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Explore our Ultimate FREE detailed guide on the PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper.

Instructions of PSY-4600 3-2 Project

Week 3 Project


 Due June 17 at 11:59 PM

Supporting Lectures:


In this week, you will complete an annotated bibliography for a position paper related to mood disorders that you will complete in Week 5.

An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of a journal article. For this assignment, you must provide an annotated bibliography of at least six peer-reviewed academic journal articles describing research related to your chosen topic. The articles do not need to be empirical studies but are required to be primary sources. Each article must have been published within the past five years.

For more information on the required format of the bibliography, visit the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The annotated bibliography will be used as a part of the literature review for your course project due in Week 5.


Choose any one of the following topics for your position paper and create an annotated bibliography for your topic:

  • The social/environmental, cognitive, emotional, and/or developmental factors: Examining the factors that may contribute to the onset and severity of  mood and/or anxiety disorders
  • Treatments for mood and/or anxiety disorders: Comparing and contrasting biological and psychosocial approaches
  • Suicide: Prevention, intervention, and the relationship with  mood disorders
  • Comorbidity (substance abuse and mood and/or anxiety disorders: A review of current research
  • Quality of life: How  mood and/or anxiety disorders affect work, home, and relationships

Locate at least six peer-reviewed academic journal articles on your chosen topic from the South University Online Library. Please make sure that the articles are not more than five to six years old. What cannot be used for articles are web sources (other than the library), Wikipedia, textbooks, and other books. For the analysis portion of the article, it is expected that you will use sources like the text or other reliable sources to support your analysis. Those references will be listed in the reference section.

Please remember that all journal articles selected must relate to the course and must be relevant to anxiety and/or mood disorders. For example, if you choose suicide as the topic for your position paper and annotated bibliography, the selected journal articles must relate to suicide and anxiety and/or mood disorders. It is not sufficient to merely discuss suicide in general. You must link suicide with an analysis of anxiety and/or mood disorders. If you choose to discuss comorbidity, your journal articles and analysis must relate back to anxiety and/or mood disorders. It is not sufficient to analyze comorbidity in general. The journal articles and analysis must be relevant to the course, anxiety and/or mood disorders

Submission Details:

In a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, assemble the annotated bibliography and address the following:

  • Write a 2-paragraph summary for each article.
  • Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic.
  • Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.
  • Use APA format, including:
    • Title page
    • Double space
    • Reference page
  • Apply APA standards to the citation of sources, including the use of in-text citations and full references.
  • Save the document as SU_PSY4600_W3_Project_LastName_FirstName.

By the due date assigned, submit it to the Submissions Area.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper


This PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper assignment involves creating an annotated bibliography for a position paper on a specific topic related to mood and/or anxiety disorders. The annotated bibliography will include summaries and evaluations of six peer-reviewed academic journal articles, helping to build a comprehensive understanding of your chosen topic. This Owlisdom guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete each part of PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper assignment professionally and effectively.


in this section of PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper, we will discuss how to choose the topic.
  • Choose one of the given topics related to mood and/or anxiety disorders. 
  • Ensure that your chosen topic is specific and relevant to the course material.

Topic Chosen: Comorbidity (substance abuse and mood and/or anxiety disorders)


in this section of PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper, we will discuss Locate Peer-Reviewed Articles.
  • Use the South University Online Library to find at least six peer-reviewed academic journal articles published within the last five to six years. 
  • Avoid using non-academic sources like web pages, Wikipedia, textbooks, or non-peer-reviewed books.

Davis, A., McMaster, P., Christie, D. C., Yang, A., Kruk, J. S., & Fisher, K. A. (2023). Psychiatric Comorbidities of Substance Use Disorders: Does Dual Diagnosis Predict Inpatient Detoxification Treatment Outcomes? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(6), 3785–3799. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-022-00821-1 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.


  • Summarize the study’s purpose, methods, and main findings, focusing on the relationship between psychiatric comorbidities and treatment outcomes.


The research from Sydney, Australia, analyzed 456 cases of patients undergoing short-term inpatient detoxification for substance misuse, focusing on the role of psychiatric comorbidities in treatment outcomes. The study evaluated the relationships between psychiatric disorders—such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, and bipolar affective disorders—and key treatment metrics like length of stay, discharge against medical advice, and readmission rates. Despite the high prevalence of these psychiatric conditions among the patients, the findings suggested that such comorbidities did not significantly influence the primary treatment outcomes.

The study identified medication non-compliance and the type of substance misuse as more significant predictors of more extended hospital stays and increased likelihood of discharge against medical advice. It points to a complex interaction between substance use and mental health conditions, highlighting the necessity for targeted research to understand better and manage these dual diagnoses effectively.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Analyze the article’s relevance to comorbidity between substance abuse and mood/anxiety disorders, highlighting its strengths and limitations. 
  • Discuss how it aligns with course concepts about integrated treatment plans and medication compliance.


The findings challenge some typical expectations about the impact of psychiatric comorbidities on substance misuse treatment, suggesting a more intricate dynamic than traditionally understood. The study reinforces content from course readings on the importance of integrated treatment plans for dual-diagnosis patients, emphasizing comprehensive approaches that address both substance use and underlying psychiatric disorders. The emphasis on medication compliance aligns with course discussions about treatment adherence as crucial to successful outcomes. Given the limited influence of psychiatric comorbidities on immediate treatment results, as shown in this study, further research is essential in developing more nuanced treatment protocols that can be more effective in clinical practice.

Bahji, A. (2024). Navigating the Complex Intersection of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(4), 999. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm13040999 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.


  • Summarize the comprehensive review’s scope, key findings, and recommendations regarding the management of dual diagnoses.


The article examines the co-occurrence of substance use disorders (SUDs) and psychiatric conditions, emphasizing the diagnostic and treatment challenges of these comorbidities. It underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic interactions between SUDs and psychiatric disorders, given their profound implications for clinical practice, research, and policymaking. The narrative review collates and critiques existing evidence on managing these dual diagnoses, aiming to enhance the knowledge and strategies of clinicians, researchers, and policymakers.

The review surveys recent research findings, guidelines, and trends within the field of comorbidity management. It stresses the importance of integrated care models. It calls for ongoing research to refine treatment approaches, providing valuable insights for effectively addressing the complexities involved in treating individuals with concurrent substance use and psychiatric disorders.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Evaluate the article’s support for integrated care models and its emphasis on evidence-based practices. 
  • Discuss its alignment with course readings on managing dual diagnoses and improving clinical outcomes.


The review contributes significantly to the discussion on comorbidity between substance use and mood or anxiety disorders, aligning with course content that highlights the challenges and necessary strategies for managing dual diagnoses. It supports the course’s emphasis on integrated care approaches, demonstrating the necessity of comprehensive treatment models that consider both psychiatric and substance use issues. The article’s focus on evidence-based practices and the need for adaptive policies resonates with our coursework’s push for applying research to improve clinical outcomes. The insights offered in this review are crucial for informing future therapeutic strategies and ensuring that treatment for comorbid disorders is effective and responsive to the needs of patients.

Yule, A. M., & Kelly, J. F. (2019). Integrating Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions. Alcohol Research : Current Reviews, 40(1), arcr.v40.1.07. https://doi.org/10.35946/arcr.v40.1.07 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.



  • Summarize the article’s discussion on the complexities of treating co-occurring alcohol use disorder and mental health conditions, including the importance of integrated treatment approaches.


The article examines the complexities of treating individuals with co-occurring alcohol use disorder (AUD) and mental health conditions (MHCs), stressing the necessity of integrated treatment approaches due to the significant morbidity linked to these comorbidities. It discusses the heterogeneity among patients, highlighting the importance of considering factors such as symptom type, severity, chronicity, and recovery resources when designing treatment plans. The review also emphasizes the need to accurately identify these co-occurring disorders through reliable screening tools and comprehensive assessments to tailor appropriate treatment interventions.

Moreover, the article delves into the challenges of effectively integrating treatments for AUD and MHCs and explores innovative technological solutions to enhance education and treatment delivery for these disorders. It acknowledges the systemic barriers to providing integrated care across different treatment settings and advocates for ongoing research to improve treatment accessibility and effectiveness.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Analyze the article’s relevance to comorbidity, focusing on the importance of precise screening and assessment tools. 
  • Discuss how it supports the course’s emphasis on personalized medicine and evolving treatment methodologies.


The review is pivotal in addressing the treatment of comorbid AUD and MHCs, aligning with course content that underscores the importance of a holistic treatment approach for dual diagnoses. The focus on using precise screening and assessment tools to customize treatment interventions mirrors the course’s emphasis on personalized medicine in mental health care. The article reinforces the need for evolving treatment methodologies and continued research by discussing the integration challenges and technological advancements, echoing the course’s advocacy for innovation in mental health practices. The insights provided are crucial for understanding and advancing the management of comorbid conditions in clinical settings.

Kivlichan, A. E., Praecht, A., Wang, C., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance-Induced Mood Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-023-00533-z 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.


  • Summarize the scope and key findings of the review, focusing on the differentiation between SIMDs and independent mood disorders with comorbid SUDs.


The article addresses the understudied topic of Substance-Induced Mood Disorders (SIMDs) by examining the existing literature to differentiate between SIMDs and independent mood disorders with comorbid substance use disorders (SUDs). Utilizing the PRISMA guidelines, the review analyzed English language articles up to October 2023, identifying thirty-one studies that investigate the relationship between the use of substances like alcohol, cocaine, opioids, methamphetamine, and cannabis and their role in inducing mood disorders. The review highlights that while certain risk factors and symptoms for SIMDs were identified, particularly with alcohol and opioids, the findings were inconsistent due to confounding factors and heterogeneity in the studies.

The findings of the review suggest that while identifiable risk factors and symptoms are associated with SIMDs, the results across studies remain inconsistent. The review concludes with a call for further research through well-controlled, experimental, and longitudinal studies to clarify the differences between SIMDs and mood disorders that co-occur with substance use disorders.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Evaluate the article’s contribution to understanding the interplay between substance use and mood disorders. 
  • Discuss its alignment with course content on dual diagnoses and the need for more robust research methodologies.


The review is crucial for understanding the interplay between substance use and mood disorders, directly supporting the topic of comorbidity in substance abuse and mood or anxiety disorders. It aligns with course content on the complexities of diagnosing and treating dual diagnoses, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between SIMDs and independent mood disorders for effective treatment. The call for more robust research methodologies reflects the course’s advocacy for evidence-based practices and comprehensive treatment approaches. The article highlights the gaps in current research and the need for nuanced studies to develop tailored interventions for individuals with comorbid conditions, reinforcing the course’s emphasis on personalized medicine in mental health care.

Turner, S., Mota, N., Bolton, J., & Sareen, J. (2018). Self-medication with alcohol or drugs for mood and anxiety disorders: A narrative review of the epidemiological literature. Depression and Anxiety, 35(9), 851–860. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22771 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.


  • Summarize the review’s examination of the self-medication hypothesis, including the prevalence and correlates of self-medication among individuals with mood or anxiety disorders.


The article reviews the comorbidity of mood and anxiety disorders (MD and AD) with substance use disorders (SUD) through the lens of the self-medication hypothesis. The hypothesis suggests that individuals with mood or anxiety disorders use substances to manage their symptoms, which can lead to the development of an independent SUD over time. The narrative review assesses the prevalence and correlates of self-medication (SM) with alcohol and drugs among individuals with MD or AD using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from 22 studies sourced from Scopus and PsycINFO.

The findings indicate that 21.9% to 24.1% of individuals with MD or AD engage in SM with alcohol or drugs. Factors such as male sex, younger age, separation, divorce, widowhood, and being Caucasian were associated with higher rates of SM. Longitudinal data supports the notion that primary MD or AD can lead to secondary SUD in individuals who self-medicate. The review concludes by advocating for alternative coping strategies to reduce SM and its associated risks.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Analyze the article’s relevance to the self-medication hypothesis and comorbidity between substance use and mood/anxiety disorders. 
  • Discuss how it supports the course’s emphasis on integrated care approaches and alternative coping strategies.


The article is critical for understanding the self-medication hypothesis in the context of comorbidity between substance use and mood or anxiety disorders. It aligns with the course content that emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying psychiatric conditions to prevent the onset of SUD. Identifying specific demographic factors associated with higher SM rates provides valuable insights for targeted interventions. The article reinforces the course’s advocacy for integrated care approaches by supporting the concurrent treatment model. The comprehensive review underlines the necessity of providing alternative coping mechanisms and tailored treatments. 

Goldfield, D., Zhang, M., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance Use and Anxiety Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(2), 352–370. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-024-00541-7 

Write a 2-paragraph summary for the article.


  • Summarize the review’s evaluation of the relationship between substance use disorders and anxiety disorders, including the potential bidirectional influences.


The study aims to evaluate the relationship between substance use disorders (SUDs) and anxiety disorders (ADs), investigating whether this relationship is unidirectional or bidirectional. Using PRISMA guidelines and scoping review methodology, 25 articles were analyzed from databases including PubMed, Ovid, MEDLINE, and PsychInfo up to June 2023. The review identified strong associations between substance use and ADs, particularly with alcohol and cannabis. Preliminary findings suggest a potential bidirectional relationship, where substance use can exacerbate anxiety disorders and vice versa, though more longitudinal and experimental studies are required to confirm causality.

The results highlight that individuals with comorbid ADs and SUDs exhibit greater symptom severity, poorer treatment responses, and higher relapse rates compared to those with only one disorder. The study underscores the necessity for integrated treatment approaches to manage these comorbid conditions effectively, aiming to improve treatment outcomes for those with dual diagnoses.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic. Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.


  • Evaluate the article’s contribution to understanding the complex relationship between substance use and anxiety disorders. 
  • Discuss its alignment with course readings on the intricate dynamics of dual diagnoses and the importance of comprehensive care strategies.


The article is significant in understanding the complex relationship between substance use and anxiety disorders, directly supporting the topic of comorbidity in substance abuse and mood or anxiety disorders. It aligns with the course emphasis on the intricate dynamics of dual diagnoses and the critical need for integrated treatment approaches. The identification of bidirectional influences between substance use and anxiety disorders emphasizes the complexity of these interactions, reflecting the course readings on the multifaceted nature of mental health disorders. The article’s findings on the increased severity and poorer treatment outcomes for individuals with comorbid conditions highlight the importance of comprehensive care strategies, reinforcing the course’s advocacy for holistic and patient-centered treatment plans. The scoping review contributes valuable insights for developing more effective therapeutic approaches and underscores the ongoing need for rigorous research. 


By following these guidelines for PSY-4600 3-2 Project – Annotated Bibliography For A Position Paper, students can effectively create a comprehensive annotated bibliography that will serve as a strong foundation for their position paper on mood and/or anxiety disorders. Thorough research and critical analysis are crucial for developing a well-informed and persuasive position paper. You can also read PSY4600 next module 4-1 Discussion.


Bahji, A. (2024). Navigating the Complex Intersection of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(4), 999. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm13040999 

Davis, A., McMaster, P., Christie, D. C., Yang, A., Kruk, J. S., & Fisher, K. A. (2023). Psychiatric Comorbidities of Substance Use Disorders: Does Dual Diagnosis Predict Inpatient Detoxification Treatment Outcomes? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(6), 3785–3799. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-022-00821-1 

Goldfield, D., Zhang, M., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance Use and Anxiety Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(2), 352–370. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-024-00541-7 

Kivlichan, A. E., Praecht, A., Wang, C., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance-Induced Mood Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-023-00533-z 

Turner, S., Mota, N., Bolton, J., & Sareen, J. (2018). Self-medication with alcohol or drugs for mood and anxiety disorders: A narrative review of the epidemiological literature. Depression and Anxiety, 35(9), 851–860. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22771 

Yule, A. M., & Kelly, J. F. (2019). Integrating Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions. Alcohol Research : Current Reviews, 40(1), arcr.v40.1.07. https://doi.org/10.35946/arcr.v40.1.07

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