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PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use

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Instructions of PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use

Week 2

This week, we will learn the explanation and criterion for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) as established in the DSM-V. Guided by the DSM-V, we will also learn about the levels of the intensity of addiction, which ultimately would help you determine the modality of treatment for a client (i.e., treatment will be discussed later in our course). This week, we will also learn about the physiological and psychological models of addiction (i.e., these are the global categories that other models fall within).

As a clinician dealing with addicts, it will be very important for you to understand comorbidity. This week, we will be presented with an interview of three clinicians who will share some of their experiences related to treating individuals with co-occurring disorders. This, however, will just be an introduction to the concept, as we will examine comorbidity in more detail later in our course.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  • Explain the major psychological theories and principles in the field of addictions

  • Explain the physical, social and psychological effects of illegal and legal substance use issues.

  • Critically evaluate research studies in the addictions field

  • Week 2 Discussion

Discussion Topic

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 Due May 2 at 11:59 PM

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The addictions field struggled for years to get substance addiction recognized as a serious life-threatening illness, if not treated. Incorporating the physiological and psychological models assists clients in understanding the medical ramifications, psychological triggers, and post-acute withdrawal symptoms connected with their substance use. These two models also help explain the etiology of recovery in the five competency areas: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual.

Case Scenario

Sam is a twenty-eight-year-old man who has lately been drinking a lot. He is also seeing a counselor, whom he told that his alcohol consumption has increased because he wants to regain the buzz in his life. He confessed that all his attempts to go without drinking had failed in only about four days of remaining sober. He also mentioned that when he attempted to refrain from drinking, he experienced mood swings, stomach irritation, and sleeplessness, but denied having tremors or shakes. However, Sam denied undergoing any prior treatment for alcoholism.

Sam told his counselor that he recently broke up with his girlfriend after he had two nearly fatal car accidents in the last six months. Both happened because he had been drinking heavily. However, Sam believes that their breakup was a result of his girlfriend overreacting after the accidents. Sam knows that he was a teenager when he lost his father due to alcoholism and that his uncle is facing serious medical complications due to his drinking.

Using the South University Online Library, research further on addiction.Based on your research, understanding, and the given scenario, answer the following:

  • Using the DSM-V criterion, what would Sam’s diagnosis be? What intensity level (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe) would he be? Be sure to explain the diagnosis fully, including the concepts of withdrawal, tolerance, physical dependence, comorbidity, and psychological dependence.

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use

Introduction to PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion

Welcome to the PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use! This week, we will delve into the historical and current trends in substance use. Our focus will include the influence of culture and gender on substance use patterns and a review of the history and current status of legislation regarding substance use. This Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the Week 1 discussion post, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

William, introduce yourself to the class! Your introduction should cover the following details: Your name, Your location, Your profession, Your work experience, Your expectations from this course and interest in specific aspects of this course

At least two objectives you hope to achieve through this course and the way you will attain these objectives

In addition, provide answers to the following questions: What are your career goals?, Where would you like to work?, Discuss your current profession and how this course relates to your professional interests or goals.

Introduction to the Class

As mentioned in the PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use instructions, we must start this task by briefly introducing ourselves. Then, briefly discuss what your expectations are from this course.

  • Start with a warm greeting to your classmates and instructor. Briefly share the name you prefer to be called. Keep it friendly and professional.
  • Mention what aspects of the course you’re most excited to learn about. This could be a specific topic or skill you’re looking to develop. It’s an excellent way to find common interests with peers.
  • Explain how the class will benefit your career or professional development. Be specific but concise, linking course content to your future goals.


Hello everyone! My name is William, and I’m excited to join this class from California. I work as a Social Worker with over 10 years of experience in addiction counseling. My expectations from this course are to deepen my understanding of addiction trends and enhance my ability to evaluate research. Specifically, I am interested in the impact of cultural and gender differences on addiction patterns. My career goal is to become a leading expert in addiction counseling, working at a reputable treatment center. This course aligns with my professional goals by providing the knowledge and skills needed to excel in my field.

Describe the historical link to modern issues and trends in the field of addictions

Historical Link to Modern Issues and Trends:

As mentioned in the Course PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use instructions, I will start by overviewing the connection between historical events to modern issues and trends which are seen in the filed field of addiction frequently. 

  • Describe how historical events and societal changes have influenced current issues and trends in the field of addictions.
  • Provide specific examples, such as the prohibition era, the war on drugs, or the opioid crisis, to illustrate these links.


The prohibition era in the early 20th century significantly influenced modern issues in the field of addictions. It led to the rise of illegal alcohol production and consumption, shaping public perception and policies around substance use. Similarly, the war on drugs initiated in the 1970s has had lasting effects on drug policy and societal attitudes towards addiction, contributing to the current opioid crisis.

Critically evaluate current and evolving trends in the addictions field.

Current and Evolving Trends

Then in the next section of Course PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use, I will discuss and evaluate recent and new trends in the field of addiction.  

  • Critically evaluate the current trends in substance use and addiction.
  • Discuss how these trends are evolving and what factors are driving these changes.
  • Mention trends such as the rise in prescription drug abuse, the legalization of marijuana, and the increasing use of synthetic drugs.


One of the current trends is the increasing abuse of prescription drugs, particularly opioids. This trend has evolved due to various factors, including over-prescription and the availability of synthetic alternatives. Additionally, the legalization of marijuana in several states has changed its usage patterns and social acceptance. The rise of synthetic drugs like fentanyl has also posed new challenges for addiction treatment and law enforcement.

Analyze the differences in patterns of addiction in the context of gender and developmental issues

Gender and Developmental Issues

Next, in Course PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use, I will analyze the differences between the patterns or alignments of addiction based on context of gender and various development issues. 

  • Analyze the differences in addiction patterns related to gender and developmental stages.
  • Discuss how these differences impact the approach to prevention and treatment.
  • Provide examples, such as how addiction manifests differently in men and women or how adolescents are affected compared to adults.


Addiction manifests differently in men and women, impacting prevention and treatment approaches. For instance, women are more likely to use prescription drugs for non-medical reasons, while men are more likely to use illicit drugs. Developmental stages also play a crucial role; adolescents may experiment with substances due to peer pressure, while adults might use substances to cope with stress or mental health issues.

Describe the nature of scientific studies in the field

Nature of Scientific Studies

Next, in Course PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use, I will identify and describe various scientific studies that have been carried out in this field. 

  • Describe the types of scientific studies conducted in the field of addictions.
  • Explain the methodologies commonly used and the importance of these studies in advancing our understanding of addiction.


Scientific studies in the field of addictions often use methodologies like longitudinal studies, clinical trials, and surveys. These studies are crucial for understanding the progression of addiction, the effectiveness of treatments, and the social and psychological factors involved. For example, longitudinal studies help track the development of addiction over time and identify early intervention points.

Critically evaluate research studies in the addictions field

Evaluation of Research Studies

Finally, in Course PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use, I will evaluate various research studies related to filed of addiction.   

  • Critically evaluate a recent research study in the field of addictions.
  • Discuss the study’s methodology, findings, and implications for the field.
  • Provide a balanced analysis, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of the study.


A recent study on the effectiveness of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction found significant reductions in relapse rates among participants. The study used a randomized controlled trial (RCT) methodology, which is a strength due to its ability to establish causality. However, a limitation was the relatively small sample size, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. Overall, the study contributes valuable insights into the effectiveness of MAT in treating opioid addiction.

Comment on your classmates’ expectations from the course and their areas of interest. The responses should be logical, realistic, and reasonable.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of PSY4001. We need to provide responses for  at least one or two other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Read at least one of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Enhance the discussion by contributing additional insights, posing questions, or offering alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is courteous, constructive, and backed by relevant scholarly sources where appropriate.

Response 1

Hi Jamie, great post! I found your analysis of the current trends in substance use particularly insightful. Your mention of the rise in synthetic drug use highlights an important issue. How do you think law enforcement and public health organizations can better address this challenge?

Response 2

Hi Jamie, I appreciate your insights on the evolving trends in substance use. Your focus on prescription drug abuse is timely and important. I’m curious, do you think public health campaigns have been effective in addressing this issue? What additional measures could be taken to mitigate the rising trend of prescription drug abuse.


This How-To PSY4001 guide aims to assist you in navigating the PSY4001 Week 2 Discussion: Historical and Current Trends in Substance Use effectively. By thoughtfully considering the historical and current trends in substance use and engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers, you will gain valuable insights into the field of addictions. Good luck with your discussion!

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