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SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment

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Instructions of SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment

Do: Microaggression Assignment

  • Due Apr 10 by 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Submitting a file upload

For this assignment you will need to watch two short videos on Microaggressions (these are included in this module) and then reflect on those videos.  Please watch the following videos (also please note that these videos contain mature content and language).  

Next write write a reflection based on the follow questions.

  • Discuss what you learned about microaggressions and your reflections on microaggressions. 
  • Discuss an example of a microaggression you have witnessed.  
  • Discuss the potential impacts of microaggressions used within healthcare.  
  • Discuss at least one specific way to address microaggressions. 


Watch: How Empathy Can Save Lives – Including Yours

  • Context Module Sub Header

Read: “Becoming inclusive: A worthy pursuit in leadership” p. 97 to 110

  • Context Module Sub Header

Read: “A case of culture: How cultural brokers bridge divides in healthcare” p. 155 to 160

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment

Introduction to SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment

This SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment delves into the concept of microaggressions, subtle but harmful behaviors or comments that often go unnoticed except by those who are directly affected. You are required to analyze the nature of microaggressions, reflect on personal experiences or observations, discuss their impact in healthcare settings, and explore effective strategies to address them. This SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment guide will provide structured steps to help you understand and articulate your insights on microaggressions comprehensively.

Discuss what you learned about microaggressions.

Understanding Microaggressions

In this section of SOCI 324 11,12-3 Barriers to Healthcare And Health Disparities Discussion, we will Understand Microaggressions.

  1. Discuss the definition of microaggressions as subtle, unintentional discriminatory behaviors. Use examples from the assignment text, such as complimenting someone on their English due to their racial background, to illustrate how these comments can alienate and demean individuals.


Microaggressions are subtle, unintentional, discriminatory comments or behaviors directed at individuals based on their membership in a marginalized group. They manifest in everyday interactions that, while seemingly benign, carry derogatory implications or assumptions. Common examples include complimenting someone from a minority background on their good English or asking someone where they’re ‘really from,’ which can alienate and other individual. These interactions highlight a lack of awareness about the embedded prejudices in society, making them difficult to address and often leaving the victim feeling isolated or misunderstood. This complexity is further elaborated through the analogy of mosquito bites suggesting that microaggressions are small but build up over time to cause significant irritation and potential harm.

Write your reflections on microaggressions.

Reflections On Microaggressions

In this section of SOCI 324 11,12-3 Barriers to Healthcare And Health Disparities Discussion, we will discuss Reflections On Microaggressions.

  1. Personal Impact and Learning: Reflect on how learning about microaggressions has changed your view on everyday interactions. Consider how increased awareness can foster empathy and promote a more inclusive environment in your personal and professional life.


Reflecting on microaggressions has been profoundly impactful, highlighting their ubiquity and the insidious effects they have on individuals from marginalized communities. These interactions often go unnoticed by those not directly affected but can accumulate, leading to significant psychological stress and emotional burdens for the recipients. Understanding microaggressions requires recognizing how societal biases are expressed, often subtly ingrained in casual comments. This awareness is crucial for fostering empathy and promoting a more inclusive environment where all individuals feel respected and valued. The personal journey towards understanding these dynamics involves constant learning and unlearning, challenging one’s assumptions.

Discuss an example of a microaggression you have witnessed.  

Witnessed Example Of A Microaggression

In this section of SOCI 324 11,12-3 Barriers to Healthcare And Health Disparities Discussion, we will discuss Witnessed examples of Microaggression.

  1. Describe and analyze a specific incident of microaggression you have witnessed, focusing on the subtleties of the interaction and its impact on the individuals involved. Discuss the importance of recognizing and addressing these behaviors to prevent perpetuating stereotypes and biases.


An instance of microaggression that stands out occurred in a corporate training session where a senior colleague questioned the presence of a younger African American woman on the panel by subtly implying that her qualifications were probably due to affirmative action rather than merit. This insinuation not only demeaned her professional capabilities but also isolated her from her peers, casting a shadow of unearned advantage based on race. Such comments reflect deep-seated biases and stereotypes about race and competence, subtly undermining the individual’s achievements. Witnessing this interaction highlighted the need for continued education on diversity and inclusion in professional settings and the importance of calling out and addressing such behaviors to cultivate an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued based on their merit and not judged through the lens of prejudice.

Discuss the potential impacts of microaggressions used within healthcare.  

Impacts Of Microaggressions On Healthcare

In this section of SOCI 324 11,12-3 Barriers to Healthcare And Health Disparities Discussion, we will discuss the Impacts Of Microaggressions On Healthcare.

  1. Explore how microaggressions can affect the patient-provider relationship and lead to poor healthcare outcomes. Discuss examples such as the assumption of pain tolerance based on race, and how these assumptions can lead to misdiagnoses or inappropriate treatments.


Microaggressions in healthcare settings can critically undermine the patient-provider relationship and significantly impact patient care outcomes. When healthcare providers dismiss or stereotype patients based on race, gender, or ethnicity, it can lead to misdiagnoses, inappropriate treatments, and overall poorer health outcomes. If a patient of a certain background has a higher pain tolerance can lead to under-treatment of pain or other serious conditions. Such assumptions reflect implicit biases that require active unlearning. The impact of these microaggressions extends beyond immediate health outcomes, fostering long-term distrust towards the medical community, which can deter individuals from seeking necessary medical care in the future. Addressing these microaggressions involves comprehensive training for all healthcare professionals in cultural competency, ensuring they understand how to communicate respectfully and effectively across diverse populations.

Discuss at least one specific way to address microaggressions. 

Addressing Microaggressions

In this section of SOCI 324 11,12-3 Barriers to Healthcare And Health Disparities Discussion, we will discuss Addressing Microaggressions.

  • Propose methods for addressing microaggressions, particularly in healthcare settings. Highlight the importance of training programs focusing on cultural sensitivity and awareness and implementing policies promoting inclusivity and respect for diversity.


Combating microaggressions effectively requires a multifaceted approach, especially in environments as sensitive as healthcare. Training programs focusing on cultural sensitivity and awareness can help professionals recognize their implicit biases and learn the appropriate ways to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds. These programs should include practical scenarios and role-playing exercises to prepare healthcare workers for real-life interactions, emphasizing empathy, respectful communication, and personal reflection on biases. Additionally, institutions should implement clear policies on inclusivity and mechanisms for reporting and addressing microaggressions. Encouraging open conversations about microaggressions can also empower victims to share their experiences and raise awareness among peers. This comprehensive strategy addresses individual instances and works towards a systemic change in the cultural climate of healthcare environments.


This Owlisdom How-To Guide of SOCI 324 13,14-1 Microaggression Assignment hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavors. In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 13,14-2 Communication Assignment.

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