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ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion: Persuasive Passage

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Instructions of ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion


Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

Persuasive Passage

This week, we learned about persuasive writing not only in the lecture but also in the reading assignment, which shares good examples of persuasive essays. For our discussion, write a persuasive passage using strong logic and a clear claim. Choose a topic that will help you to develop an effective persuasive passage.

Consider the grammar concepts learned this week by checking your response and making sure that you correct any errors related to the following: Abbreviations, spelling, commonly confused words.

Tips: Use strong transitions to help your reader go from point to point. Your passage should contain a thesis statement and be well-proofread.

Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, you might provide your own constructive feedback that will help them to improve their writing, as next week, they will re-write their passages based upon your feedback from this week.

If you are not sure how to provide constructive feedback, address the following question prompts:

  • What is one thing the author did effectively (could be a strength in grammar or technique)? What is one thing the author can improve?
  • Can you identify your peer’s thesis statement? Is it effective? Can it be improved? If so, how?
  • Of the pre-writing strategies, which do you think the author can utilize or further utilize to improve their paragraph and why?
  • Regarding writing techniques, how did the author demonstrate consideration of audience, diction, and/or purpose?

Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, select the three dots above [] to see the rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion: Persuasive Passage


Previously, we discussed the Compare/Contrast Passage Re-Write. We re-wrote and re-posted our passage based on our feedback on the Compare-and-Contrast passage.

Introduction to ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion

The ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion: Persuasive Passage is designed to enhance your skills in persuasive writing, an essential aspect of academic and professional communication. You will write a compelling passage using clear logic and a well-defined claim on a selected topic. This How-To Guide will help refine their writing based on your insights.

Choose a topic that will help you to develop an effective persuasive passage.

Selecting a Topic

To start the ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion: Persuasive Passage, we will select a topic to write our discussion post. I am choosing The Case for Mandatory Voting Laws.
  • Choose a topic that is debatable and relevant to your interests. This will make your argument more passionate and convincing.
  • Ensure the topic is narrow enough to be thoroughly addressed in a short passage.

Developing the Thesis Statement

Now, we will work on developing the thesis statement for the passage.
  • Your thesis statement should clearly state your position on the topic.
  • It should be specific and appear early in the passage to guide the reader.


In many democracies, low voter turnout during elections is a troubling trend that undermines the principle of representative democracy and distorts political representation. Implementing mandatory voting laws could be a vital step in ensuring that governments reflect the valid will of the entire populace. Countries like Australia, where mandatory voting has led to turnouts of over 90%, serve as successful models of this approach (Dassonneville et al., 2023). Mandatory voting boosts participation rates, ensuring election results mirror the collective preferences of the society more accurately (Yang et al., 2023). With higher turnout, the elected officials represent a more comprehensive array of the public, promoting more balanced and inclusive policies. This prevents a scenario where the governance is skewed towards a vocal minority while the silent majority remains underrepresented. Some argue that mandatory voting infringes on personal freedom—the freedom not to vote. However, considering voting as not only a right but a civic duty, akin to jury duty or tax obligations, emphasizes each citizen’s responsibility in shaping their community’s future. It ensures active participation in decision-making processes that profoundly impact everyday life. Furthermore, mandatory voting could foster a more informed electorate. Obliged to vote, people might be more inclined to educate themselves on political issues and candidates, which could diminish the effectiveness of misleading campaigns that exploit voter ignorance. Significantly, mandatory voting can help mitigate socioeconomic disparities in voter turnout (Tuorto, 2022). Lower participation is often noted among minorities and economically disadvantaged groups. A mandatory system could level the playing field, promoting equal representation and bolstering democratic fairness and equality. In conclusion, while some view mandatory voting as a constraint on personal freedom, its potential to enhance democratic engagement and ensure fair representation is significant. It could transform political participation into a more inclusive and educated exercise, reflecting a truer democratic ethos.

Consider the grammar concepts learned this week by checking your response and ensuring you correct any errors related to Abbreviations, spelling, and commonly confused words.

Incorporating Grammar and Spelling

Next, we will review the discussion post and ensure it has no grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Review the passage for any grammatical errors, focusing on the specific areas studied this week: abbreviations, spelling, and commonly confused words.
  • Use grammar-checking tools or consult grammar guides to ensure accuracy.
  • Thoroughly proofread your passage to catch any overlooked errors.
  • Consider reading your passage aloud or having a peer review to ensure clarity and coherence.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, give constructive feedback that will help them improve their writing, as next week, they will re-write their passages based on your feedback from this week.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ENG 101 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.
  • Read your peers’ passages carefully and provide feedback that is both encouraging and constructive.
  • Effective Aspects: Identify and praise the most vital part of your peer’s passage, whether it’s their argument’s robustness or grammatical precision.
  • Areas for Improvement: Suggest one specific area to enhance their writing.
  • Thesis Statement Evaluation: Discuss the clarity and impact of their thesis statement and suggest improvements if necessary.
  • Utilization of Pre-Writing Strategies: Recommend pre-writing strategies that could help strengthen their argument.
  • Consideration of Audience, Diction, and Purpose: Analyze how well they have tailored their passage to the intended audience and purpose.


Response 01
Hey Sam, nice post! You have made a compelling case for mandatory voting with clear arguments and good use of examples. The thesis is concise and impactful. For improvement, consider exploring counterarguments in greater depth to strengthen your position and address potential criticisms more fully. This would enhance the overall persuasiveness of your argument.
Response 02
We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 9 Discussion without a hassle.


Through the ENG 101 Week 9 Discussion: Persuasive Passage, you will refine your persuasive writing skills and develop a critical eye for evaluating and improving written communication. By engaging thoughtfully with your peers’ work, you contribute to a collaborative learning environment where everyone’s writing can improve. Remember, the goal is to support and elevate each other’s efforts toward becoming more effective communicators. You can also read our ENG 101 next module WEEK 10 DISCUSSION: Persuasive Passage Re-Write.


Dassonneville, R., Barbosa, T., Blais, A., McAllister, I., & Turgeon, M. (2023). Citizens under Compulsory Voting: A three-country study. Cambridge University Press. Tuorto, D. (2022). The Institutional Determinants of Turnout Inequalities. In Underprivileged Voters and Electoral Exclusion in Contemporary Europe (pp. 83–121). Springer.

Yang, J. C., Hausladen, C. I., Peters, D., Pournaras, E., Fricker, R. H., & Helbing, D. (2023). Designing Digital Voting Systems for Citizens: Achieving Fairness and Legitimacy in Digital Participatory Budgeting. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2310.03501.

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