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PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment

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Instructions of PSY 322 MODULE 1-3


International adoptees often arrive in their new homes with a variety of developmental delays and physiological problems. For many, these early challenges result in physical growth and development issues that continue into or manifest in adolescence.

In this paper, you will analyze the potential causes of these problems and identify actions that may help adolescents with these histories catch up in their physical development.

In your paper, address the following areas:

  • Identify two biological and environmental issues that interact in ways that may explain international adoptees’ physical growth problems.

  • Explain the ways in which the interaction between the issues you’ve identified explains adoptees’ unique challenges.

  • Explain what can be done to help adolescents facing these issues.

In answering these questions, be sure to support your ideas with research evidence from scholarly sources.

Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment

Introduction to PSY 322 Module 1-3 Short Paper

The PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment requires an in-depth analysis of international adoptees’ developmental challenges, particularly physical growth-related. You will explore the interplay between biological and environmental factors contributing to these issues and suggest interventions to support adolescents in overcoming these challenges. Your analysis should be grounded in scholarly research, providing evidence-based insights into this population’s unique difficulties and potential solutions.

Identify two biological and environmental issues that interact in ways that may explain international adoptees’ physical growth problems.

Identifying Issues

We will discuss the issues to start the PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment.

Biological Issues

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Research how early childhood malnutrition affects physical development. Look into specific deficiencies (e.g., iron, vitamin D) and their long-term impact.
  • Genetic Predispositions: Explore how genetic factors may predispose adoptees to inevitable developmental delays. Investigate any prevalent genetic issues in the adoptees’ countries of origin.


Nutritional Deficiencies: Many international adoptees suffer from nutritional deficiencies due to inadequate diets in their countries of origin. Malnutrition during critical periods of growth can lead to stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and developmental delays. For example, iron and vitamin D deficiencies can severely affect bone growth and cognitive development (Johnson et al., 1992).

Genetic Predispositions: It is crucial to recognize that some adoptees may have genetic predispositions contributing to developmental delays. Certain genetic conditions prevalent in their countries of origin, such as metabolic disorders, can exacerbate growth issues. Understanding these genetic factors is not just essential but urgent for tailoring interventions to individual needs (Gunnar et al., 2007).

Environmental Issues in PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment

  • Pre-adoption Conditions: Examine the conditions in orphanages or foster homes, such as inadequate healthcare or neglect, and their impact on development.
  • Post-adoption Environment: Assess how the new living conditions, including socio-economic status and family support, influence adoptees’ growth and development.


Pre-adoption Conditions: The conditions in orphanages or foster homes can significantly impact an adoptee’s development. Many children experience neglect, inadequate healthcare, and lack of stimulation, which can impede both physical and cognitive growth. Studies have shown that prolonged institutionalization can lead to significant delays in physical development (Rutter, 1998).

Post-adoption Environment: The new living conditions after adoption, while playing a crucial role in the adoptee’s development, also hold immense potential for positive change. Socioeconomic status, family support, and healthcare access can mitigate or exacerbate pre-existing developmental issues. A supportive and nurturing environment, which can be fostered with the right interventions, can significantly improve outcomes for these children, instilling a sense of hope for their future (Juffer & Van IJzendoorn, 2009).

Explain how the interaction between the issues you’ve identified explains adoptees’ unique challenges.

Interaction Between Issues

in PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment. Next, we will explore the interaction between those issues.

  • Explanation of Interactions: Analyze how biological issues like nutritional deficiencies may be exacerbated by pre-adoption neglect, leading to compound developmental delays.
  • Case Studies/Examples: Provide real-world examples or case studies that illustrate the complex interplay between these factors. Use research evidence to support your explanations.


The interaction between biological and environmental factors can create complex challenges for international adoptees. For instance, a child with nutritional deficiencies due to early malnutrition may also suffer from neglect in an orphanage, leading to compound developmental delays. This interaction can result in more severe growth problems than either factor alone would cause.

Case Study: A study of Romanian orphans adopted into Western families found that those who experienced both early malnutrition and prolonged institutional care had significantly lower growth metrics compared to their peers. These children exhibited stunted growth, delayed cognitive development, and higher rates of health problems (Rutter, 1998).

Explain what can be done to help adolescents facing these issues.

Addressing Developmental Challenges

For this section of the PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment, we will address the challenges adolescents face due to these issues.

  • Strategies and Interventions: Outline specific interventions, such as nutritional rehabilitation programs or physical therapy, to help adolescents catch up in their development.
  • Role of Healthcare Professionals and Caregivers: Discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary approach involving doctors, nutritionists, therapists, and caregivers.
  • Examples of Successful Interventions: Include examples from research where interventions have significantly improved adoptees’ development.


Strategies and Interventions: A multi-faceted approach is required to help adolescents catch up in their development. Nutritional rehabilitation programs can address deficiencies by providing balanced diets rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Physical therapy can help improve motor skills and physical growth. Regular health check-ups are crucial for monitoring progress and addressing emerging health issues (McLean et al., 2017)

Role of Healthcare Professionals and Caregivers: A multidisciplinary team, including doctors, nutritionists, therapists, and caregivers, should be involved in the care of adoptees. Each professional can address different aspects of the child’s development, ensuring a holistic approach. Caregivers play a vital role in providing emotional support and a stable environment, which is critical for the child’s overall well-being (Gunnar et al., 2007).

Examples of Successful Interventions: In a study involving Chinese adoptees, children who received comprehensive post-adoption care, including medical treatment, nutritional support, and psychological counseling, showed significant improvements in physical and cognitive development. These interventions helped bridge the developmental gaps and improve overall health outcomes.


In conclusion, the PSY 322 MODULE 1-3 Short Paper: Interaction of Biology and Environment emphasizes understanding international adoptees’ multifaceted challenges. By identifying and analyzing the biological and environmental factors that impact physical growth and suggesting targeted interventions, we can better support these adolescents in overcoming developmental delays. Integrating scholarly evidence throughout the paper will provide a robust foundation for your analysis and recommendations, highlighting the critical role of comprehensive care and research-informed strategies in addressing these unique challenges.

You can also read the Owlisdom STEP-BY-STEP guide of PSY 322 next module 2-1 Discussion: Final Project Milestone One: Research Topic.

Precap: 1-4 Raising a Teen: A Series of Reflective Journals (Non-graded)

To effectively complete the journal assignments on “raising” a teen from birth through age 18, start by actively reflecting on your course readings and personal experiences, noting scenarios that illustrate vital developmental concepts. Divide your reflections into the three specified stages: birth to 10 years, 10 to 14 years, and 14 to 18 years, considering the unique milestones and challenges of each stage. Imagine realistic situations for your child that align with your study’s developmental theories, and explicitly connect these theories to your imagined parenting decisions. Draw from your childhood and teenage experiences to enrich your reflections, and document your insights in detailed journal entries for each stage. This approach will help you create thoughtful and well-informed journal assignments, providing a comprehensive understanding of the developmental stages and the challenges of raising a child.


Gunnar, M. R., Van Dulmen, M. H., & Team, I. A. P. (2007). Behavior problems in postinstitutionalized internationally adopted children. Development and Psychopathology, 19(1), 129–148.

Johnson, D. E., Miller, L. C., Iverson, S., Thomas, W., Franchino, B., Dole, K., Kiernan, M. T., Georgieff, M. K., & Hostetter, M. K. (1992). The health of children adopted from Romania. Jama, 268(24), 3446–3451.

Juffer, F., & Van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2009). International adoption comes of age: Development of international adoptees from a longitudinal and meta-analytical perspective. International Advances in Adoption Research for Practice, 169–192.

McLean, A. R., Allen, E. K., Cardis, E., Elliott, A., Goodhead, D. T., Harms-Ringdahl, M., Hendry, J. H., Hoskin, P., Jeggo, P. A., & Mackay, D. J. (2017). Appendix B restates the natural science evidence base concerning the health effects of low-level ionizing radiation.

Rutter, M. (1998). Developmental catch-up and deficit following adoption after severe global early privation. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 39(4), 465–476.

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