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Instructions of BIOS 150 7-2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post

Pseudoscience Discussion Posts #1-2

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The purpose of this assignment is give you a chance to spot some pseudoscience on your own, and to demonstrate your understanding of the tactics used in pseudoscience by pointing out those that you find.


    • It must be a health-related topic
    • It must contain at least three different pseudoscience tactics from the Pseudoscience presentation
    • It must not be an example that someone else has already posted
  • For your initial post you should do the following: (due Thursday by 12:00pm CST)
  • Provide a link to the example of pseudoscience
  • For two of the tactics you identified you should:
    • Identify that tactic (by number and title from the information this week)
    • Briefly describe how they used that tactic and quote the section where that tactic is utilized.  Your description will be graded on how well it demonstrates your understanding of that tactic.
  • Do not identify the third tactic you initially found.
  • For your follow up post you should do the following: (due Monday by 12:00pm CST the following week)
    • Select an example of pseudoscience that one of your classmates posted (you only need to find one other classmate’s post – or you can use mine!) Do not use a post that someone else has already replied to unless you can identify a different tactic than they did (see #3 below)
    • Read the example as well as their identification/explanation of the tactic of pseudoscience they identified
    • Identify a third tactic the post uses (it cannot be a tactic they already identified) (Post the number and title from the slides)
    • Briefly describe how they used that tactic (just as you did before) and quote the section where that tactic is utilized

Grading Criteria:

Both posts will be graded using the rubric provided below. In addition, a post is already present from your instructor as an example of a first post that would receive full credit.

Step-By-Step Guide BIOS 150 7-2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post

Introduction To BIOS 150 7-2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post

This Owlisdom BIOS 150 7-2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post involves identifying and analyzing pseudoscience in health-related articles. You will choose an article that employs pseudoscientific tactics, analyze these tactics, and discuss their implications. The goal is to develop a critical eye towards pseudoscientific content and enhance your ability to discern credible scientific information.

Provide a link to the example of pseudoscience


  • Begin by finding an example of pseudoscience. Use any internet source, but suggested websites include The Food Babe, Mercola, Natural News, Dr. Axe, and Goop. Ensure the article is health-related, contains at least three pseudoscience tactics, and has not been posted by someone else.
  • Provide a link to the pseudoscience article you selected.


I have chosen an article titled “10 Signs of Aging Poorly & How to Slow Them” by Rebekah Edwards as an example of pseudoscience. The article can be found at this link. Pseudoscience often employs several tactics to appear credible while lacking the scientific rigor or evidence to support its claims. 

For two of the tactics you identified you should: Identify that tactic (by number and title from the information this week). Briefly describe how they used that tactic and quote the section where that tactic is utilized. Your description will be graded on how well it demonstrates your understanding of that tactic.


  • Identify two pseudoscience tactics from the article, using the numbers and titles from the Pseudoscience presentation.
  • Briefly describe how the article uses each tactic and quote the section where the tactic is utilized. Demonstrate your understanding of the tactic.


Two notable tactics used in this article are:

Use of vague, exaggerated, or untestable claims (Tactic #1)

The article makes multiple vague and exaggerated claims about the effects of various lifestyle changes on aging, such as, “The longer your telomeres, the younger you are inside, and this is key to longevity and added life to years” (Edwards, 2024). The claim is untestable and exaggerated as it simplifies the complex science of telomeres and aging into a direct, causal relationship that can be manipulated easily through lifestyle changes.

Lack of skepticism (Tactic #6)

The article demonstrates a lack of skepticism by presenting controversial or debatable claims as facts without acknowledging ongoing debates or contradictions within the scientific community. For instance, the claim that “Leaky gut syndrome is an autoimmune condition characterized by gut permeability, which allows proteins and molecules through the lining of the digestive system” is presented as a fact despite being a highly debated topic with limited conclusive evidence supporting it (Edwards, 2024).

These tactics are problematic because they contribute to misinformation by presenting complex scientific topics in an oversimplified and often inaccurate manner. It misleads readers and contributes to the spread of pseudoscientific beliefs in society, which can negatively influence individual health decisions and public health policies. Understanding and identifying these tactics is crucial in developing a critical eye toward the content we consume and in fostering a more scientifically literate society.

Select an example of pseudoscience that one of your classmates posted. Identify a third tactic the post uses (it cannot be a tactic they already identified) (Post the number and title from the slides). Briefly describe how they used that tactic (just as you did before) and quote the section where that tactic is utilized.


  • Identify a new pseudoscience tactic used in the classmate’s article that wasn’t previously discussed. Use the number and title from the Pseudoscience presentation.
  • Explain how the article uses this third tactic. Provide specific quotes to illustrate this tactic.


Another key pseudoscience tactic evident within the text is:

Over-reliance on anecdotes (Tactic #8)

The article heavily relies on anecdotes to support its claims, presenting personal testimonies and isolated examples as proof of effectiveness without robust scientific backing. For instance, it states, “One great option may be to ride a bike. A 2015 study found that aging people who regularly practiced cycling had better metabolic profiles, memories, balance and reflexes than their sedentary counterparts” (Edwards, 2024). The statement uses an anecdotal example to generalize the benefits of cycling on aging, implying that such activities directly correlate with improved aging metrics. The anecdotal nature of this evidence fails to consider broader scientific studies or conflicting data, thus providing an incomplete picture based on a potentially non-representative sample.

The tactic of over-reliance on anecdotes is problematic because it can lead to overgeneralized conclusions drawn from personal experiences or isolated cases, which may not apply to the larger population. While compelling and often convincing on a personal level, anecdotal evidence does not undergo the rigorous testing and validation processes that scientific studies require. By presenting such anecdotes as evidence, the article appeals to the reader’s emotions and personal biases, potentially leading them to accept the claims without seeking further validation or understanding the complex nature of scientific research on aging. Such tactics contribute to the spread of pseudoscience, which can mislead the public about health and wellness, ultimately affecting their lifestyle choices and perceptions of scientific credibility.


By following these guidelines for BIOS 150 7-2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post, you will be able to effectively identify and analyze pseudoscientific content, enhancing your critical thinking skills and your ability to discern credible scientific information.You can also read BIOS 150 complete modules to ace the course!


Edwards, R. (2024). 10 Signs of Aging Poorly & How to Reverse Them. Dr. Axe. https://draxe.com/health/signs-of-aging-poorly/ 

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