Here you can read our FREE Ultimate Guide on ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment: Three Annotated Bibliography Entries and see its solution.
Instructions of ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment Three
Now that you have found several relevant sources, it’s time to start thinking carefully about how they relate to one another and your chosen topic. The purpose of the next step in your Anatomy of a Paper Project is to start to annotate the bibliographic sources you previously identified in your bibliography. You will annotate three sources each week in Modules 2 and 3. Each annotation is a concise summary of the article that briefly (a) evaluates the author’s background and authority, (b) comments on the intended audiences, (c) compares or contrasts the work with another work in your bibliography, and (d) explains the relationship of the cited work to your research question.
(1) Read through these instructions to the end before you get started.
(2) Review sample annotated bibliography entries from Cornell University Library here are links to an external site.
(3) Download and complete the Module 2 Paper Project Answer Sheet
Turn in the completed assignment sheet. Title your assignment using LastnameFirstname_Module2PaperAssignment.doc and ensure your file is a.doc ,.docx,.txt, or.pdf. Click the Submit Assignment button above to submit.
Extra Credit: Unavailable Videos in Module 2 (4 points)
Two of the required videos in Module 2 (United States: Medicine Man Country—World Medicine and Bolivia: The Kallawaya, Healer People—World Medicine) became unavailable through Films on Demand on the day the Module 2 Quiz was due.
In the Module 2 Quiz, there are four total questions on information from these two videos. These four extra credit points are given to everyone towards your final course grade
Step-By-Step Guide ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment: Three Annotated Bibliography Entries
Introduction to ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment
The ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment: Three Annotated Bibliography Entries involves creating annotated bibliography entries for your Anatomy of a Paper Project. You will annotate three sources each week, concisely summarizing and analyzing each article. The annotations will evaluate the author’s background, comment on the intended audience, compare or contrast the work with another source in your bibliography, and explain how the cited work relates to your research question.
NOTE: You will have a template to solve the ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment.
Writing the Annotated Bibliography Entries
To solve the ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment: Three Annotated Bibliography Entries, we will create a comprehensive and concise summary of each source, formatted in APA style, with critical evaluation and comparison.
- Tip: Follow the APA guidelines for formatting your citations. Include the author’s name, publication year, article title, journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers.
- Resource: Use the Purdue OWL APA guide for accurate formatting: Purdue OWL APA Guide.
ASB 462 Module 2 Assignment: Three Annotated Bibliography Entries is a critical step in organizing your research and understanding the scholarly context of your topic. By evaluating the author’s background, commenting on the intended audience, comparing or contrasting with other works, and explaining the relationship to your research question, you will create a solid foundation for your paper. This How-To Owlisdom Guide helps you comprehensively understand your sources and critically analyze their contributions to your research.