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SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1

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Instructions of SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1

Do: Video Assignment #1

  • Due Jan 26 by 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Submitting a file upload

After watching the film 13th please answer the following questions:

  • Discuss your initial reaction to the film.  Describe the thoughts and feelings you experienced throughout the film.
  • Identify at least two specific areas you learned about through this film.
  • Identify and discuss at least three systems that are involved in mass incarceration. 
  • Identify and discuss health outcomes that people of color have experienced and are still experiencing due to mass incarceration.

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1

Introduction To 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1

This  SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1 engages students with a film exploring the complexities and deep-seated issues surrounding mass incarceration. Through this reflective analysis, students are expected to articulate their emotional and cognitive responses, extract key learnings, and critically evaluate the systemic contributors and their impacts on public and individual health. This Owlisdom guide of  SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1 will provide structured directions on addressing each segment effectively.

Discuss your initial reaction to the film.  Describe the thoughts and feelings you experienced throughout the film.

Initial Reaction To The Film

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1, we will discuss the initial reaction to the film.

  1. Begin by describing your immediate emotional response to the film. Reflect on feelings of disbelief, empathy, or a call to action that you experienced.
  2. Analyze the aspects of the film that contributed to these feelings, such as the storytelling approach, the data presented, or the personal stories shared.


The film was deeply moving and troubling, stirring a range of emotions from disbelief to a profound sense of injustice. It showcased the harsh realities of mass incarceration, emphasizing not just the statistics but the human stories behind them. Throughout the film, I experienced a growing sense of urgency for reform and empathy for those whose lives are disproportionately shattered by a punitive system designed more for punishment than rehabilitation. The personal narratives intertwined with factual data created a compelling, visceral response that lingered long after the film ended. The film opened my eyes to the complex interplay of systems that sustain mass incarceration and its profound impact on individuals, families, and communities. The discussion it promotes is crucial for understanding and addressing the systemic reforms needed to dismantle this deeply flawed system.

Identify at least two specific areas you learned about through this film.

Areas Of Learning

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1, we will discuss the areas of learning.

  1. Summarize the historical insights provided about policies like the War on Drugs and their disproportionate effects on communities of color.
  2. Discuss the economic implications of mass incarceration as depicted in the film, focusing on how the prison system has been commercialized.

Historical Context and Racial Targeting

 The film provided an in-depth look at how legislative measures have historically targeted racial minorities. I learned about the origins and impacts of policies like the War on Drugs, which disproportionately affected communities of color and contributed to a cycle of poverty and incarceration.

 Economic Exploitation

 A critical learning was the economic exploitation inherent in the prison system. The film exposed how incarceration is commercialized, with private prisons and industries profiting from cheap, coerced labor, often under conditions that resemble modern-day slavery.

Identify and discuss at least three systems that are involved in mass incarceration. 

Systems Involved In Mass Incarceration

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1, we will discuss the systems involved in mass incarceration.

  1. Explore how the judicial system contributes to mass incarceration through laws, sentencing disparities, and bail practices.
  2. Analyze the role of political rhetoric and policies in perpetuating the prison system and their social consequences.
  3. Discuss how economic motivations within the prison industry affect incarceration rates and prison conditions.

Judicial System

The film delineates the judicial system as a fundamental contributor to mass incarceration, pinpointing how legislation and prejudiced sentencing practices funnel individuals into the prison system. It highlights the significant disparities in bail amounts, sentencing lengths, and the plea-bargaining process, which disproportionately affect minority groups. These judicial practices often result in harsher penalties for the same crimes compared to other groups, underscoring a systemic bias that supports the cycle of mass incarceration.

Political System

The political landscape is another critical system implicated in perpetuating mass incarceration, as depicted in the film. Politicians frequently employ “tough-on-crime” rhetoric as a strategy to win or retain power, which in turn shapes public perception and drives the legislative agenda. This rhetoric often results in policies that favor longer sentences and more stringent penal measures, which disproportionately impact marginalized communities. The film explores how these political maneuvers contribute to the overcrowding of prisons and the expansion of the penal system.

Economic System

The economic system’s role in mass incarceration is explored through the lens of prison privatization and the profit motives that underlie it. The documentary exposes how economic incentives drive the incarceration of a higher number of individuals, including for minor offenses, to bolster profitability. This system treats prisoners as commodities, with private prison companies benefiting financially from increased inmate populations. Such economic dynamics reveal a troubling aspect of mass incarceration, where human lives are subordinate to corporate profits.

Identify and discuss health outcomes that people of color have experienced and are still experiencing due to mass incarceration.

Health Outcomes Due To Mass Incarceration

  1. Reflect on the mental and physical health consequences for incarcerated individuals as presented in the film.
  2. Consider the broader health implications on families and communities affected by mass incarceration.


The following systems are involved in health outcomes due to mass incarceration,

Mental Health Deterioration

The mental health consequences for incarcerated individuals are severe, with higher rates of psychological disorders that often remain untreated. The stress and trauma of imprisonment exacerbate these conditions, affecting reintegration into society post-release.

Physical Health Decline

Physical health issues are rampant, with overcrowded and unsanitary conditions leading to higher rates of infectious diseases and chronic illnesses. The lack of adequate medical care and the prevalence of substance abuse further complicate health outcomes.

Community Health Impact

Beyond the prison walls, the health of communities is significantly impacted. Families of the incarcerated face heightened stress and economic hardship, leading to broader public health challenges. Children of incarcerated parents are particularly vulnerable to mental health issues and developmental delays.


Through this SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1, students will gain a deeper understanding of the systemic injustices inherent in the mass incarceration system and its profound effects on society. By critically examining these aspects, the SOCI 324 3,4,5-1 Video Assignment 1 encourages a more informed and empathetic view of criminal justice and reform initiatives, emphasizing the need for systemic change to address these deeply rooted issues. In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment.

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