by his outspoken criticism of the war and its economic and moral implications, which he articulated powerfully in his 1967 speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” (Phillips-Smith, 2021). In this speech, delivered at Riverside Church in New York City, King expressed his belief that silence on the war was betrayal, highlighting his role as a leader not only in civil rights but also in the antiwar effort.

Describe the leader’s goals. Be specific.

Leader’s Goals

  • Detail the leader’s primary objectives and motivations.


Dr. King’s goals within the antiwar movement were deeply intertwined with his broader aspirations for justice and equality. He sought to expose the connections between the war in Vietnam and the struggles against poverty and racism at home, arguing that the war was diverting attention and resources away from domestic issues and disproportionately affecting African American soldiers and communities (Valdez, n.d.). His criticism extended to the moral and economic implications of the war, emphasizing the contradiction between the U.S.’s domestic policies of racial and economic inequality and its international role as a purveyor of freedom and democracy.

Describe which area of civil disruption the leader wanted to change. Be specific.

Areas Of Civil Disruption

  • Identify the societal issues or structures the leader aimed to address.


Regarding the area of civil disruption, Dr. King aimed to change the national perspective on the morality and necessity of the Vietnam War. He challenged the status quo, which supported military action, by advocating for a position of nonviolence and peace. He believed that America needed to undergo a “revolution of values” and shift from being a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society, fundamentally questioning the priorities of capitalism and militarism.

Explain whether or not you think this leader was successful and why.

Evaluating Success

  • Evaluate the leader’s impact on their movement and society.
  • Consider both immediate and long-term effects.


Whether or not Dr. King was successful in his antiwar efforts can be debated. While he faced significant criticism from political allies, the media, and parts of the civil rights movement for his stance, which some believed diluted his focus on civil rights, his speeches and protests did contribute to growing public dissent against the Vietnam War. His linking of civil rights and antiwar agendas helped broaden the antiwar movement’s appeal to include issues of racial and economic justice, influencing public opinion and policy discussions (Hamilton, 2020). In this regard, while his antiwar efforts may not have ended the war outright, they successfully expanded the scope of debate and contributed to the eventual shift in public sentiment against the war.


Hamilton, R. (2020). Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And the Poor People’s Campaign of 1968. University of Georgia Press. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=wTYNEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT9&dq=martin+luther+king+jr+linking+of+civil+rights+and+antiwar+agendas+helped+broaden+the+antiwar+movement%27s+appeal+to+include+issues+of+racial+and+economic+justice&ots=jJ92_8yfBm&sig=QnfMF_EgtnGvOFjl9TWlOfpsFzw 

Phillips-Smith, M. (2021). Disturbing Silence: How the Student Movement Shaped Nixon’s Presidency and the Policies of America [Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University (Canada)]. https://search.proquest.com/openview/a1a0a1a62a7253f33fe4dec8cce307c4/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y 

Valdez, I. (n.d.). Anti-Imperial Popular Sovereignty: Martin Luther King, Frant Fanon and the Possibility of Transnational Solidarity. Retrieved July 18, 2024, from https://www.academia.edu/download/67659637/Valdez_King_Fanon_May_2021_ac.pdf 

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings as follows: Create an opposing argument to a classmate’s post. If your classmate has argued that their chosen leader was successful at achieving their goals, create an argument taking the opposite position. Focus on the issues.


  • Provide thoughtful and respectful counterarguments to at least two classmates’ posts.

Response 1

While your argument that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was successful in his antiwar efforts highlights important contributions to public discourse, it’s crucial to consider the immediate impact of his actions. Despite his powerful rhetoric and moral authority, Dr. King’s antiwar stance did not directly lead to significant policy changes or an immediate end to the Vietnam War. In fact, his opposition to the war was met with considerable backlash, including alienation from some of his civil rights allies and harsh criticism from the media and political figures. This division within the civil rights movement arguably weakened its overall effectiveness during a critical period. Furthermore, public opinion and policy shifts that contributed to the war’s eventual end were influenced by multiple factors beyond King’s efforts, such as the Tet Offensive and increasing draft resistance. Thus, while King’s antiwar advocacy was morally significant, its direct impact on achieving immediate goals can be seen as limited.

Response 2

Your argument for the success of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the antiwar movement acknowledges his moral influence and the expansion of the debate on Vietnam. However, it’s essential to evaluate success based on tangible outcomes. King’s antiwar activities, while courageous and ethically compelling, did not result in immediate legislative or executive actions to curtail the war. His antiwar position, though resonant with a segment of the population, did not achieve a consensus strong enough to prompt direct governmental change during his lifetime. Moreover, the division his stance caused within the civil rights movement suggests a strategic misstep that potentially diluted the focused efforts needed to address racial injustices. The war continued for several years after King’s assassination, indicating that while he raised critical moral questions, the practical efficacy of his antiwar advocacy in terms of achieving policy change was limited.


By following these guidelines for HIST-2050 4-1 Discussion, you will effectively analyze and present your thoughts on a leader within a social movement, engage in critical discussion with peers, and reflect on the importance of understanding conflicting visions within social movements. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding and enhances your analytical and critical thinking skills. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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