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PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion

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Instructions of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion

Discussion Topic

 Due May 30 at 11:59 PM


Part 1

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are used to characterize the differences between cultures. Hofstede’s (1980) study explored work-related values. He collected data from business employees in numerous countries and used factor analysis to see the outstanding variables that emerged. He originally identified four dimensions, one of which was power distance. This concept has been applied for practical purposes. For example, Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success discusses how the power distance index relates to safety in the airline business.

In your response, address the following:

  • Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research the term “power distance.” Research power distance in different cultures. Are there any surprising results? Compare countries that are often lumped together under one title. For example, people from Japan, China, and India are all called Asian. When such countries are compared, what differences emerge?
  • Given that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions inventory was designed for a work environment and that the data were collected from the employees who fall into specific demographic categories, can the findings be generalized to other settings? What about generalizing the findings for the groups that were not in the study? Do you think that it is appropriate to apply the data to the airline business?
  • Do you think that the study is valid for all countries? When was the study initially conducted? Do you think that the findings would be the same if the people in the countries were assessed again?


Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

Hofstede, G. H. (1980). Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Part 2

Large cultural groups within a geographic region often share similar subjective cultural elements. However, these groups are rarely homogenous and can be divided into distinct subgroups. For example, Africa is made up of different countries, and within those countries, there are numerous distinct cultural groups. Although many of these subcultural groups are dissimilar with regard to particular beliefs and practices, there are times when an overriding issue makes another common group identification more salient and important. For example, in 2003, Christian and Muslim women from different subcultures in Liberia banded together to fight back against oppression and stop the civil war. There were widespread killings; the survivors were deeply traumatized and abused; the children were robbed of their childhood, with many being recruited to fight; and women had been dominated and raped. The women’s movement was featured in the Documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell. This discussion question focuses on the cultural subgroups that often supersede the familial cultural groups.

In your response, address the following:

  • Do you think that clusters characterized by gender are valid subcultures? Do you self-identify with gender before your ethnic group? If you could design a study to investigate an issue related to women and culture, what would you study and why?
  • What caused the women of Liberia to ignore their familial cultural inheritance and band together? Do you think that biology and environment interact to create a women’s subculture? What did the women do to force the men to change in Liberia? Explain your answers.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Step-By-Step Guide On PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week  1 Discussion

Introduction TO PSY-4030 Week 1 Discussion

The Owlisdom, PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion guide aims to comprehensively understand Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, mainly focusing on power distance and its application in various contexts. Additionally, it explores the concept of subcultures within geographic regions, emphasizing gender as a subculture. 

The How-to Guide of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion concludes with an analysis of the women’s movement in Liberia as a case study.

Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research the term “power distance.” Research power distance in different cultures. Are there any surprising results? Compare countries that are often lumped together under one title. For example, people from Japan, China, and India are all called Asian. When such countries are compared, what differences emerge? 

Researching Power Distance 

To begin the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion, we will briefly overview the power distance Hofstede” and “cultural dimensions.

  •  Access the South University Online Library.
  • Use search terms such as “power distance Hofstede” and “cultural dimensions.”
  • Collect data from reputable sources, including academic journals and books.
  • Identify key countries for comparison, such as Japan, China, and India.
  • Summarize the surprising differences and similarities between these countries.
  • Present your findings with supporting evidence.


Power distance refers to the extent to which less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. It reflects how a society handles inequalities among people. Notably, while Japan, China, and India are often categorized under the “Asian” label, they exhibit significant differences in power distance. 

Given that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions inventory was designed for a work environment and that the data were collected from the employees who fall into specific demographic categories, can the findings be generalized to other settings? What about generalizing the findings for the groups not in the study? Do you think applying the data to the airline business is appropriate? 

Generalizing Hofstede’s Cultural Dim 

This PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion section will generalize Hofstede’s cultural dim.

  • Understand the demographics and settings Hofstede’s study focused on (e.g., business employees).
  • Analyze the limitations and strengths of this focus.
  • Discuss the potential to generalize the findings to other settings, such as schools or families.
  • Consider the applicability of findings to groups not initially included in the study.
  • Review Malcolm Gladwell’s discussion in “Outliers” about power distance in the airline industry.
  • Critically assess the validity of Hofstede’s findings in this sector.


Hofstede’s study focused on business employees and work environments, targeting specific demographic categories such as white-collar workers and managers in multinational corporations. Generalizing these findings to other settings, such as educational institutions or family dynamics, requires caution.

Do you think that the study is valid for all countries? When was the study initially conducted? Do you think that the findings would be the same if the people in the countries were assessed again?

Validity of Hofstede’s Study Over Time

  • Note the original year of the study (1980).
  • Discuss changes in global work environments since the study was conducted.
  • Debate whether current cultural dynamics might alter the study’s findings if reassessed today.
  • Provide examples of societal changes that could impact power distance scores.


Initially conducted in 1980, Hofstede’s study must be considered in its historical context (Hofstede, 1980). Since then, globalization, technological advancements, and societal changes have influenced cultural norms. 

Do you think that clusters characterized by gender are valid subcultures? Do you self-identify with gender before your ethnic group? If you could design a study to investigate an issue related to women and culture, what would you study and why?

Cultural Subgroups and Gender 

This PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion section will discuss cultural subgroups and gender.

  • Explore the concept of gender as a subculture through academic sources.
  • Discuss the criteria that define a subculture and how gender fits within this framework.
  • Reflect on personal experiences and societal norms that influence self-identification with gender versus ethnic group.
  • Identify a specific issue related to women and culture (e.g., gender roles in leadership).
  • Explain the significance of this issue and why it warrants study.
  • Outline the methodology for investigating this issue, including participant selection, data collection, and analysis techniques.


Gender can be considered a valid subculture as it encompasses distinct experiences, norms, and societal roles. Gender significantly influences how individuals interact with the world and perceive their identities.

What caused the women of Liberia to ignore their familial and cultural inheritance and band together? Do you think biology and environment interact to create a women’s subculture? What did the women do to force the men to change in Liberia? Explain your answers. 

Analysis of the Women’s Movement in Liberia

In this section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion, we will analyze the women’s movement in Liberia.

  • Research the events leading up to the women’s movement in Liberia.
  • Provide background on the civil war and the roles of Christian and Muslim women.
  • Analyze why women prioritize collective action over familial and cultural norms.
  • Consider the role of shared trauma and common goals in fostering unity.
  • Discuss theories on the interaction between biology and environment in shaping gender-based subcultures.
  • Provide examples of how these factors influenced the Liberian women’s movement.
  • Detail the strategies employed by Liberian women to effect change, such as peaceful protests and advocacy.
  • Highlight critical moments and figures in the movement.


The women’s movement in Liberia emerged as a response to the civil war’s atrocities, including widespread killings, trauma, and abuse. Liberian women prioritized collective action over familial and cultural norms due to shared trauma and the urgent need for peace. Their unity was driven by the desire to protect their families and communities.

Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Peer Response

According to PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week One Discussion without a hassle.

  • Ask open-ended questions that encourage further discussion and critical thinking.
  • Highlight strengths in your peers’ posts and suggest areas for improvement backed by specific examples.

Response 01

Max, Great analysis on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and power distance! Your comparison of Japan, China, and India highlighted key differences despite their regional grouping, which was insightful. I agree that generalizing Hofstede’s findings to non-business settings requires caution, and your example of the airline industry from “Outliers” was very relevant. The discussion on gender as a subculture and your proposed study on gender roles in leadership were compelling. 

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


This Owlisdom How-To Guide of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Discussion hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavours. In the next module of PSY-4030, we will explore the Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project.

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